While Sister Xi was busy piling the wine jars inside their restaurant, Madam He who had specially appointed one of her servants to keep an eye on the Song family restaurant barged inside the VIP room where Song Yixu was enjoying the bowl of wine sent by Sister Xi, though her enjoyment was briefly impeded by her best friend who was slouching in her seat and complaining indignantly " what's taking them so long? Why is your head chef so slow in her work? Can't she just bring that Yu girl to meet us immediately? And you - you say that you are my best friend yet you are sipping such a savoury wine all by yourself! You didn't even let me have a taste and keep gulping that wine without a single pause, don't you think you are being too much? Don't you know how much I love drinking good wine?"

At this point, Madam He has long shed all of her dignified persona as the Marquis and was now resembling an old stubborn woman who wasn't used to getting her way. Song Yixu somehow resisted rolling her eyes somehow, thankfully, Madam He was her best friend or else she would have thrown her out for disturbing her ' me' time. Every one of her workers knew that she didn't like getting interrupted when she was having her lunch, that is why Sister Xi didn't barge right inside her personal room instead tactfully sent someone with the wine that Yu Dong brought with her.

Only Madam He, this great martial artist was daring enough to disrupt her so daringly yet have the courage to complain in front of her.

" oh she is here" exclaimed Madam He and she immediately sat up straight and changed her slouching posture to a straightened one. Once again she resumed her outward demeanour of an honourable and dignified Marquis. Seeing her act like this, the corner of Song Yixu 's mouth twitched. This woman! First, she watched the high-quality pelts from her now she was looking forward to snatching this high-quality wine from her? Fat chance!

Sister Xi had a bright smile as she pushed open the door but then her gaze fell on the distinguished Marquis He and her smile faltered a little before she hooked her lips in a more welcoming smile as she took another bowl from the help that was responsible for bringing the wine jar with her and offered Madam He a bowl of wine as well. Then she put on an apologetic smile and said " I'm so sorry, Lady He. I didn't know that you are here, I hope you will forgive this slight negligence on my part?"

Lady Song smiled furtively at Sister Xi's words, the reason that Sister Xi didn't know when and how Lady He arrived in their restaurant was all that the scheming Marquis sneaked inside from the back door.

However, Lady He who has seen the storm and strifes didn't even flush the slightest bit of red instead she lightly glanced at the bowl in front of her and took it from Sister Xi without batting an eyelid " it's alright, there is no need for such a big hoo and haa whenever I come to your restaurant, take it easy. In any case, I'm glad to see you, little Yu"

When Yu Dong heard Lady He mention her name, she politely bowed and greeted both Lady He and Lady Song " it's all my pleasure, forgive me for disturbing you two. It's my negligence that I arrived without informing sister Xi first"

Ye Liu who was following behind Yu Dong paused a little and then he too bowed in front of Lady He and Lady Song. He understood that the two ladies in front of him were two big bosses, therefore he needed to show adequate courtesy in front of them.

" oh it's alright, you don't need to bow every time you see us from now on, " said Lady He as she waved their exaggerated greeting aside with a smile " you and I are now more or less of a business partner, you don't need to worry about such trivial things while meeting with me or her"

Yu Dong smiled as she straightened up together with Ye Liu then seeing that Lady He still haven't drunk the wine said " please taste the wine Lady He, And do let me know if it's good or not"

" Okay, " said Lady He, she has actually used her entire willpower to restrain her desire, thus when Yu Doing asked her to drink she unhurriedly picked up the bowl and slowly took a sip of the wine.

Song Yixu rolled her eyes at her best friend, she knew her best friend very well. Had there not been outsiders she would have let go of her status and started gulping down the wine in front of her... After all, the wine was indeed different and more delicious than the wine she sold in her restaurant!

" Dong Dong, this wine - this wine is delicious !" said Lady He, at first she was calling Yu Dong little Yu but now she took another great leap and started calling Yu Dong, Dong Dong " so fantastic, fine texture, Everything seems to in equilibrium. Not a single factor, whether it's fruit, acidity, or tannins, neither of them sticks out obtrusively. At the same time, it is positively buzzing with energy and tongue-tingling vibrancy, and most importantly, this wine's also manifested the ability to have the intensity of flavour without being heavy"

" I'm glad you like it, my lady," said Yu Dong, her voice exceptionally clear as she answered to Lady He's praise.

" let's see I would like to-" started Lady He but she was at once interrupted by Lady Song who glared at her with a ' don't you dare' look and said with a hostile voice " wait for a second, you are not thinking of robbing these wine jars as well are you? Because I'm telling you it's impossible. Little Yu brought them to sell the entire stock to my restaurant if you want to taste this fine wine then you have to purchase it from my restaurant "

Lady He's eyes widened into circles as she anxiously said " now, now can't you still give me half of the stock ?"

"No," said Lady Song directly turning to Yu Dong she didn't even give a chance to Lady He to rob her of the wine jars" the entire stock is of the same batch right?"

"This one wouldn't dare to cheat Lady Song, " said Yu Dong " they are from the same batch"

" Good, good! Sister Xi, let's set the price at Ten taels for ten jars alright?" said Lady Song as she told Yu Dong that she was interested in buying more from Yu Dong in the future.

Just like that Yu Dong successfully sold the entire batch of alcohol while inciting another row between the two best friends as they bristled at each other for not showing enough face to their friendship.


Ye Liu was stunned as he rubbed the forty silver taels in his hands, this was like a small fortune to them! With this, they can not only renovate their home, but they will also be able to do so much more!

After they left the restaurant, Ye Liu hurriedly bought rice, flour and some vegetable seeds. Yu Dong sowed berries and grapes in their vegetable patch in the backyard and other than that she didn't sow anything else, Ye Liu wanted to be a big cost-efficient, therefore, he wanted to grow some vegetables in their backyard.

Yu Dong didn't stop him and let him shop to his heart's content after all just like the women of the modern earth, the mers of this world seemed to have the habit of shopping senselessly.. And how did she know that? Well, Ye Liu's face was extremely flushed as he bought this and that while she carried their shopping bags like a good husband - sorry, wife.

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