It seemed the winds blowing were even stronger now. Yu Dong could hear the thundering roar of the winds as she dived from the cliff. Waves crashed against the side of the cliff and the reefs.

Chen Mi, who had rushed after Yu Dong with Grandma Fang, had just arrived at the scene and saw his wife jump from the edge. Though he knew that Yu Dong was stronger than others, his legs still turned jelly, and he stumbled onto his knees. His wife... his wife just jumped down into the sea! Chen Mi was so scared that his heart was jumping anxiously against his ribs, and he couldn't help but nervously shout after Yu Dong, "Wife! Wife, be careful! The water is deep over there! And the rocks! Watch out for the rocks at the bottom of the sea! Don't hurt yourself!"

When Yu Dong emerged above the water, she was already quite far away from Chen Mi, but she could still hear Chen Mi's concerned voice because of her cultivation. She turned around and waved her hand at him. After that, she again started swimming towards Fang Chi, floating out in the sea.

Now that someone has jumped in the sea to rescue Fang Chi, the villagers no longer bothered to hide their faces from Grandma Fang. They immediately rushed where Fang Chi jumped and chewed melon seeds as they watched Yu Dong swim over to Fang Chi. They acted like this was a drama show and not a real issue!

"Tsk, tsk, what an unfortunate thing. Everyone has problems in their lives but to jump down to your death. What a cowardly act." Commented one of the Aunties from the village. The villagers called her Madam Tian out of respect because she was related to Village Head Mu Xian.

Her family mainly comprised of fisherwomen as they only knew of one skill: to row the boat in the violent sea and catch fishes, which was why Grandma Fang rushed to the Tian house first, begging them to help her. Of course, Madam Tian didn't agree. She was the head of her family and a money-grubber. She would never do something that would bring her no advantages. She had long calculated the outcome in her mind. Grandma Fang was poor and had no extra savings to reward her. If she did, then Fang Chi would have been married off years ago. Because of the lack of money, Fang Chi couldn't get married - maybe she would have helped if Fang Chi was a beautiful mer like one of her husbands. Then she would have saved him and used her favor as a way to pressure him into marrying her, but Fang Chi wasn't even half as pretty as her first husband.

If she married a mer who was taller and sturdier than her, where will she put her face?

So, Madam Tian straightforwardly refused Grandma Chi, telling her that the wind was too strong and there was no way they would be able to save Fang Chi in such rough water. But then that brat Yu Dong just had to play the hero!

"It's foolish to jump in the sea right now. The waves are dangerous! I'm afraid Fang Chi is already dead, and if Yu Dong doesn't return soon, she will be dead as well," continued Madam Tian. She didn't care about Chen Mi or Grandma Fang, who was worriedly sobbing on the ground.

Grandma Fang has been pushed to her limits. She was a relatively kind woman who hardly ever fought with anyone. If possible, she would avoid having any kind of feuds with the villagers. But today, she couldn't stay still anymore. Fang Chi was her life, the last and only precious thing left of her daughter.

When Grandma Fang heard Madam Tian say that Fang Chi was already dead, she jumped at Madam Tian with a loud snarl and scratched her face. "You say that again! You say that again! You better watch out, or I will rip your mouth off! How dare you say that about my Chi'er?! Huh? You black-hearted woman, you refused to help my Chi'er! Have you forgotten that when your daughter was lost at sea, it was my daughter who saved her and brought her home safe and sound? You and your stinky family didn't return the debt, and when my daughter died, you hid your faces so that this old woman wouldn't come after you and ask for your help. Like, I don't know what kind of dirty and stingy person you are! After years I asked you to do something for me, but you made excuses! Do you think I don't know why you did that? I have broken more teeth than you have in your mouth! I can tell what's going on in a woman's mind with just one look! Who do you think you are fooling? You didn't help me when my daughter died. I didn't say anything. You didn't help me save Chi'er. I didn't say anything a second time. But you are such a disgusting woman that you cant keep your mouth shut! You don't have the guts to save my grandson, and you won't let anyone else save him either, is that it? For the sake of your filthy face, I need to let my grandson die. You better pray that my Chi'er stays safe and sound, or else I will hang myself in front of your house and haunt your family until their death!"

Grandma Fang spat at Madam Tian after cursing and pointing her finger at her.

The villagers were so shocked by Grandma Fang's actions that they didn't know how to react. The information they just received was a little bit too much. Damn, why didn't they know that Madam Tian owed such a big favor to Grandma Fang?

All of them glanced at Madam Tian with a disdainful look in their eyes, to not repay life-saving gratitude, how shameful.

As for Madam Tian, she too was stunned after being spat on, but after a moment of stiffness, she finally returned to her senses. She noticed the disdainful glares of the villagers, and her voice couldn't help but get more shrill than usual as she shouted, "You - You old woman, are you crazy?! How dare you spit at me?!"

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