Grand Dad Is The Pervert God

Chapter 63 Ice Cream Is Nicer With Sprinkles...

The elderly maid looked into his eyes and stabbed him.

But she was not done. She pushed him down 0on the ground. Over and over and over again, she decorated his chest with more holes than necessary as she did, she kept on mentioning the names of the other maids that were killed as a result of this hostile takeover.

ραпdα Йᴏνêl(сòm) Whether it was the pirates, Dan or even Eros, they all watched her as she took revenge for those she loved.

After she was done, the knife fell from her hand. By now, her face and even the tunic that Eros used to cover her body was filled with blood.

Eros nodded to her and then he went to the sit at the end of the room.

This was the lords sit. It was also the sit that Captain bulk had been enjoying before.

As he sat, they all walked forward towards him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as lord of this estate, it brings me great pleasure to say this. We are going to war."


A few days later, in a manor three times bigger than Eros's, a dinner table almost twenty meters long was decorated lavishly, displaying the beauty of the wealth of this place.

The table was laid with white clean sheets that stretched from one end to the other.

There were old-fashioned silver candle holders every few meters to brighten the place.

There were all kinds of food laid on the table. The food was so much that it could as well feed a squad of hungry men after a battle.

At one end of the table, was a brutish-looking man. Even though he was in his noble's tunic, the fine and clean clothing did little to cover up his brutish nature.

he ate the chicken leg in his hands and the crunching sounds of his meal could be heard echoing off the walls.

Not far from him on either side, were two men and a woman. All of which were his children.

regardless of how their father ate, it did not bother them. They were long used to it.

As a family, they dined and laughed together.

However, a guard pulled a woman in a white dress along and pushed her into the dining room.

The moment she entered, the clamouring at the table entered an immediate pause.

How couldn't it? The incredible presence of the person that had been thrown into the room was an incredible one.

She was dressed elegantly in a simple silk dress that was tight at her torso and then flowing outwards at her waist.

It was just a simple dress, but with the way it looked on her, she might has well have been a miracle that had stumbled into the room.

Her blond hair still slightly wet coiled loosely downwards. Adding an extra layer of charm to her appearance.

If that was not enough, this silk dress allowed the privilege of showing some of her jade-like fair skin, leading down to the slight peeping of her cleavage.

She looked around at the people at the table and she frowned tightly.

Even though she was pouting in her disgust and annoyance, her appearance still made even the head of the table pause as he ate.

Yes! this beautifully enchanting lady was none other than Penny who was Ero's Granddaughter and stood the moment, she stood before Baron Bolos and the rest of the Baroko family.

The baron gently stood to his feet. He wiped his fingers on a cloth and then he approached her.

This was a very big and brutish-looking man.

He was even almost twice the size of his captain Bulk.

before his presence, she looked quite small.

His mouth widened in a smile that showed some of his yellowing-looking teeth.

He stretched a hand like a gentleman.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

Penny did not want to take his hand, but she suddenly felt a slight bit of his spiritual pressure, obviously urging her.

Reluctantly, she took his hand and he led her to sit at the table. A sit not so far from his own that had been reserved for her.

Like the gentleman that he was, he brought out the seat and the moment she sat, he tucked her in gently.

After wards, he went to his own seat.

"Lady penny! I know it doesn't look like it, but I want you to feel more like a guest than a prisoner here."

He Offered her a piece of chicken on his fork. Much like a man would do his lover.

There was no debating on the matter. she opened her mouth and the moment his fork left her mouth..


She spat it back in his face.

One of the Bran's eye twitched in his attempt to hold back his annoyance. The baron cracked a faint wicked smile.

He picked the piece of chicken that was now stuck to his face, and then he placed it in his mouth.

The art made Penny frown deeper, and her disgust for this man climbed several notch.

He suddenly smiled, "Lady penny! please eat something. The Viscounts birthday is in two weeks time, I don't want you looking like a rat's offering before the Viscount."

However, penny stubbornly pushed the plate of food away.

"My Granddad is coming and he is going to take me back!"

The moment those words left her mouth, Baron Bolos and his children burst into loud laughter at the table.

Even the soldier that had brought her into the room and stood at the entrance could not help but crack a smile. After all, all of them knew Eros.

A man's reputation usually precedes him.

Eros's reputation was not at all a good one.

"Yes! of course he will," one of Baron Bolos's son's commented, "And then he will come and fake death at our doors."

"Hahahaha!!!" Everyone laughed hard at the table. this included the Baron.

Just then, a guard walked into the room, "Parcels from Baron Eros Ironclad Tate for the Baron!"

Immediately those words were heard, the laughter in the room slowly died down.

And then some men brought in three chest-sized boxes into the room.

The guard that had made the announcement walked up to Baron Bolos and handed him an Envelope.

Baron Bolos opened the envelope. It read: "Ice cream is nicer with Sprinkles. This is double what I owe you, and some more!!!"

Baron Bolos frowned a bit. He had no idea what 'Ice cream' was, but he sure understood the remaining part of the simply letter.

He smiled widely, "you see! only a little encouragement and your Coward of a grandfather as brought me what he owes!"

Baron Bolos nodded to his son and the first Chest was opened.

However, what he saw took him by surprise and as he backed away from it, the contents of the chest fell to the ground.


Baron Bolos's daughter screamed in horror.

How couldn't she? After all, the content of the treasure chest was copper coins and some human dried-up heads...

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