Grand Dad Is The Pervert God

Chapter 127 The True Scorn Of The Earth.

Young master Jan was very angry about what had happened with the first medusa. However, he was in public at the moment, and he had to maintain the façade of a wealthy but respectable young master in public.

However, that did not mean that he had decided to allow Dan to get away with it. In fact, he had already decided that Dan was a walking, breathing dead man.

This was no doubt the same thing he had done to many that had crossed his path.

He was not as forgiving or as forgetting as he looked or made himself to seem.

The Next Snake lady was pushed out in aa cage.

Just like Diana had been, she had her eyes blindfolded. The reason for this was because of her bloodline ability.

This was a younger looking Naga. However, in the eyes of Younger master Jan, she was still a price to be had.

Snake women were very exotic creatures.

If not for the fact that they died a few days after leaving the Snake forest, which meant that they would die before reaching places like the capital or other countries, they would have been sold for very extraordinary prices.

Although the price at which the lower nobles bought was not so high, it was still good.

After all, money, and power always made one's taste bubs evolve.

This was one such situation.

With money and power, one could practically get their taste of women.

However, medusas and Nagas were not so easy to get.

These were very beautiful women blessed with a chest of three breasts.

Without a doubt, they were many nobles that wanted to have the medal of having one in their bed around their necks.

Young master Jan was one such noble.

Although this was not the reason why he was here, he would give anything to enjoy the flavour of a Snake woman in his tongue.

The Naga was brought out. Young master Jan maintained his cool.

He had already had this one in his eyes.

However, before the master of the Auction could even begin with the price tag on the Naga, the loud voice of a cocky teenager was heard.

"200 hundred gold coins, 2 silvers and two bronze coins!"

The crowd gasped as discussions began at different corners.

The talk was not because of the price he had thrown out for the Naga. Rather, it was because of the Price range.

This was obvious provocation to the Young master in the Luxury box.

Dan had used the same price tag that Young master Jan had used, except that he had increased it by one bronze coin.

This was a blatant insult.

This was obviously a battle. A battle to show who was wealthiest.

Dan had a cocky smile on his face, and he relaxed into his chair in comfort.

A waiter passed by and he even ordered a drink. It was as if what he had just done was a normal thing.

Penny on the other hand sitting by her brother's side could not help but look at him in surprise.

From the beginning when Eros and Dan had been throwing gold coins all over the place, she had been looking at them as if she was looking at foreigners.

She had only been away from home for a few weeks and a lot had so drastically changed.

Of course, she knew her brother well, and knew that he could be bold and brave when he needed to be. Just like that time that he had stood before her with a sword when their grand father had died.

However, the Dan she knew now was different.

There was a certain saying that money could change People. She was now seeing it life before her very eyes. Her young brother Dan had suddenly become a scorn of the earth.

Young master Jan pushed away the women by his side. he could no longer hold his anger. He leaned in against the rails of the Luxury box.

"400 gold coins!"

Dan gave a side smile, "asshole, you took the bait." he thought to himself.

Dan took a sip from his drink, "400 gold and one bronze coins!" he placed his bid.

"600 Gold coins!" Young master Jan screamed again.

"600 Gold and one Bronze coin!" Dan mentioned in response.

By now, others that desired the Naga had decided to shut up and hide their coin purse.

This battle was already too fierce. After all, spending 600 gold coins on a creature that was going to die in a couple of days was just plain stupidity.

It was stupidity only scorns of the earth could engage in.

Young master Jan gritted his teeth hard. The Scholar by his side tried to stop him.

But Young Master Jan brushed him off.

"800 Gold Coins!!!"

The scholar turned to the guards, and nodded at them. Immediately, both of them came to pull Young master Jan back.

Dan on the other hand smiled as he sipped his drink gently.

This fight as far as he was concerned was one that he won even before the fight had started.

In this moment, here and now, Dan was going to prove that he was the true scorn of the earth.

He waved to the Auction master.

"Yes, young master!" The Auction master responded politely.

"I want to know. Are they other Nagas and Medusas back there?"

This question came as a surprise to the Auction master.

It seemed as if Dan was willing to back off from the battle for this particular Naga. At least that was what Everybody including Young master Jan thought.

However, Dan's next words surprised them even further.

"How many of them are they in total? I mean, both young and old of course."

The Auction master waved a hand, and a man with a Black axe symbol on his chest stepped forward and whispered into his ear.

The Auction master nodded and turned to Dan, "They are a total of thirteen, sir!"

He heard what the Auction master had said and nodded. He twirled the wine inside his cup a little and took a light sip, enjoying the taste of it on his tongue.

And then his eyes slowly rose to the Auction master.

"If what you are saying his correct, then that means that they are some that were intended to be auctioned out in bulk. I'm I right?"

The Auction master nodded, "yes, sir!" a thought popped in his head, and he decided to ask. "Perhaps young sir, do you intend to buy in bulk?"

Dan Chuckled a bit as he stood to his feet with his glass of wine high in the air, "Cheers to you too Auction master! this young master has decided to take all your stock of this exotic women. 14000 Gold coins."


As the crowd gasped in shock, some ladies in the audience fainted when they heard the amount.

Even the Auction master was left speechless and he subconsciously held his hand to his chest in surprise.

Fourteen thousand gold coins was a lot of more.

This was amount equivalent to yearly tax that dukes and even Grand dukes collected.

Such amount of money was just too preposterous to have.

Penny swallowed hard.

She could not believe that they were suddenly that rich.

She wanted to pull Dan back to his seat and give him a dirty slap on the face. However, her hands were too shaky by the shook of the amount to even move.

Young Master Jan heard the amount and his eye twitched. The shock of it made him cough out blood, and he passed out straight on the spot.

"So, what would it be!?" Dan asked with his cocky smile for all to see.

The Auction master looked around.

These Medusas and Nagas were supposed to be sold for very outstanding prices, but this was a different kind of outstanding.

At most, the price of each one should have been 50 gold coins, but the battle between Dan and young master Jan had pushed things to great heights.

"So what do you say Auction master? is that price enough?"

"Well..well... I would...erm..erm I would have to ask the audience if there is anyone here that is willing to challenge that amount."

Dan nodded as he turned about, "Ladies and gents, is there perhaps any one that wants to bid a higher price!?"

This was obviously a very rhetorical question.

No one here was so foolish.

"Going once! going twice!! SOLD!!!"


"All Nagas and Medusas have been sold to Young Master Dan Ironclad Tate!"

There was a huge round of applause.

Dan nodded to the crowd.

He sat back on his seat, "lady Amanda, I suggest you also go get your people now!" She nodded at him in gratitude as she also followed the path that Shade had gone.

The crowd settled down, and then the Auction master brimming with smiles because of this successful auction introduced the next item.

At the same time, Dan heard a certain information in his head. It was from Eros...

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