Grand Dad Is The Pervert God

Chapter 118 All Hail King Eros Ironclad Tate!!!

The Soul Master realm had to do with the solidification of the soul with one's element.

Although it was called the Soul Master realm, mastering the soul in this realm was an audacious task.

In fact, many preferred to just remain in the soul Apostle realm.

It was far more comfortable and it did not require much effort at challenging the natural elements.

At the moment, Eros had broken through to the sixth stage.

However, he could feel it deep down that his cultivation growth was far from stopping.

His divine shard had only taken a break from pumping so much celestial energy.

Considering the fact that he had just banged a lot of women at a go for three days straight, it was no wonder he still had a lot of climbing in cultivation to do.

Amanda stepped out of the caves, she was in her human form.

She looked extremely beautiful and was nothing like her former snake self.

Her tail was gone, her snake head had gone and her chests although still endowed were the normal two.

She looked like any simple girl with long hair the colour of red flames, so long that it stopped at her waist.

Their Ancestor who was the first Medusa was a very beautiful woman.

Apparently, those genes were transferred into her children.

Eros had given her some clothes from the storage unit.

These were very extravagent clothes.

At the moment, she looked like the newly weded wife of a noble man.

Even her demeanor seemed to have changed a little. At least that was what Eros thought.

It had been three days.

Eros had been pumping hard this three days.

Many Medusa and Nagas now had a human form.

Of course, this did not mean that they could not revert back to their half snake form if they so wished.

Eros had explained that the curse having been passed from generation to generation was no longer a curse but now a part of their genes.

There was nothing they could do about it.

However, he had helped them unlock a part of themselves that had always been there's in the first place, and that was their human part.

For many of the Medusa and Naga women, walking was not easy. It was a very audacious task.

After all, they had used snake tails all their lives.

The fact that Queen Eli, Princess Shade could even battle with it showed their talents.

The younger Medusas and the Nagas were taught the proper cultivation technique that could fit their Celestial energy cultivation.

Whether it was for the adults or the children, a lot of cultivation to master the technique was needed.

Now that was all said and done, it was time for something else.

The Naga tribe and the Medusa tribe are organically sister tribes.

However, a dispute because of appearance and preference made them break.

When Eros heard that it was physical appearance that separated the two tribes, he was really not all that surprised.

After all, they were women.

The one thing women always had a comparison to, was beauty standards.

Till this moment, it was still a very arguable topic in his former human world.

Even the goddesses of the heavens had a subject problem with this.

This could be seen in the case of the original Medusa Ancestor and her issue with Athena.

That was an issue between a mortal and her goddess. Certainly, two sisters were not above this.

However, these two tribes for the first time since they parted ways had come to help one another.

Amanda had practically staked her life to save some Medusa children and because of Queen Eli's fate in Eros, both tribes had been saved from the bondage of depending on the Sacred pool.

Eros thought it best that they seal this friendship in sisterhood once more.

"That's a great idea!" Queen Eli commented.

Amanda also nodded, "I think it is time we actually get rid of this bad blood between our tribes. Besides," she flicked her hair in a brandish manner, "I am really tired of all the fighting. We are of the same ancestor. I don't see why we should not help one another."

Eros seeing this nodded.

"Good! Then how about a blood oath to seal the deal, huh!?"

"A blood oath!?" Shade asked.

"Yes!" Eros nodded, "it will stand as a testament to your bond as one, teaching many generations to come about the day sisters were once more reunited as one."

All the other Medusas and Nagas around nodded their heads.

Many of them agreed that a blood oath should be sighed to signify the reunion of their sisterhood once more.

However, Shade suddenly thought about something very important, "wait!"

Every one turned to her.

"I am not saying we shouldn't do this, but we are forgetting one important thing. The Nagas already have Amanda as their queen, and the Medusas have Queen Eli as their queen. Once we sign this, the two sister tribes will become one. Who then shall we call queen. After all, both Amanda and my mother carry the priestess bloodline in them."

The moment she said this, there was a little murmuring amongst the women.

This was a very valid question that needed answering.

Naturally, the Medusas would want Queen Eli to remain as Queen and this was the same for Amanda.

Eros could tell that even voting would not be able to solve this.

Just when the murmuring was getting louder, Queen Eli suddenly spoke up, and every body kept quiet to listen to what she had to say.

"I suggest that none of us be queen!"





The crowd of women were obviously surprised.

However, she explained further.

"Daughters of the great mother. We have been blessed with the opportunity of a life time. A curse of many generations has been stripped from us because of the visit of a celestial. I suggest that we make ample opportunity of this."

She turned to Eros, "I suggest that Lord Eros be made our king!"

"Huh!?" Lady Frostbite heard this and nearly stumbled to the ground.

Once again, there was murmuring amongst the women.

However, it was much different from the previous one.

Now, there was more agreement and many of them nodded.

"I think this is right," Princess Shade nodded, "let lord Eros be our King. After all, we won't find a more perfect person than him."

Amanda stepped forward, "on behalf of the Nagas, I agree to this," she immediately took to her knees and bowed before Eros, "All hail our Master. King Eros Ironclad Tate!!!"

Her words took Eros by surprise. As she bowed, Queen Eli also followed suit and bowed.

"All Medusas hail our Master. King Eros Ironclad Tate."

All the Medusas including princess Shade also followed suit and bowed to him.

In this manner, there all bowed and echoed, "Hail our Master! King Eros Ironclad Tate!!!"

These were hundreds of beautiful women literally bowing at his feet.

Eros sighed at this.

He felt as if this was somewhat prepared ahead of time.

He looked towards Queen Eli and could see her slight cocky smile.

He instantly knew that this woman was the person that had planned it.

She was a real vixen, and true to her snake nature.

She knew that Eros was going to leave once his work here was done.

This was her method of permanently tying him to their tribes.

Eros sighed. He knew that she had gotten him.

With this, there was no way he could say No! His heart would not just let him.

There was once someone that had nearly trapped him like this.

That was the Queen of the Succubus in the Nether realm.

Luckily, he had figured out ahead of time and escaped ad fast as possible.

However, this one had caught him.

Eros could not help but shudder at the thought of how women could think alike when it came to tying men down.

Eros nodded. He had no choice but to accept the position.

However, what happened next made Eros realize that he still underestimated this woman.

She suddenly raised her head, "since you are now king of the New Snake tribe, you will be needing capable women by your side. I suggest you just take the former royals as your wives."

"HUH!?" This time around, lady Frostbite could no longer hold it back.

She ran in front of Eros like a woman trying to protect her property from thieves.

"No! No!! It... It.." she stammered with her blush all over her face, "it hasn't gotten to that?"

Queen Eli squint her eyes, "oh! But it has. After all, he is our king. It is our responsibility to carry his bloodline in our bellies. Or are you saying that you rather carry his bloodline?"

That question went like a bomb in lady Frostbite's head.

She was really speechless for words. Her face instantly became red.

Even if she wanted to, she couldn't possibly say it.

She was not like this Medusas. She was not that shameless.

Eros watched the argument between both of them and could not help but laugh out loud...

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