The energy of Ileaven and Earth moved with Ryu's will. All he did was stand there, not even using any energy at all, and yet it felt as though the world was listening to his beck and call.

Ryu couldn't help but bask in the feeling, almost like this was what he was always meant to do.

They called his eyes the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth Pupils, and for the first time, he seemed to truly understand just what that meant.

It was only a casual thought, and yet he felt like he heard the sound of shattering glass reverberating through his mind.

He subconsciously opened his eyes, only to find that there was an explosion of color before him. However, this color certainly wasn't [Ephemeral Tapestry]; it was something else.

It wasn't that the world gained color, but rather the color that was there seemed bolder and brighter.

Ryu had no idea what was happening. It felt like his eyes had just had a breakthrough, but he didn't understand it at all. It felt as though everything had changed, and yet like nothing at all had changed.

He also didn't really understand how his eyes could break through at all. He had already unsealed all 999-

Ryu's heart skipped a beat as he looked internally.

IIe had realized it a step too late.

There was a perfect loop formed between his body, his soul, and his Spiritual Foundation. It was the loop that he had been pushing toward all this time. Ile wanted to consolidate his paths down a single lane.

And he had actually succeeded. His self-created Body Realm Cultivation Method was the last piece to the puzzle.

Or more accurately, his new weapons were.

These great swordstaffs would form the foundation that his weak body currently couldn't on its own. And because of that, even in just a half-completed state, they were already enough to complete the loop between his body and his Inner World.

This was certainly not a bad thing, he thought. At least not on the surface.

The real devil was in the details... and the completion of this loop meant that his souls had more of a direct impact on his body.

Including his Dao Heart.

Ryu's gaze flashed.

This meant that if his Dao Heart succeeded in controlling his Realm Heart like it wanted, it would basically be impossible for him to escape. It seemed that the problem was even more serious than he thought.

However, this state of "panic" only lasted for a few moments before Ryu's lip curled.

His Dao Heart certainly had its weaknesses. It was far too obsessed with progress no matter what the cost. And what it probably realized but didn't care about was the fact that while it had given itself a great advantage, it had given Ryu an even greater advantage.

He had only felt this change to his Heavenly Pupils for a short time, but he could already feel that

this level of control was truly profound.

His Dao Heart had picked up such a mountain only to drop it on its own foot.

Ryu couldn't help but wonder if this sort of immaturity was something that always plagued him. Ile didn't need to think much about that either before he realized that it was true as well.

What his Dao Heart had done was precisely something that he would have done in the past, and maybe even something he would still do right now.

He would never believe that someone else was his better, so as long as something helped him out, he wouldn't mind taking such a step... even if it meant potentially putting him at a disadvantage in the future.

But the difference this time was that the person he was helping was none other than himself. SHUUUUUUUU!


A swirl of auras descended, and at that moment, all the veins in Ryu's body exploded.

Hope covered her mouth in shock, but she forced herself to remain standing. She knew that Ryu had done this on purpose; she just didn't know why. There was a reason he had wanted to stand in that particular location.

Ryu's blood seeped into the ground, his Embryonic Qi pumping to force the creation of more and


His blood flowed out of him in rivers and filled up the fissures.

Every time Hope thought he was finished, he would pump out more, and then more even on top of that.

He was even more ruthless to his own body than he was against the land itself.

At that moment, the motes of light and Ryu's blood met.

The world froze for a moment before everything reversed.

The blood began to rush back into Ryu's body with a new energy piggybacking it all.

However, the problem was clear in an instant. There was far more blood than Ryu's body could handle, let alone the fact there was an additional energy not designed to be Vital Qi in the first place.

And yet, Ryu remained calm, his eyes closed as his body continued to grow in size.

He looked ridiculous. Even worse than that, he truly looked like he might die at any time. His skin began to grow in blotches that quickly began to look like cancerous growths.

His stomach, arms, and legs bulged in odd ways; even one of his eye sockets almost popped as his eyes didn't miss out on the swelling either.

Even a Sovereign couldn't pull Ryu's eyes out of his skull, so one could imagine the kind of pressure his body was under for even his eyes to begin to swell like this.

However, Ryu himself didn't make a single peep.

The more the aura of death surrounded him, the sharper he seemed to become, the more


There was a stoic sort of silence that filled the region as though the world was ready to mourn the loss of a true hero.



Ryu's body fissured and an aura rushed out all at once.

Lord Body.

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