Ryu smiled; he could feel Ragash's nervousness. If he just destroyed the pill, wouldn't that be funny? The pill spun between his fingers, the dexterity capable of making one dizzy.

"Is this your answer?" Ragash managed to say coldly, pretending not to care about the pill.

Ryu's smile deepened. "Although you're a bit shameless, I like it. Honestly, I expected today to be a bit boring. The truth is that your Sects aren't capable of producing anyone below the True Sky God Realm that can defeat me.

"On the way here, I was dragging my feet because I'm a cultivator, not a janitor. Do I look like a person who has the time to take out the trash?"

The eyes of the various disciples went red.

"However, if you all think that you can conveniently hide this battle within this encirclement, you'd be sorely mistaken. This battle will take place so that the entire world can witness it."

Ryu's smile looked particularly devious.

"Little Silk."

A clear, resounding cry echoed that almost reminded one of a majestic phoenix. The gorgeous butterfly swept down, and Ryu vanished, appearing on its back.

"Who would like to come?" Ryu asked, looking toward the Radiant Star Sect disciple.

He had barely spoken when Jojo and Selheira appeared over the horizon. He had, of course, sensed them already. They didn't hesitate to make a move, stepping onto Little Silk.

An old man cleared his throat, and Old Wan, who was pretending to be among the elderly again, walked out with a hunched back. Though, it was truly ridiculous to see a middle-aged man act like this.

However, when others saw him walking through the air without even the slightest hint of Sword God Aura like Ryu or Jojo, their eyes widened.

Dao Lord!

"I'll be escorting these children I guess, aiya," he stretched his back. "Making an old man do so much work, you all have no respect for the elderly."

No one dared to speak... aside from Ryu.

Ragash tensed, and yet Ryu's smile only grew brighter.

"Now that everyone's here," he said lightly, his digits flickered, and the pill shot through the air, appearing before Ragash in an instant.

Ragash, who was distracted, barely managed to catch it in the end. Though he was a bit embarrassed, he managed to not make too much of a fool of him.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm He took deep breaths and closed his eyes, trying to block everything out. In the end, he was still a True Sky God, a Realm and maybe only one in a million would reach even if you were born on the Seventh Heaven. He was better than this.

He swallowed the capsule in a single bite. He wasn't worried that Ryu had messed with it. After bringing everyone here, how could he have the face to just poison him to death.

Ragash felt a slight sickness in his stomach, but that was to be expected. This pill wasn't comfortable in the beginning.

Then, it all reversed.

His cultivation regressed by a grade and his aura became more refined. When he opened his gaze again, he was ready.

The first thing he beheld was Ryu's smile, but it no longer annoyed him as much as the first time. He was ready and focused.

He took a step forward, his aura blazing. He seized at the air, a pair of fire-forged gauntlets emerged on his arms.

The ground erupted as he suddenly vanished, appearing before Ryu with a fist that descended as though a meteor from the skies.

Ryu's grin didn't fade, but his robes fluttered, the aura of a Fist God erupting from him as he punched out.


Ragash shuddered before he was sent flying backward as though a speeding bullet.

Ryu clasped his hands behind his back. "Come on, you'll need to go all out. I want to see what a True Sky God can really do, show me something."

Ragash's regained calm almost vanished in an instant. Ryu was doing this on purpose, still calling him a True Sky God even when he had clearly regressed.

He would repay him by tearing him limb from limb.

Ragash unleashed a roar, flames blazing out of his body from all directions.

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