Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1720: The Nine-Revolution Chaotic Tree

Chapter 1720: The Nine-Revolution Chaotic Tree

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The stench was different from the ordinary stench.

Those who could cultivate to this level were all the best of various universes, existences who stood on the summit. They could move mountains, fill oceans, and shatter the universe with a single thought. How could a mere stench affect them?

But it did affect Aohen.

Bu Fang’s stinky tofu had been improved countless times. Its stench could go deep into the marrow and could not be avoided. Even a Saint of the Great Path could not avoid smelling it.

The corner of Aohen’s mouth twitched. He felt the pressure on him became greater. The stench actually messed up his power. If the aroma of food could affect the minds of the contenders in battle, then this stench was purely affecting the mood.

Aohen felt his stomach churn. Fortunately, he had not eaten anything in the past countless years, so he could not throw up anything. But because his state was affected, he felt that the iron puppet in front of him was getting stronger and stronger.

As a peak Saint of the Great Path who ranked fiftieth in the rankings, he was being pressured and even beaten by a puppet. It made him fuming.

‘How could I possibly lose to such a treacherous, lowly fellow? How dare he use a foreign object to distract me in battle?’

Aohen glared at Bu Fang. However, what he saw made his heart skip a beat. He saw Bu Fang pick up a piece of stinky tofu with a pair of chopsticks and stuff it into his mouth, then munch it happily.

The look of enjoyment on his face made Aohen’s stomach turn.

‘That thing smells incredibly foul, and yet he put it in his mouth? Did this guy get kicked in the head by a donkey? No wonder the Queen of Curses didn’t punish him... He’s not even making gourmet food! What he made is completely disgusting!’

The scene was transmitted to all the rooms through the projection array. Everyone who followed the battle saw Bu Fang eating stinky tofu. Even through the array, they seemed to be able to smell a foul odor. The faces of many people turned black.


Whitey slammed to the ground, shattering the surface of the planet.

Although Aohen looked scrawny with disheveled hair, his physical strength was formidable. Each of his punches carried the power to destroy mountains. Soon, he was able to overcome Whitey’s blows and even suppressed it.

If it were not for Bu Fang’s stinky tofu, he would probably have ended the battle.


He threw out another punch. A strong gust of wind pushed Whitey, causing it to keep stepping backward.


“Break this puppet’s unbeaten run!”

“Let this boy know that the door to District B is not that easy to enter!”

The nobles were screaming and cheering. Even the stench could not stop Aohen from giving full play to his strength!

Bu Fang was a little surprised. It seemed that Whitey had met a tough match. However, Aohen had the strength of a peak Saint of the Great Path, so it was understandable that Whitey could not defeat him.

Aohen stood in midair, raised his hand, and waved it. Suddenly, a terrifying force erupted, pushing countless rocks and dirt together and throwing them at Whitey.

He was wild. He wanted to seal Whitey in this planet. That was the fate of every opponent he had fought before—almost all the opponents he defeated ended up being sealed in the planets. This would not only show his strength, but also spread his dominance and fame throughout Void City.

He threw a cold glance into the distance. His eyes sparkled as he saw Bu Fang fish up a piece of stinky tofu dripping with oil.


A tremendous amount of curse power burst from his body, transforming into a giant bird and flying toward Whitey.

“It’s over!” Aohen bellowed. He was about to successfully defend the glory of District B!

Suddenly, the disgusting stench approached him. His movements halted abruptly. The next moment, Bu Fang slowly emerged in front of him, looking at him with an expressionless face.

“It’s over? No... This is just the beginning,” Bu Fang said, shaking his head.


Aohen frowned.

“Foxy,” Bu Fang called faintly.

The little fox, who was eating stinky tofu in the distance, flickered and appeared in front of Bu fang the next moment, falling into his arms. She grinned, and the strong smell of stinky tofu wafted out of her mouth.


At the very beginning, she firmly refused to try the stinky tofu. However, after she ate one piece, she could not stop. Sure enough, all the food Bu Fang brought out was delicious, whether it was fragrant or stinky. She smirked.

Bu Fang rubbed Foxy’s head. Then, he picked her up, aimed her at Aohen, and gave her a gentle pat on the buttocks. “Finish him off with one blow,” he said.

As his words faded away, a tremendous amount of energy began to gather in Foxy’s mouth. The next moment, her jaws parted, and then a powerful energy shell shot out of it. It was a Soul Demon meatball combined with the stinky tofu, which contained an amazing destructive power.


“What’s this?” Aohen’s pupils constricted. He stepped back and raised his hand. The curse power flowed in his palm as he clenched it into a fist and threw a punch at the energy shell spewed by the little fox. He was going to blast through it with his fist!


In the blink of an eye, his fist struck the shell, and a monstrous stench burst out of it. The stench, wrapped in the energy cannonball, became even more pungent.


Aohen’s face froze. The next moment, the full power of the shell was pouring down on him. At the last moment before he was knocked down, all he could do was yell, “That stinks!”

A great trench appeared in the ground. Aohen lay miserably at the end of it with disheveled hair, his aura fluctuating violently. He was defeated. Tears of shame flowed from his eyes, and his whole body was stained with the stench.

All those who watched the scene through the projection array were stunned speechless. After a moment’s silence, they broke out into an uproar.

“Good heavens! Aohen was defeated?!”

“So... That lad is the real contender?”

“The previous nine consecutive wins were achieved by the lad’s puppet?”

Some of the nobles were stunned, while others were chattering away. They did not want to believe it, but what happened in front of their eyes gave them no other choice.

The ranking on the crystal tablet changed once again. After ten consecutive victories, Bu Fang finally climbed into the top 100. At last, he left his name at the top of the tablet. At the same time, he was also qualified to fight for a ticket to enter District B.

Bu Fang glanced at Aohen, who had tears of humiliation streaming down his face. After pulling Whitey out of the mound of dirt, they left the battlefield.

Even Aohen, who was ranked fiftieth, had lost miserably. Who else could stop Bu Fang? Did it take those experts ranked in the top ten to do so?

The whole fighting pit was in a tumult. After many years, there was finally an existence from District C qualified to fight for a ticket to enter District B. This made many nobles of District C scream with excitement.

The qualifying battle was different from the ranking battle. It would be held in the middle of the fighting pit, and all nobles would be able to witness the match with their own eyes.

Bu Fang went back to his room. Not long after that, there was a knock on his door. He opened the door. The guard in black armor appeared again, but this time, he handed Bu Fang a cold invitation.

“My lord, congratulations on your ten consecutive victories. This is the ticket to the qualifying battle. Please keep it in a safe place. There are three qualifying matches, and my lord has to win all three to get into District B,” the black-armored guard said to Bu Fang.

Bu Fang nodded and took the ticket. After the guard left, he shut the door. He went over to the leather couch and sat down, and his whole body seemed to sink into it. The feeling of being wrapped up in a soft cushion made him comfortable.

The ticket was a card made of an unknown material, and it was covered with the curse power. After playing with it for a while, Bu Fang put it away.

He had three days to rest before the qualifying battle began. He could recharge his energy during this period. However, he did not care much about it. After all, he did not do much in the ranking battle. At most, he just carried Foxy in the tenth match and fired a cannonball.

Since he had three days to rest, he chose to go into Heaven and Earth Farmland. He found Niu Hansan to see the results of his research.

Niu Hansan was basically focused on crossbreeding these days, and he was getting some results.

When Bu Fang found him, he looked very tired. His eyes were sunken, his lips dry, and his mental force was almost depleted. He handed Bu Fang a golden seed and, without looking back, went into the wooden hut and fell asleep on the recliner.

Bu Fang held the golden seed in his hand. He felt that it was a very unusual seed. Of course, he still needed to verify how unusual it was. It happened that he had nothing to do for the next three days, so he stayed in the farmland to do that.

The Immortal Tree was swaying, the Nine Revolution Great Path Tea Tree was glowing brilliantly, and the blood lobsters in the River of Life were waving their pincers. The whole farmland presented a lively scene.

Bu Fang took the seed and chose a good spot in the farmland. Eighty, Eight Treasures Pig, and Three-Eyed Wild Lion gathered around him, wondering what he was going to do.

He dug a hole, put the seed in it, and filled the soil back in. Then, he watered it with the Spring of Life. The water was absorbed by the soil in an instant. In a short while, a majestic aura of life erupted from the seed, and a tender bud broke out of the soil.

Bu Fang exclaimed softly. He noticed that there seemed to be something different about the bud. Although it had just emerged from the earth, it had the life force of a God Emperor. As it continued to grow, it would have no problem reaching the level of the Soul Cleansing Tea Tree.

The point was, this bud had tremendous potential because it had the combined characteristics of the Immortal Tree, the Nine Revolution Great Path Tea Tree, and the Soul Cleansing Tea Tree.

He did not expect Niu Hansan to be able to develop such a wonderful plant. He sat cross-legged on the ground, stretched out a hand, and sent the Law of Time into the budding little by little.

The bud grew larger and larger at a rate visible to the naked eye. In just a few moments, it surpassed the Nine Revolution Great Path Tea Tree and the Immortal Tree, reaching so far into the sky that its crown could no longer be seen. In addition, its aura was majestic, and there was a will brewing in it, which was absolutely loyal to Bu Fang.

“What a strong aura...” The corners of Bu Fang’s mouth lifted slightly. The strength of this new tea tree was so strong that it was not weaker than the Chaotic-Saint-level Soul Cleansing Tea Tree.

All of a sudden, the Senseless Lotus that was growing on the Immortal Tree fell off, turned into a stream of light, and landed on the new tea tree. Its petals were fluttering gracefully.

Bu Fang had not forgotten the Senseless Lotus. It had a very mysterious origin and was of great use to him, so he kept it with him all the time. Perhaps at some point, he would have to use it. Of course, he did not wish that to happen, for that would mean he was in a very difficult situation.

“Since you are so majestic and strong... I will call you the Nine-Revolution Chaotic Tree,” Bu Fang said, putting his hands behind his back.

Combining the characteristics of the Nine Revolution Great Path Tea, the divinity of the Soul Cleansing Tea Tree, and the immortality of the Immortal Tree, this Nine-Revolution Chaotic Tree would become the unbreakable pillar of the Heaven and Earth Farmland!

The tree swayed its branches as if it understood Bu Fang’s words. At the same time, a tremendous amount of spiritual energy spread out of it and diffused throughout the farmland, making the energy in the air boil again. Now, any one of those blood lobsters was approaching the level of a God King.

After spending a few days in the farmland and watching the Chaotic Tree grow, Bu Fang finally remembered that he still had to participate in the qualifying battle. So, he left the farmland.

When he returned to his room, Bu Fang checked the time. The corner of his mouth twitched. Through the projection array, he could see that the qualifying battle seemed to have started.

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