Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1714: The Egg Stealing Gang

Chapter 1714: The Egg Stealing Gang

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The balls formed by the branches of the tea tree were torn open. From them, arms stretched out at the same time. On one side was a pair of fair human arms, and on the other a pair of mechanical arms.

The scarlet divine flame swirled, forcing the branches away. Bu Fang’s figure slowly emerged from the first ball. Whitey, on the other hand, simply ripped the ball apart and jumped out of it.

“You guys broke free?” Countess Xia Qiu gave Bu Fang and Whitey a quizzical look.

Bu Fang’s cultivation base was only at the level of a Saint of the Great Path, so how could he break free of the bondage imposed on him by the Chaotic-Saint-level tea tree?

The Soul Cleansing Tea Tree was not an ordinary plant. It was the strongest being of a universe where plant life reigned supreme. She had forcibly dug it out and transplanted it to her own garden, turning the place into a tea plantation.

She did that because the energy contained in the tea tree could bring her joy. Was tea considered a delicacy? She was not sure. But since the Queen of Curses did not question her, she thought it should be fine.

Bu Fang glanced at her as the corners of his mouth lifted slightly. “I’ve thought of a dish to cook...” he said.


“Really?” Countess Xia Qiu looked at Bu Fang, surprised. She did not expect it so soon. ‘Hopefully, he’s not just making a perfunctory effort to brush me off. If that’s the case, I won’t tell him the way to enter District A...’

In fact, not only would she not tell Bu Fang, she would even kill him. She was not a nice person to talk to in the first place. In Void City, she was called the Devil Countess, and in the other universes, she was called... The She-Devil. So, she was not a very nice person to be around.

“Then I’ll force myself to look forward to your dish... As for this Soul Cleansing Tea Tree, if you need it, I’ll give it to you,” she said.

Bu Fang nodded with satisfaction. He liked working with this kind of people who could give up anything for food. Compared to delicious food... How could this Soul Cleansing Tea Tree be compared to food?

Countess Xia Qiu left. She vanished from where she was in the blink of an eye.

Bu Fang and Whitey exchanged a look. Then, they turned, facing the tea tree. Although Bu Fang’s strength was only at the peak of a Saint of the Great Path, he had the fighting prowess to fight a Chaotic Saint for a short time. The tea tree was once the master of a universe, but in Bu Fang’s eyes, it was just another ingredient.

A sonorous dragon cry rang out. The next moment, the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife fell into Bu Fang’s hand, flashing brilliantly.


The entire Countess Residence began to tremble. Countess Xia Qiu returned to her residence, sat down on a chair, and crossed her long legs. Then, she picked up a cup of water. Looking at the ripples in the cup, she exhaled lightly.


Bu Fang and Whitey walked out from under the ground covered in green slime. In the end, Bu Fang obtained three radiant tea leaves, which were flowing with arcane patterns.

Just by looking at the patterns, Bu Fang realized that they were actually a peerless cultivation technique that could allow an individual to cultivate to the level of a Saint of the Great Path. Of course, in his eyes, they were just tea leaves, which he would use to make a tea egg.


Of the three tea leaves, Bu Fang sent one into the Heaven and Earth Farmland so that Niu Hansan could conduct his hybridization experiment. As for the remaining two, he planned to use them to make a tea egg. He could already foresee that the tea egg will be the greatest in all the universes!

To make the tea egg, in addition to the tea leaves, he also needed an egg. And to match the tea leaves, he naturally needed a Chaotic-Saint-level egg.

He held the tea leaves and came to the countess’s parlor.

“The dish is ready?” Countess Xia Qiu sat on her chair, sipping tea.

Bu Fang shook his head. “I still need an egg... The egg of a Chaotic-Saint-level divine beast,” he said.

“Are you sure you’re cooking a dish? I can’t believe you plan to use a Chaotic-Saint-level egg... Are you out of your mind?” Countess Xia Qiu’s expression became somewhat strange. However, she curled her red lips the next moment and said, “You chefs are crazy creatures...

“In District C, only two people own Chaotic-Saint-level divine beasts. I’m one of them, and the other one is Countess Aitang. She keeps a divine pet, a Chaotic Divine Phoenix who just stepped into the Chaotic Saint level and is not weaker than my Dark Devil Dragon...

“A pity that my Dark Devil Dragon is a male, so he can’t produce eggs. Otherwise... I wouldn’t have recommended that bird to you,” Countess Xia Qiu said.

Bu Fang blinked, while Whitey touched its head with its huge hand. Why did she sound so fake?

“Countess Aitang leaves District C every three months to hunt in other universes with her divine phoenix. You can go to her residence and steal the egg during that time.” Countess Xia Qiu looked very excited as she said that, as if she had been planning this for a long time.

Bu Fang was stupefied. She was even kind enough to make plans for him, including when to enter the residence, when to steal the egg, and how to avoid the two flaming turkeys guarding the phoenix’s nest. It gave him a feeling that he had mistakenly boarded a pirate ship...



Three days later, a rumbling sound rang out in District C, and then a loud phoenix cry soared into the sky. The entire vault of heaven over the district turned crimson.

Many nobles were chuckling. “Countess Aitang is going to hunt with her divine pet again. I wonder which universe is going to suffer this time...”

In the sky, a woman, clad like a female martial god and standing in a flaming chariot, rushed into the clouds with a flaming phoenix as huge as a star leading the way. In just a flash, they vanished completely.

Meanwhile, inside Countess Xia Qiu’s residence, Bu Fang and Whitey began to construct an array. When they were done, the array buzzed and flashed, and then they both disappeared at the same time.

Countess Xia Qiu rubbed her hands with an expectant look on her face. She thought it would be nice to be able to eat the egg of her foe’s divine pet.


The phoenix’s nest was located in a spatial rift constructed inside Countess Aitang’s residence. When Whitey and Bu Fang reappeared, they hovered right over the spatial rift.

The corner of Bu Fang’s mouth twitched as he looked at the spatial rift, which appeared like a huge eyeball. The aura that erupted from it was extremely terrifying, and he also sensed two turkeys as strong as peak Saints of the Great Path staring at him. Their eyes were enormous and shone like the sun.

“Didn’t Countess Xia Qiu say these two turkeys are sleeping at this point?”

Bu Fang was speechless. He exchanged a look with Whitey and exhaled deeply. “Whitey, each of us fights one turkey. Make it quick. Decide yourself if you want to pluck its feather or skin it. Just have fun,” he said.

The next moment, they sped forward.

“How dare you trespass the Countess Residence!” The two turkeys, one male and one female, bellowed at the same time. They could speak the human language!


Heaven and earth began to tremble, and terrible rumbling sounds shook the entire District C. In that instant, all the guards in the residence moved out. These guards were not weak, and it would take them just the space of two to three breaths to arrive.

Foxy sat dumbly on Shrimpy’s back. The mantis shrimp hovered in midair, its eyes drooping as if it was about to fall asleep. The little fox rubbed her nose with a little paw, then she saw a swarm of guards come flying in their direction.

The guards of Countess Residence outnumbered the guards of those nobles, and their strength and fighting prowess were much stronger.

Foxy stood up. Then, her belly bulged. The next moment, her mouth expanded abruptly. The Heavengod blood flowed through her, turning her from white to red in an instant. Finally, she opened her mouth, and energy began to gather between her jaws.

“Ah... Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da...”


In the blink of an eye, countless Soul Demon meatballs shot out, heading straight toward the guards.

Those guards never thought that the intruders would be so bold! They could not believe that the little fox would attack them right inside the Residence of Countess!

Rumbling sounds filled the air as explosions and flames enveloped the entire residence in a flash.

“Let’s do this!” Bu Fang said to Whitey. Then, he produced the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife, carried the Black Turtle Constellation Wok on his back, stepped on the White Tiger Heaven Stove, held the Qilin Transmigration Ladle in his hand, and rushed forward.

The Law of Space, the Law of Transmigration, the Law of Time... The five supreme Laws of the Universe emerged and swirled around him, pushing his fighting prowess to the extreme.

In a flash, Bu Fang engaged one of the turkeys in a fierce battle. Whitey, on the other hand, threw out its flags and charged toward the other turkey. However, it was immediately chased back by the turkey, who was as huge as a mountain and kept pecking at its round head.

The battle broke out too suddenly, and commotions quickly spread across the entire District C.

The Black Turtle Constellation Wok spun and was held by Bu Fang. The Yin and Yang energies swirled around his arm, and when his strength reached its peak, he flung it out and smashed the turkey on the head.

A loud thud rang out. The smash made the turkey’s head reel, and it fell straight to the ground.

Bu Fang focused his eyes. The Law of Time turned into a link of chains, fell, and tightly tied up the turkey. He glanced at Whitey, who was being chased by the other turkey. Without hesitation, he transformed into a stream of light and rushed into the rift.

Within the rift was the phoenix’s nest. Bu Fang flew at top speed inside. Soon, he saw countless divine phoenix eggs at the center of the nest. He was stunned when he saw so many eggs. He never thought that he would run into such a surprise here.

However, although there were many divine phoenix eggs, only a few of them could survive. This was the reason why divine phoenixes were so scarce. Most of the eggs in the nest were dead.

Bu Fang did not choose those eggs that could survive. With the Vermilion Bird at his side, he chose a dead egg precisely. He called it a dead egg because there was no possibility of it hatching a phoenix. However, the egg still contained a tremendous amount of energy, which seemed to break through the shell to veil the sky.

Holding the phoenix egg, Bu Fang turned and rushed out of the phoenix’s nest without hesitation. The moment he flew out of the rift, the turkey down below, which he had tied up with the chains of time, began to struggle crazily.

“Whitey! Retreat!” Bu Fang shouted at Whitey.



Suddenly, the color of the sky changed, and a dreadful rumbling sound filled the air. The void crumbled, while a piercing phoenix cry and the sound the chariot’s wheels made as it crushed through the void reverberated through the world.

“Crawlers from District D... How dare you steal my divine phoenix egg! You’re courting death!”

A cold female voice echoed out. Then, a huge sword fell from the sky, slashing at Bu Fang and Whitey. The countess was very strong—she was a Chaotic Saint. Although she was weaker than Countess Xia Qiu, she still posed a great challenge to Bu Fang.

Bu Fang focused his eyes. Holding the egg in one hand, he lifted the Black Turtle Constellation Wok with the other. The five supreme Laws of the Universe surrounded the black wok as it met the sword head-on.


Half of the Countess Residence was reduced to ruins in an instant. Bu Fang performed a hand incantation gesture, and light dots emerged around him to form an array. “Whitey, hurry up!” he shouted.

Foxy was burping when Shrimpy, who had turned into a stream of golden light, wrapped her up and rushed into the array. The next moment, Whitey flew over from the distance and dashed into the array as well, dragging the huge turkey whose feathers were almost gone.


Bu Fang seemed dumbstruck, but he had no time to say anything because the divine phoenix’s roar had already descended. The attacks of two Chaotic Saints, a countess plus a divine phoenix, were not something that he dared to face.

Suddenly, a faint laugh rang out of Countess Xia Qiu’s residence. Then, a black spear shot out of the building, flying straight toward the two Chaotic Saints in the sky.

Taking the opportunity, Bu Fang stepped into the array and disappeared.

“Xia Qiu! Are you going to start a war with me?!” a furious female voice screamed, causing the void to tremble violently.

“Eh... The spear slipped out of my hand. I was practicing, if you don’t mind,” Countess Xia Qiu said nonchalantly. After that, her residence fell silent, no longer responding to Countess Aitang’s roar and hiss. It was as though she was not the person who threw out the spear just now.


Bu Fang emerged with the phoenix egg in the underground space within Countess Xia Qiu’s residence. Whitey was at his side, holding a huge turkey with its mechanical eyes flashing excitedly. Foxy burped. Her eyes lit up as they rested on the turkey.

Countess Xia Qiu rubbed her hands as she looked at Bu Fang, who had succeeded in stealing the egg.

“Now... We have all the main ingredients for the tea egg.”

The egg-stealing gang had done a perfect job. The corners of Bu Fang’s mouth lifted slightly.

“You must get the tea egg done quickly. You can’t hide in this space for too long. Once Countess Aitang reports what happened to the Queen of Curses, they will quickly find this place. By that time, I won’t be able to hide anything from them. Unless... you’ve cooked the egg,” Countess Xia Qiu said.

Bu Fang rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry. By the time the Queen of Curses finds us... there will be nothing left but eggshells...”


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