Chapter 1702: Curse

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The mental force seemed to turn into a corporeal energy wave as it shot over from a distance. Wherever it passed, stars shattered and ancient ships blew apart. Many remnants of the stars were destroyed as well, turning into nothing.

The terrifying power was mind-blowing; it was no weaker than that of a Chaotic Saint, and its spiritual level seemed to be higher!

Bu Fang’s expression changed. He felt a sense of crisis from this mental force. A rumbling rang out in his spirit sea as the Artifact Spirits roared and formed the Four Quadrants Array in a flash.

The next moment, the horrible mental force approached, turned into a palm, and slapped at Bu Fang. The starry sky grew dark and seemed to be left with only this palm.


Bu Fang’s mental force formed a defense and blocked the palm like a shield. As the palm fell, the whole starry sky began to tremble. His face turned pale. It was a long time before the fluctuation of the mental force dissipated.

“What a domineering Void City!”

Bu Fang ate an oyster pancake. The warm energy restored his mental force, making him feel as if he was basking in the sun. Soon, the minor spiritual injury he had suffered was healed.

However, he now had a clear understanding of this Void City. It was domineering, unreasonable. It was the master of this universe, and it would kill anyone at the slightest disagreement!

The mental force that erupted from the city just now should be the work of a Chaotic Saint. Bu Fang also did not expect his mental force to be discovered and destroyed before it could enter the interior of the city.

If it were not him here but another Saint of the Great Path, he might have been exterminated long ago. When an individual’s mental force collapsed, it was equivalent to a slow death, even for a Saint of the Great Path.

The attacker was not the noblewoman, but neither was it the Queen of Curses. If it was the latter, Bu Fang could not have the chance to fend off the blow. According to that noblewoman, the Queen should be an existence beyond the level of a Chaotic Saint.

Bu Fang glanced over his shoulder. Behind him, the banished ancient Heavengods, God Kings, and God Emperors knelt shivering in the starry sky. The brief exchange just now had terrified them.

Void City had a notorious reputation—its terror had already established an impression in their hearts. It was a place dominated by ruthless slaughtering, and even ancient Heavengods would die there!

“Please spare us! We beg you!” pleaded an ancient Heavengod.

However, Bu Fang only gave him a cold glance. After watching the Transmigration for one hundred years, he had learned many things. These people carried on their hands a sin that even death could not wash away.

Those people did not speak again, but each wore a despairing face.

Bu Fang turned around and looked at Void City again. With a thought, he enveloped all the people with the Law of Space. A flash of silver burst out, then disappeared.

A long time later, a plume of rolling black energy came, crushing countless stars along its way. When the black smoke dispersed, a huge black dragon emerged in the void.

It had an extremely savage look, similar to that of the divine dragon in myths, but its body was bursting with terrifying power. This was a black dragon who had reached the level of a Saint of the Great Path.

The black dragon’s mouth was open. A link of black chains stretched out of it, with its end held in a hand. There was a figure standing on the black dragon’s back. It was a woman with an ugly devil mask. She had a very hot body, and her aura was extremely fearsome. However, the twisting mask was ugly enough to fill one with nightmares.

“What a slippery fellow...” Her voice was hoarse, sounding as if two stones were rubbing at each other. She stretched out her long and fair hand and grabbed the air.

“Hmm? The Law of Space of the Chaotic Universe? Have the people of the Chaotic Universe established another portal to Void City? But... That fellow is courting death by spying on us. Count yourself lucky this time...”

The face beneath the mask seemed to be sneering. After that, the woman clutched the dragon’s horn with her hand and gave it a yank. The black dragon roared, turned its body, and plunged into the void, turning into a plume of black smoke and flying toward the city.

Somewhere far, far away from the city, Bu Fang descended with the group of people. Tortured by the oppressive atmosphere, some people tried to flee, but Whitey threw each of them back with a slap. The puppet was strong enough to fight against a Saint of the Great Path, so these God Kings and God Emperors were no match for it.

“Whitey, untie them. They’re exiles, and this is where they belong,” Bu Fang said.

Whitey’s mechanical eyes flashed, then it nodded. With a buzzing sound, a flag rose into the sky from its back, fell back down in a flash, and hacked the chains.

The exiles looked ecstatic. Crazily, they sped away in all directions. They wanted to escape from this place.

Bu Fang’s face was indifferent as he watched them leave. ‘Escape? The entirety of this universe is under the control of Void City. These people could not escape...’

He shook his head. Just now, when he sent out his mental force, he sensed countless ancient ships around the city. Bursting with a towering aura of blood and savageness and surrounded in monstrous power of sin, these ships were there to capture exiles like them.

Sure enough, the moment these people fled, Bu Fang noticed the ancient ships that floated quietly in the starry sky began to move. They flew across the empty space, chasing after those escaping exiles. He narrowed his eyes and put his hands behind his back. He could clearly see bony white claws fall from those ships to catch them.

One of the ancient Heavengods unleashed his divine power to resist. He exchanged a blow with the bony palm, then crushed all the palms in the ancient ship. However, his actions seemed to anger the expert on the ship.

A roar echoed out, and a plume of black smoke rose into the sky. One ancient ship after another flew over and surrounded the ancient Heavengod in a flash. Then, links of black chains shot out of them and pierced him, riddling him with holes...

Like greedy demons, the ancient ships kept pulling these exiles into them. The experts who were dragged into the ships were all turned into skeletons, and eventually turned into one of them on the ships.

“So this is... the power of curses.” Bu Fang was shocked. He could sense the power flowing in those ancient ships. It was those curses that made the ships keep chasing the exiles.

Suddenly, the ancient ships all turned and aimed at Bu Fang. He narrowed his eyes. Whitey’s mechanical eyes flashed, and the flags behind its back clanked as it pulled out a metal spear.


The ancient ships shot forward at great speed. Whitey’s mechanical eyes shone as it flung the spear toward them. In the twinkling of an eye, numerous ships exploded and countless skeletons shattered into pieces.

“Let’s go.” Bu Fang could not help but frown as he watched ships after ships swarm toward him. There were too many of them, so it was impossible to destroy them all.

Whitey landed at his side, while Shrimpy and Foxy, standing on his shoulders, hugged his head. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly as silver light burst out from under his feet. The Law of Space erupted, and they vanished in a flash.

The ancient ships lost their target, and the skeletal experts in them began to wander aimlessly in the starry sky.


The Law of Space flashed. Bu Fang landed in front of the enormous Void City and raised his head.

He felt a cramp in his stomach. It was nothing when he looked at the city from across a great distance in the starry sky, but now that he was standing before it, he finally realized how humongous it was.

Just one of its doors was almost across the entire universe. It stretched as far as his eyes could see, and standing before it, he was as tiny as a speck of dust.

“So... huge,” Bu Fang muttered with emotion. Although he had seen a lot of things, he was still shocked by it.

Heavengod Space’s account had a description of Void City, but the difference between seeing it in person and reading it in a book was still huge.

The city had no guards. Bu Fang flew straight into it with Whitey. Behind the door was a bridge shrouded in the aura of curses with its end disappearing into the distance. It looked like the vertebra of an evil being.

A black river rumbled beneath the bridge, rushing under the city like a waterfall. A hazy mist rose from it to envelop the surroundings, filling the air with an atmosphere of grief and pathos. Black cursed snakes could be seen swimming in the black water.

Bu Fang knew that he could not fly over the river. If he did that, he might be pulled by those cursed snakes into the water and be devoured in an instant. The curses and corrosive power in the black water terrified even him.

The bridge was very long. Even with his speed, it took him a few days of running before reaching the end. At last, he set foot on the land of the city.

Void City was a city floating in the universe. It was the largest city in all the universes. In fact, it was larger than a star, wider than the Xiayi Divine Dynasty!

Cold, dark steel buildings rose straight into the clouds. Fortunately, there was no more of that terrifying curse power when he reached the land. Bu Fang glanced over his shoulder and saw many cursed snakes jump out of the black river, fixing their eyes on him. He stepped into the city.

The city was extremely vast. The place where Bu Fang was at was just a small corner. There were many buildings, including low houses and towers. He glanced around.

The people in the city were filled with an aura of death, and their eyes were lifeless as they looked at him. Although Bu Fang was a stranger to the city, he saw no emotion in those eyes. They did not seem to be bothered by his arrival.

He ignored them. In the following days, he walked in the city. It was a simple city, but it was filled with the aura of death at all times. Bu Fang saw murders everywhere he went. The strength of any person in this city had reached the realm of Gods, showing that its overall strength was no weaker than that of the Chaos Space.

After a few days, Bu Fang learned that he was just in a small corner of Void City. The humongous city was divided into four districts: A, B, C, and D. He was now in District D.

District D was the poorest and most chaotic place in the city. It was filled with murders and death, and countless people fought over resources for their survival.

The residents of District D were mostly the exiles of different universes. They had escaped the ancient ships in the starry sky and sneaked into the outermost area of the city, lingering out their feeble existence. These people were surrounded by curse power and suffered from it day and night.

Bu Fang narrowed his eyes and activated the God of Cooking’s Eye. He saw wisps of curse energy emanating from these skinny people, drifting through the air and gathering in the black river of curses that ringed the city.

Void City was a place filled with evils and sins! At the thought that Nethery was living in such a place, Bu Fang’s heart grew heavy. He did not need to think to know that this was a city filled with competition, and failure in the competition would mean death.

‘Perhaps... I need to hurry and find Nethery,” Bu Fang thought to himself.

Suddenly, the sky over District D grew dark. Bu Fang narrowed his eyes, lifted his hand, and found that a cursed snake was slithering across his arm, spitting its tongue at him.

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