At the peak of the formation that surrounded Volts City, a golden fox with ten tails was there, dazzling, with a proud expression, and a little indifferent. The aura itself was powerful, making allies feel protected and strangers tremble with fear. The size of the golden fox was so big that it could be mistaken for a mountain; his fur shone in gold and his eyes in red and neon gold.

When it roared, the skies shook and cracks formed. It felt like the end of the world, everything collapsing. However, what came out of the cracks were cultivation-level moles from the Venerable and Monarch Realm.

"I obey the king's order!" One after another, the spiritual moles said respectfully, having gone so far through the ground.

Moments later, the formation that surrounded Volts City began to expand at a violent speed.

Whether terrestrial, aquatic, or avian animals, everyone was frightened by the event. However, to their dismay, apart from the expansion of the formation, Theo returned to his human form. The aura he transmitted was reduced, and he glided through the air and headed towards the mansion where Yuki and the girls were waiting for him.

"It's done?" Mizuki asked.

"Yes, it is done," Theo replied with a smile.

Now even if a being in the Monarch or Venerable Realm would appear, they needed not fear. Furthermore, with the expansion of the city, Theo could expand his business even further.

"We will be back. Even if we are strong now, it does not mean that we no longer need to train," Theo said playfully.

"Yes." The girls followed him into the mansion.

After entering, Theo created a formation and made his clone stay outside. After that, he entered the [Dimensional Room] with the girls.

Kuro: "Boss!"

Kin: "Master!"

Roiyaruse: " Zzzzz ~"

"Okay, don't make a noise. Take these and go cultivate." Theo handed each of the three a stone of growth and stone of strengthening. He also gave some to the girls' Noble Spirits.

The Noble Spirits blushed red with happiness. The growth stones and the strengthening stone were an unprecedented treasure for them.

The things that Theo had in hand today would be enough for him and the girls to cultivate for a long time. He hasn't even "spawned" the bodies of the cultivators he killed earlier, and thinking that soon his son would be born and wanting to create an even safer environment, he started to streamline the whole process, transforming some of the cultivators into system points while others into the essence of True Mana.


One month later...

It was as if Theo was shedding skin. Just like a snake, the old skin peeled off and revealed a reddish white skin, like the skin of a newborn baby. His eyes were indifferent and felt overwhelming. His aura became more livid and his power was so great that he was able to make the earth tremble just by releasing his Mana.

Opening his status, Theo noticed the great improvement he had received in a short period of 1 month.

_ _

Theo Volts

Race: Divine Beast

Species: Divine Golden Fox

Cultivation: 8th Layer of Monarch Spiritual Realm

Crystal Points: 21.128.442

System Points: 999.999

_ _


Divine Golden Fox: 9.412.111.612 Lineage Cells.

Bestial King - Level 10

Heavenly Phoenix - Level 3

Poisonous Body Level 4

_ _


Divine Lightning Level 10

Eternal Darkness Level 8

Heavenly Fire Level 10

Heavenly Wind Level 5

Heavenly Earth Level 10

Divine Light Level 9

Heavenly Ice Level 5

Divine Metal Level 10

Divine Water Level 10

Poison Level 10

_ _


Clean: Maximum.

Illusion of the Nine Illusory Heavens: Level 3

Voice Change: Level 8

Spiritual Shiatsu Massage: Level 6

Supreme Concealment: Level 5

Healing: Level 3

Teleportation: Level 4

Divine Golden fox Domain: Level 4

Poison King: Level 9

Twin clone: Level 3

Multiple Clones Elementary: Level 3

Governor's Sword: Level 3

_ _


Breathing: Golden Fox Breathing: Master: Low Advance

Cultivation: Lightning of Primordial Darkness: Master: Low Advance

Cultivation: Supreme Elemental Manipulation: Master; High Advance

Dual Cultivation: Body Fusion Phoenix and Dragon: Master: Low Advance

Movement: Lightning Shadow Steps: Ninth Stage

Forge / Defense: Flaming Dragon Furnace: Fourth Stage

Attack: Golden Fox Claws: Initial; Master: Low Advance

Attack: Divine Practice of The Nine-tailed Fox: Step Five

Attack: Black Thunder's Primordial Vibration: Master: Low Advance

Attack: Elementary Emperor: Initial; Master: Low Advance

Attack / Defense: Kempo Art of Golden Destruction: Master: Low Advance

Spiritual Sense: Manual of the Divine Heavenly Spirit - Master: Low Advance

Attack / Defense: Elemental Strengthening - Master: Low Advance

Art of Alchemy of the Spiritual Path - Master: Low Advance

Art of Talisman of the Spiritual Path - Master: Low Advance

Art of Inscription of the Spiritual Path - Master: Low Advance

Art of Formation of the Spiritual Path - Master: Low Advance

Attack / Defense: Body of a Thousand Poisons - Master: Low Advance

Attack / Defense: Perfect Shadow - Master: Low Advance

Attack / Defense: Five Element Clones - Master: Low Advance

_ _

Noble Spirits

Kin: Golden Slime; Gold level 4

Kuro: Dark Slime; Gold level 4

Roiyaruse: Elementary Scepter; Gold level 4

_ _

Whether before or now, Theo's strength was superior to his realm. Now, he wouldn't even have to sweat it if he fought the Sun Emperor again.

'The phoenix blood essence has been consumed; it's time to use the Golden Raven's blood essence,' Theo murmured in his mind.

Not only did Theo finish consuming the blood essence of the phoenix, but the girls had also finished as well. After all, all this month they were locked up with Theo doing cultivation.

Rya appeared in front of Theo and said solemnly, [Master, unlike before, now you don't need to dilute the Golden Crow's blood so much. Even your companions can absorb the diluted blood two hundred times.]

"Mm," Theo nodded.

It wasn't as if he hadn't been thinking about it. After all, unlike before, both he and the girls have strengthened a lot. It would not be illogical to say that unlike before, they were now much more powerful.

Edited by: Azurtha

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