Almost a hundred meters long and 50 meters wide, a red scorpion was running across the desert sands very quickly; on top of this red scorpion were two girls talking happily to their father.

Yes, they were Little Yui, Little Emma, and Theo. After fighting some desert beasts, Little Yui had defeated this scorpion but did not kill it. She thought it was fun to travel on top of the red scorpion, and of course, Theo helped to fulfill his daughter's wish.

It can be said that their trip was very pleasant, and it took them very little time to reach the city in the middle of the desert.


A battle against several beasts was fought. The floor was stained with blood, almost creating a lake of blood, and at the end of the dark warehouse, there was a chest. When opening it, a compass came out of it, although its function was unknown, it seemed very useful, since it was level 7.

Aomi, who took the compass, kept it in her storage ring, with the intention of presenting it to Theo later. And just when Aomi, Waru, and Athena all wanted to move on and go through a big door, something happened: A group of cultivators appeared and stood in front of the three women.

"Hahaha! That's why I love women! They are always silly... How dare they fight a battle against beasts within a mysterious kingdom? If they're not silly, should I call them dumb?! Hand over what you got from the chest, and I will let you live!" Finishing speaking, Billy, a man with green skin and white hair, laughed wildly.

Such a cold glow of a God of Death passed through Aomi's eyes as she tightened her hands into fists. She then suddenly disappeared, and her fist slammed into the back of the green man named Billy, crushing him from the impact alone. Immediately, the man let out an extremely loud cry when his bones, flesh, and skin were turned into porridge.

Before the man's miserable cry ended, Aomi had already fired a kick directly at his family jewels. A person with good hearing would have probably heard some kind of solemn popping sound like an egg breaking from Aomi's attack.

Billy could no longer cry out and passed out on the floor. His great green physique collapsed and fell to the floor with a loud crash.

It all happened very fast. The other cultivators who were with the cultivator Billy didn't even have a chance to react, and when they looked for Aomi, she was already gone.

"Do you think what he thinks?" Aomi asked the now dead Billy's compatriots. Under Aomi's right foot, Billy's head was crushed to a pulp, creating a large pool of blood that mixed with the blood of the beasts. The fragments of the beasts' bodies were scattered all over the place, and together with the green blood of the cultivator Billy, the blood of green with red and blue mixed together seemed to have become a slaughterhouse.

Aomi's one-sided fight was very impressive. In quick movements, the cultivator Billy had died without leaving any last words behind, dying while having his head crushed by Aomi's foot.

Aomi carried around herself an aura of death, which terrified the cultivators who had been with Billy. She looked at the group of cultivators at the Monarch Realm, in her soft, unusually threatening voice, "Guys, I don't want to give a talk on the principles of life. I believe that all of you also know that the world of cultivators bows to the strongest. That's why I'm making it clear, if you try something funny again... I definitely won't hesitate to turn this place into a real slaughterhouse!"

If such arrogant words had come out of a different cultivator's mouth, that cultivator would have been attacked immediately, but it turned out that when Aomi killed the cultivator Billy in front of them, she totally broke their initial courage. The whole place was deathly quiet.

Nobody dared to say otherwise; everyone was shocked by her imposing manner. After seeing Aomi, so bold and powerful, Athena and Waru's hearts were pounding even though their doing that made all these cultivators tremble with fear and not dare to breathe in front of Aomi, Waru and Athena's faces turned red out of excitement.

It could not be denied that the words and actions of this blue horned woman were very arrogant, but she also had the strength to support herself!

Once she said she would kill without mercy, she immediately crushed her opponent's head!

Although they knew that this woman was very strong, the other cultivators realized that they had still underestimated her by thinking that she was weakened from fighting a battle against all of those beasts.

In a matter of seconds, Aomi had killed one of them! The difference in skill between them was huge.

"Killing Bily does not mean that you have the ability to go against all of us at once. You must know that he was one of the weakest among us. However, we will pretend that nothing said happened, we will also let you keep what you found in the chest. We do not need to continue with this fight or else we will only have unnecessary losses," said a man surrounded by giant dark energy after carefully measuring his word choices, afraid that Aomi would be provoked.

"Really?" Aomi gave an empty laugh and in the next moment, a komodo dragon appeared. In the next instant, the komodo dragon merged with Aomi's body, making her grow in size, returning to her previous size of 300 cm, with a fierce appearance and a dominant aura, even more dominant than before.

On her body, the earth spikes were scattered in some specific places, such as the elbows, the back of her hands, her knees, shoulders, and back. In addition, it also had a komodo dragon tail.

"..." 'Damn, she didn't want to give us even a break,' the other cultivators cursed in their minds.

Originally, the male cultivator who used dark mana wanted to end things quickly so that he and his peers could avoid unnecessary shame to their honor, but unexpectedly, Aomi did not want to give them that luxury.

From the moment they had provoked her, if they didn't leave with their heads down, they were destined to suffer at her hands. Aomi was born and raised in a place where she was hunted every day; these few cultivators wouldn't be able to intimidate her.

"Woman, don't go overboard!" The same man as before, Klaus, said angrily.

"Go overboard? Hehe... That is funny, coming from the man who surrounded three weak women with more than 20 cultivators and now says not to go overboard? Do you understand how laughable your own words are?" Aomi said dismissively.

"Damn it, I can't believe she's capable of going against all of us! Let's fight her together!" Klaus screamed, and a sea of ​​dark energy expanded from his body.


"There are only three of them, and apart from this abnormal blue woman, the other two seem weak. Attack them too!"

"Yes, let's kill them!"

"I saw it at a glance, but I'm sure the treasure she took from the chest is level 7!"

That simple comment was able to ignite the evil flames of greed in the hearts of the rest of the cultivators.

"You two get ready. I intend to kill them all!" Aomi didn't turn around, but Athena and Waru knew those words were meant for them.

Of course, Athena and Waru would not stand still, just watching. Athena took a large sword out of her storage ring and a strong sword intent expanded from her body and sword.

During the process of brandishing the sword, Athena's right hand gripped the sword's grip tightly. With a tyrannical aura, along with her sword intent, Athena's level 6 sword launched a blow over twenty meters in length.

That sword seemed to have the power to divide heaven and earth.

With one stroke, two of the cultivators were cut in half.

*<Attack of the Goddess>!*

Athena's voice sent a shock wave across the floor the moment she screamed.

At the sound of her voice, the cultivators that had been cut ended up being divided into four parts, losing their lives.

Suddenly, someone screamed, full of agony, and from within his body, a tree began to grow, causing this cultivator's body to expand until it exploded, spurting blood and guts in all directions.

Of course, this was done by Waru, who struck the cultivator's chest and implanted a seed inside him and caused the seed to germinate and expand, sucking the mana from inside the man's body in order to grow. It was a pretty brutal scene.

Those cultivators who decided to fight didn't even have time to breathe. When they raised their heads to look up, there was a big open palm made out of earth, spreading a ripple of spiritual mana with earth affinity, it was as if a big mountain was falling and pressing them.


The great earthen palm pressed on them, producing a violent and deafening crash. Pressing ten cultivators into the warehouse's floor, turning them into chunks of meat.

Another explosion resonated to Athena's side, making the warehouse tremble slightly. While brandishing her sword, Athena merged with her Noble Spirit, which was a metallic centaur, and she became even more powerful. When attacking, her attacks became heavier and more powerful, causing the death of two other cultivators.

Waru did not seem to want to lose, and from her hands, tree branches came out and enveloped two of the cultivators, and the bodies of these cultivators changed color, becoming green, and then, their bodies exploded. The strangest thing was that everything inside them was dyed green, and when they exploded, it looked like their blood was made of poison.


In a place full of flames, with many volcanoes, Posel was walking alone until he was surrounded by many cultivators, laughing at him ominously.

"Shit!" Posel swore. He knew at that moment that this would be his end.


- Drop some power stone, please <3


[Edited by: Azurtha]

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