'No, this isn't over!' Zeutsu looked at Yuki's group with malice in his eyes. He thought that if he took them hostage, Theo would be forced to surrender. He wouldn't let a kid who was still a 17-year-old beat him like that.

What he didn't notice was that, as Zeutsu thought this, Theo's expression changed. This was also when Theo transformed again. It was as if a divine being had appeared on the spot; it was so radiantly dominant that it made some women pass out from his presence.

Theo, in his human form with animalistic features, was as beautiful as he was powerful. He had long golden hair and two different-colored eyes: the left red and the right golden in the form of a slit. His explosive muscles were well-formed. His teeth were so white and sharp that they were beautiful and at the same time menacing. His lips were curved in a sinister smile as he looked at Zeutsu.

When Zeutsu thought about moving, Theo appeared behind him. "Don't even think about it."


Zeutsu vomited blood and looked down and saw Theo's golden tail protruding from his stomach.

"Before, I didn't want to kill you..." Theo didn't complete what he was going to say, but Zeutsu was able to understand what he was going to say.

"You like to control the minds of others, right?" Theo said with a cold smile. "You also like to manipulate others like chess pieces, don't you? Just like you did with Judith, right?"

"How do you know that?" Zeutsu was unable to move; his body was trapped by Theo's mental power. Just as Theo alluded, he was being controlled, unable to do anything he wanted to do. Even with his unique ability of which he was so proud, it was not of much use now.

"What? Of course, I know everything about you. I know you raped Judith's sister and placed the blame on her father." Theo laughed dryly. "And you also killed Judith's sister Esmeralda and also placed the blame for that on her father. All because you wanted Judith for yourself, right?"

"Is this... is this true?" Judith, who was standing on the ark not far from Theo and Zeutsu was shaking from head to toe. If that was true, her life was a lie. She lived believing that her father was the culprit, that he raped and killed her sister, and because of that, she had killed her father...

"Still don't believe it?" Theo did not try to convince her with words, but instead chose to show her, "May this serve as a punishment for what you did before."

Theo's reason for saying "punishment" was that upon seeing what he was about to show her, Judith would inevitably blame herself for killing her father, since he was innocent. This was not an easy thing to bear, which is why he called it punishment.

On a gigantic holographic screen in front of everyone, so that everyone could see, Zeutsu was seen talking to a beautiful woman with black hair and violet eyes. She had a very sexy body and even bigger breasts than Judith's. In the holographic images Zeutsu tried to court the woman. Day after day he came, but when he found out she was interested in another man and intended to get married, he went to get satisfaction from her.

The woman named Esmeralda said she owed him no satisfaction since she always rejected him and never loved him, but Zeutsu did not accept that. He used his unique ability and controlled her mind and raped her day after day… until, once, she managed to get out of the control of his ability, and with tears in her eyes, she killed herself by stabbing her hand through her chest and pierced her own heart.

Zeutsu was overwhelmed and infuriated. He didn't expect her to be able to do such a thing; he believed that sooner or later she would fall in love with him, just like all the other women he did it to had.

It was then that Esmeralda and Judith's father went to their room and saw his daughter dead. He was paralyzed. After looking at Zeutsu and seeing the guilt in his eyes, Esmeralda's father attacked Zeutsu, but he was much weaker than Zeutsu and was defeated.

Zeutsu still wanted to be with Judith, and he knew it wouldn't be long before she returned. Of course, he understood that he would have no chance if he was found guilty of killing her sister and father, so he used his unique ability to control Judith's father's mind to tell her when she returned that he was the one who raped his daughter and in a moment of panic he ended up killing her.

Judith thought it was some kind of bad joke since her father always proved to be a good person, but her father showed her Esmeralda's dead body and Judith went crazy and killed her father shortly thereafter.

"See? It was not your father who raped and killed your sister, but Zeutsu, and his fury and anger at men. It is not entirely illogical, since it was due to another man that his family went into chaos. Of course, your father had some guilt in this, since he was weak. If he were stronger, he would have found out that his daughter was being controlled from the beginning and would have confronted Zeutsu earlier and it would never have happened." Theo told her all this.

Judith almost passed out, but what kept her sober was the anger she felt for Zeutsu. She flew very fast and arrived in front of Theo and Zeutsu. With bloody tears streaming from her eyes, she said, "You wretch! I'm going to kill you!"

"You wouldn't dare!!" Zeutsu could not move. He could only threaten with words and tried to make an expression that was as angry as possible, trying to threaten Judith.

"Hahaha! I wouldn't dare? Know, that even if I die later, I will kill you!" Judith screamed madly. All she wanted most now was to kill that man... that monster with her own hands.

Zeutsu's current body was huge, but Judith didn't care about any of that. She made wind claws over her hands and started scratching the skin on Zeutsu's chest. In the beginning, it was difficult for her to be able to tear his skin, but as she was scratching, she managed to dig into his chest like a rat digging through the walls with its claws.

Apart from controlling Zeutsu's body by preventing him from moving, Theo did nothing. He let Judith do that. Theo thought she had suffered enough; at least he would let her have her revenge. And seeing that Aomi was silent, he imagined that she thought the same.


Zeutsu's pitiful screams echoed throughout the Naga Empire. He had never suffered such pain and humiliation. If he could move, he would have already crushed Judith's body into ground meat. The problem was that, no matter how much effort he made, he couldn't get out of Theo's mind control, it was just too powerful. The entire experience was agonizing: wanting to do something, but not succeeding and just standing there watching his body being dug into without being able to counterattack.

_ _

- Drop some power stone, please <3

[Edited by: Azurtha]

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