The person who just spoke was Bruce, Prince of the Fisher Empire. Host Afonso was patient and asked him, "Mr. Bruce, why do you say it is unfair?"

"Hahaha. How is it not unfair?" Bruce burst out in a laugh full of mockery, "He has more than double the points compared to any other participant and can buy the best quality items to forge and still have points left. If that is not unfair, what is then?"

"A talent difference," Theo interjected suddenly.

"... What?" Bruce returned his look to Theo and was speechless.

"In addition to being insane, are you deaf?" Theo said, without any desire to argue with this idiot.

"Bastard! Are you calling me demented?! Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Bruce had completely lost his logical reasoning. He was not used to being insulted; everyone in his age group always treated him with the greatest respect. And seeing someone younger, more talented, and stronger than himself disrespecting him created anguish and envy just looking at Theo.

Bruce rolled up his sleeves and went over to Theo, grabbing him by the collar of his T-shirt.

"Let go," Theo warned flatly.

"Participant Bruce, behave yourself. If you continue like this, you will be penalized." Host Afonso was experiencing a severe headache with this whole situation.

"I warned you," Even with the warning, Bruce continued to hold his shirt. Theo extended his left arm and with a slap at the speed of light, caught Bruce in the face.


The sound of the slap echoed throughout the arena and made Bruce fly straight towards the bleachers.



The moment his big body hit the concrete of the stands, it sunk in, and he was trapped inside. Those close to him walked away quickly, not wanting to be affected.


A deadly silence dominated the place; people near Theo found it difficult to breathe as they gazed at him fearfully.

Theo had an indifferent expression when he approached the merchant who sold the high quality items. He said, "I want to exchange my points for a high quality furnace and 15 sets of high-quality items."

"Y-Yes! Right away!" The merchant trembled briefly, wiping sweat off his brow, and answered Theo's request. He had approached him so quickly that it looked like Theo was a mugger robbing his store with a gun aimed at his head.

Prince Bruce pulled himself out of the concrete wreckage, and everyone could see that his right side of his face was very swollen. It was so red that it looked like a ripe tomato was glued to his face.

The fool thought that those in charge of the tournament would speak in his favor, because he was humiliated by Theo. However, no one spoke up, not even Patriarch Fish did. Prince Bruce was so ashamed and angry at the same time. He was very afraid of Theo; he didn't think Theo would be able to do anything to him in the middle of the forge tournament. Prince Bruce came out of the wreckage and walked with his head down, not saying a word.

"Hahahaha! Look at his face!"

Only when they saw that Prince Bruce was alive did the audience burst out laughing. They hardly cared that Prince Bruce was slapped so hard that one could barely recognize him; he brought it on himself the moment he teased Theo. It was foolish to think that he could act irrationally with Theo and seek justice for something he considers to be unfair.


"That's what you get for not knowing your place!"

"Tsk. You dare to scream that it is unfair just because you are inferior to my dear Theo?"

"I hate that kind of person!"

"Humph! People like him deserve a beating!"

These kinds of words were shouted here and there.

The audience started booing Prince Bruce in unison, as the girls who became Theo's fangirls started throwing objects at the prince. Prince Bruce's anger only grew, but he did not dare to go against the public that had more than 100 million people. It was like an ant trying to go against an elephant; he would be trampled to death if he tried.

In the stands, Little Yui crossed her arms over her chest and snorted, "Humph! Foolish shark who doesn't know his place."

"Hehe. This is common, Little Yui." Ariana smiled at her as she patted her head. "He's just a frog stuck in a well. He still doesn't know how vast the world is."

"The foolishness of this shark-man has no limit." Zaira looked at Prince Bruce as if she were looking at an idiot, an utter fool.

"Truth," Zaika agreed.

Little Emma was silent. She thought that Prince Bruce's attitude was very similar to Orothi's. But in the end what happened when you met Theo? She knew more than anyone how foolish Prince Bruce was now.

Prince Bruce felt deflated. Even if he wanted revenge, it was not feasible because the moment he looked in the direction where Patriarch Fish was standing, the prince saw him shaking his head and extending his hands in surrender, as if there was nothing that he could do, his action signaling a warning for Prince Bruce not to retaliate.

'Don't provoke him.' That's what Patriarch Fish told him telepathically.

Prince Bruce touched his hand to his swollen face and contemplated how he wanted his stitches placed, staying quiet. If the others didn't know, they might have thought he was struck dumb, as quiet as he was now.

Restoring control, Host Afonso spoke as soon as the 30 minute time limit had passed, "Well, now that everyone has chosen the items to forge, the participants have 4 hours to forge their weapons. Let the forge tournament officially begin!"



With the items ready to forge tier 3 weapons, Theo was already prepared with 15 separate sets and started to forge. Making his flames manifest in the furnace, he placed a piece of iron and a magic core of lightning. At that moment, in Theo's mind, there was a sea of

flames, where the iron and the magic core were being melted at different temperatures.

He was turning the liquid, overflowing it with abundant spiritual mana. While the spiritual mana floated on top, he opened the furnace and placed in the two items of different types of metal. Along with the two items, he placed a lightning talisman. Using it would increase the quality of the weapon, but it also increased the chances of failure in merging the items. However, Theo had enough knowledge to be successful.

Theo used his Divine Sense to squeeze everything together for fusion and purification.

At the same time, he also began to integrate the new metals into the liquid in the sea of

flame, and he began to merge them with the melted iron and magic core using his Divine Sense. The flames had been burning in the high-quality furnace for several minutes, yet the items had not quite fully melted.

Over time, Theo managed to use his powerful spiritual mana and Divine Sense while fusing the liquids, creating a sword with yellow lines and a silvery yellow hilt. Almost 15 minutes passed before Theo finished forging.

When the sword was evaluated, the item guarantor said in a shaky voice, "Perfect quality!"

As soon as those words came out of her mouth, the audience became agitated. Some even wanted to immediately bid to buy this sword.

And for the next 4 hours, Theo continued to forge different types of level 3 weapons with perfect quality, leaving everyone with their mouths wide open, unable to describe the disbelief they were experiencing. After all, there were 15 weapons of perfect quality! Even for a cultivator in the Superior Wizard Realm, such weapons would be useful.

[Edited by: Azurtha]

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