Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 457 457- Lord of the Seven Hells

Chapter 457 Chapter 457- Lord of the Seven Hells

As the battle between Zach and Nirn reached its zenith, with Nirn's transformation into the berserk form, the imp's gaze remained fixed on the unfolding conflict. Its eyes, usually tinged with a sense of detached observation, now held a flicker of concern.

The Hell's Spirit, beside the imp, noticed this change in demeanor and couldn't help but inquire, "Is something amiss, Lord? You seem perturbed by the turn of events."

The imp, still watching the battle with unwavering attention, spoke in a voice that carried an edge of unease. "Nirn's berserk form... It's overwhelming Zach. His current state of 90% demonification may not be enough to match Nirn's newfound power."

The Hell's Spirit understood the imp's apprehension. Nirn's berserk form was a formidable force, and even Zach's advanced level of demonification might not be sufficient to counter it. If Zach couldn't find a way to turn the tide of the battle, the consequences could be dire.

As Zach and Nirn clashed in a frenzy of magical and physical blows, it became evident that Nirn's berserk state was overpowering Zach's defenses. The imp's concern deepened as it watched Zach struggle to maintain his ground.

"Zach must find a way to harness his demonification to its fullest," the Hell's Spirit murmured, its voice carrying a rare sense of urgency. "If he cannot, he risks being overwhelmed by Nirn's uncontrollable power."

The Hell's Spirit knew that Zach's ability to utilize his demonification effectively in this dire situation was crucial. The fate of the realm hung in the balance, and the imp's concern was a stark reminder of the stakes involved.

As the battle raged on, Zach's determination shone through. Through sheer willpower and a deep understanding of his own abilities, he began to tap into the latent potential of his 90% demonification. The raw power that had initially threatened to overwhelm him was now harnessed with precision, countering Nirn's berserk onslaught.

The imp's tense posture relaxed slightly as it witnessed this shift in the battle's dynamics. It seemed reassured that Zach was finding a way to utilize his demonification effectively, even in the face of such overwhelming power.

"If Zach can't fully transform, he can never win against Nirn. Should we not help him, My Lord? He is your Grandson. With your power, you can easily end the battle. Why don't you interfere?"

The imp, a specter of ancient knowledge and restraint, regarded the Hell's Spirit with a solemn gaze. "It is not within my rights, nor my nature, to interfere with Hell's affairs, let alone an ongoing battle. My role is that of an observer, a guardian of balance. If I were to interfere, it would be a violation of the laws that govern the realms."

The Hell's Spirit seemed torn between its desire to aid Zach and the understanding of the imp's words. "But My Lord, if you wanted to intervene, why not do so long ago when Nirn began his tyranny? You possess the power to bring about change."

"Same as you," The imp's response was laden with a sense of wisdom and resignation. "My power extends only so far as to maintain equilibrium and oversee the realms. The actions of mortals and even those of demons are not mine to dictate. They must choose their paths, and the consequences of those choices are theirs to bear."

"Besides, I no longer possess the power of the seven hells." the imp added.

The Hell's Spirit, baffled by this revelation, couldn't help but seek an explanation. "What do you mean, My Lord? How is it possible that you've lost such immense power?"

The imp's voice carried a tinge of regret as it began to unravel a long-held secret. "When Zach was born dead, with missing body parts, he was bestowed with blessings by various entities. Each being granted him something unique. When it was my turn..."

Before the imp could finish its sentence, the Hell's Spirit's spectral form suddenly froze, eyes widening in realization. "The Demon King's Blessings..."

As the gravity of the truth washed over the Hell's Spirit, it whispered in awe, "You made him the Lord of the Seven Hells..."

The imp, still shrouded in an aura of ancient wisdom, nodded in acknowledgment of the Hell's Spirit's deference. "Yes, I bestowed upon him the Demon King's Blessings and the title that came with it. It was a choice born of necessity and love, a choice that now binds me from wielding the authority of the seven hells."

"Which is why Zach can never fully transform into a demon. My blessings won't let him. And even if… somehow… he manages to bypass the restrictions… go beyond his limit… he will stay in a demon form… forever…"

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