Godfather Of Champions

Chapter 887 - A Call from London

Chapter 887: A Call from London

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After England was eliminated, they could still comfort themselves, “We were at least eliminated by the champion!”

The host of the East, Brazil, finally had a shot at the cup on their home ground and this meant Kaka finally completed his World Cup dream – just like Ronaldo from before, when he first won the World Cup, he was only a side character. But this time, he relied on his own capabilities and hard work to become the core of the Brazil team, finally leading the team to get the championships. For him, this championship was of more value.

If it was necessary to ask him what regrets he still had after obtaining this year’s World cup, he would definitely mention out his regret of not winning George Wood in his best state. This made him a little discontent after winning the World Cup…

Just before the end of the World Cup, the England team had already spread the news of changing the roster.

Capello’s contract with the English Football Association was due to expire right after the World Cup, and with England’s performance during the previous tournament not being satisfactory to most people, the Football Association would not offer to renew his contract. Hence after the expiry of the deadline, Capello ended his job in England, as he returned to Italy and officially announced his retirement.

Afterwards, the Football Association would then start the selection of a new head coach for the team.

The media had made a list of possible candidates. The list, which had not been officially recognized, was compiled by the media based on their experience.

Tony Twain, who has just resigned, was in the list, but he had the lowest probability. The simple reason was that when he was still the Nottingham Forest manager, he gave the Football Association trouble several times, and in the minds of the Football Association officials, Tony Twain was a hard-to-discipline hedgehog, and he should be avoided whenever possible. Another reason was that it was rumoured that Manchester United and Twain were in private contact and that a preliminary agreement may have been reached between both parties.

Motson, who just ended his role as the World Cup commentary, also asked him about this, mainly asking whether Manchester United had really invited Twain to coach. Twain nodded as he did get a call from the top management of Manchester United, but he refused as he did not want to snatch Martin O’Neill’s job, and just like what he told Allen, he was unable to accept the fact that he needs to become Nottingham Forest’s opponent and play against Nottingham Forest in a competition.

“What about the England team?”

Twain shrugged, “The Football Association didn’t look for me, don’t listen to how media said that that was some list up for selection, it is all fabricated.”

Motson then laughed, “Okay, why not you just come and work for us on BBC 5 tv station, to analyse the game or start a special program in the show. With your eloquence and influence, you don’t have to worry about the ratings.”

Twain declined Motson’s kind offer, “I just want to be with my wife.”

Motson did not believe this, “Come on, I know you can’t live without football at all. ”

Twain touched his nose and asked curiously, “Why?”

“It’s very simple. I can’t imagine what else you can do after leaving the world of football…” Motson quipped. “After finishing the job and go relax? ”

“I have to go and reunite with my wife.” Twain smiled apologetically.

“You…” Motson pointed to Twain, shaking his head helplessly, “Never mind! ”

Instead of returning to the United Kingdoms with the people from BBC, Twain left directly for Rio de Janeiro to continue accompanying with his wife.

Although he was still a little concerned about Motson’s words, but after more than twenty days of separation from Shania today, he really wanted to put on wings and fly directly to the side of his wife.

After returning back to Shania, Tony Twain was way more passionate as compared to before the World Cup. This made Shania feel weird, but afterwards she just thought it was a show of “absence making the heart feel fonder” .

Only Twain knew that he was trying to refute Motson’s words with practical action, trying to deny that thought that was still struggling in his heart.


The $15 million mansion in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, was a shared property between Shania and Tony Twain. In previous years when Tony Twain and Shania decided to purchase it, it was during the economic global crisis which impacted the whole world, $15 million was already $4.5 million less than its original price, and even so, it was still quite expensive…

Twain did not want to live in such a mansion, he did not have the habit of hiring a housekeeper, so no matter how big the house was, it would only contain Shania and him, occasionally the house would be used to host friends from both parties. But the only reason why Twain was willing to buy the house was not because it was sufficiently huge, but because behind it was the Pacific Ocean.

Standing on your own balcony, he could enjoy the magnificent sea, it also had a private beach, such an environment deserving $15 million was not a scam.

Twain liked this type of an open environment, especially the sea. He was born within the city, hence during the first half of his life he did not genuinely saw the great ocean. So, today he wanted to mend this regret.

The house also had another advantage – it was close to his old friend, the Beckhams’ mansion in Beverly Hills, walking there would take at most 15 minutes. He could count them as neighbors.

Tonight, Twain and Shania are here to dine with the Beckham and Tom Cruise couple, along with some other Hollywood stars.

It was the second day they came to Hollywood from Brazil.

The journey-weary Shania was still in her bed, as Twain had already done his morning exercises on the beach behind the house. He sat directly on the beach, letting the sea continuously wash over his body, as he was looking out at the sea.

The ocean that had been sleeping all night was gently rippling in front of him, bringing a little smell of sea salt. He took a little breath to sniff it.

It’s nice not to get up in the morning and immediately think about how to lead today’s game.

That was what Twain was thinking.

Behind him came a slight “ssh ssh” sound, as Twain turned and got surprised. Shania walked out only in her three-point underwear, as she was still having sleepy eyes. She had something in her hand.

“It was too damn noisy, I can’t sleep at all… This call was made five times…” Shania handed the thing in her hand to Twain, as she pouted while sitting beside him, leaning her head onto Twain’s shoulder.

“Go back, don’t catch a cold.” Twain pushed her and looked at the unresponsive phone. “Is the call not coming anymore?”

“It’s hot inside and it’s much cooler here.” Shania pouted. “I promise there would be another call in less than five minutes.”

As soon as the voice dropped, Twain’s cellphone, in his hands, rang.

“You see!” Shania made a grimace face at Twain and continued to snooze on his shoulder.

“Hey, I’m Tony Twain” Twain discovered that the phone number was unknown and was never recorded in his phone book. “But I don’t care who you are, do you know what time it is in Los Angeles? Seven in the morning!” He was upset that this damn phone call had disturbed his wife’s dream. And since the caller was a stranger, that was no need to be polite.

“Ah, I’m sorry, Mr Twain. I didn’t know you were in Los Angeles, I thought you were in Brazil.” The caller was a man with a extremely low voice, although he was apologising, he did not sound humble at all. “I’m Shaun Barclays. I believe you must know who I am now right?” The voice started to laugh.

Twain was no stranger to this name, as it was the current executive of the English Football Association. Twain’s anger immediately reduced by half as this call really came out of the blue. Why did he even call him in the first place?

“Well, Twain, it’s about this. I have a plan here, I don’t know if you will be interested. ”

Twain rolled his eyes as he had already guessed what Barclays was calling him for. But he did not say it, but instead waited quietly for the other side to say it. As a successful coach, he had to be more reserved. But in his mind, the answer was already clear.

“As you know, Capello and our contract has ended. ”

“Yes, I’ve realised. ”

“We are now looking for the next manager of the England team. And I think you’ll be the most suitable one. ”

Twain acted surprised, “Why? I think this position and I should be very far away from each other. Although the surprise was pretended, but what he said was true. Twain knew what his image was in the Football Association, why would the Football Association look for such a disobedient head coach to manage the England team? At least before this call, he felt that it was weird.”

England’s leading figure laughed, “Championship. Isn’t the 12 championship trophies the Nottingham Forest team you led gotten enough to prove your worth?”

Twain was laughing in his heart. Mr Barclays was not praising him initially when he was discussing about him before.

When Shaun Barclays took up the position recently, there was a night press conference when he was asked about his review about Tony Twain, he pressed onto his temple while painfully answered, “If he could properly manage his mouth, I’ll thank the heavens.”

Later, Twain did not lessen his criticisms on the Football Association, so he often took a booking from the Football Association. Barclays’ name was firmly in his head. It was rumoured that whenever someone within the Association asked Barclays about his impression of Twain he would answer it with a hint of humour, “You mean the name that was always appearing in the booking?”

It was clear that the Football Association boss’s impression of Twain was not good.

Although today Mr Barclays’ attitude to him was much better, but Twain did not want to claim his sentiments. He said, “But you know, the club and the national team are two very different things, Mr. Executive,” he said. Success at the club does not mean success in the national team…”

The old fox, Barclays could tell the sarcasm behind Twain’s voice, and he did not show any disappointment or any emotion, but said quietly, “Don’t be in a hurry to refuse, Mr. Twain. You can think it over. The people and I agreed that the next England manager should be an Englishman. ”

Since the other party already gave him face, Twain also did not make enemies everywhere as he used to in Nottingham Forest to attract all the attacks onto himself. So he also gave face to the other party “Okay, I’ll consider this offer.”

After saying that he hung up the phone, as he looked down at his wife, who was still leaning on his shoulder.

“You actually did not reject him directly.” Shania’s words shocked Twain, he was about to defend himself, but Shania continued talking. “You don’t have to care about me, the key is what you want to do.”

She poked her head onto Twain’s shoulder.

“I won’t say yes, ” said Twain as he gently touched her hair. “That was just to not make Mr Barclays too uncomfortable and look too ugly.”

Shania sneered, “When did ‘Mad Dog Tony’ become so gentle? ”

“Who gave me that nickname?” Twain glared.

“Marca newspaper. They still hate you.” Shania raised her head with a smile.

Twain noticed that she was hugging her arms as he put her arm around her and brought her into the house. “Be careful not to catch a cold.” As for what the Marca newspaper said about him, he simply just did not care.


Although Twain thought he had already turned down the English Football Association, the English media did not think the same way. In an interview with the English media, Barclays personally admitted that the Football Association and Tony Twain had contacted, which pushed Twain, who was previously ghosting the media, back to the front stage.

Within a day, the media in England was crazily hyping Twain in the chance that he might take over the commander position in the England team.

Twain did not change his cell phone, so he got a call from Pierce Brosnan. Brosnan wanted to ask him if this was actually true. Twain admitted that Barclays had called him, but he did not agree to be the head coach. This made Brosnan a little disappointed as after knowing Tony Twain had left that world of football, he then knew how lonely he was.

“Actually, I think you can seriously think about it, Tony…”


“I think you should be a football coach… I can’t imagine you not doing something related to football. ”

This is the second time Twain has heard someone say that to him.

“Aren’t you seeing it right now?” Twain snorted, and then hung up in a hurry.

God d*amn it, why is everyone saying this? I just wante to accompany my wife…


The evening banquet was held as scheduled, as Hollywood celebrities from all walks of life carefully dressed themselves, and then brought their partners to the banquet. Shania was quite well-liked in this social circle but Twain usually only see many of these movie stars in the movies.

Outside the mansion gathered several United Kingdom and English reporters, many were reporting for an entertainment channel, while some were for sports. The sports reporters were clearly here to find Tony Twain. Beckham had retired long ago.

For the party, the Twain couple hired a team to take charge of the party, they did not have to bother with cooking nor waiting the tables. They just needed to entertain the guests.

The party was lively, but Twain’s mood was still affected by incident in the morning. On this day, the phrase “England national coach” would always suddenly appear in his mind and haunt him.

Beckham saw through Twain and thought he was distracted as he quipped, “What’s up, Twain? Are you jealous seeing Shania becoming the main lead.”

Twain glanced at the crowd who was surrounding Shania as she was entertaining everyone, “Why would I be jealous…” Looking at the good friend in front of him, the only guest here who has a common language with him, he suddenly thought to himself, “Maybe I can try asking David?”

“You look like you’re having something on your mind, what’s wrong?” Without waiting for him to speak, Beckham has already taken the initiative to show concern.

“I, uh… David. I got a call from the Football Association today morning. ”

“The English Football Association?” Beckham asked back, but he was not surprised.

Twain nodded.

The star on the other side started to laugh, “I am not surprised.”

This time it was Twain’s turn to be surprised, “Why do you say that?” ”

“If I was a Football Association official, I’d call you, Tony. Now that they’re all over the world looking for a new coach, how can they miss you out? ”

“But I’ve decided to leave football and just stay with Shania. ”

Beckham squinted as he looked at Twain.

“You don’t believe me?” Twain asked.

“Do you think anyone believes that, Tony?”

Twain would have liked to retort directly: “Why not?” But he suddenly remembered that Shania, Motson and Brosnan had expressed varying degrees of doubt about his thoughts. And compared to two outsiders, Motsan and Brosnan, the most vital thing is that even his wife who sleeps together with him every day did not believe this, this problem was really serious.

“Tony, I don’t doubt your feelings for Shania. But I, too don’t doubt your feelings about football. You’re born for football, and I can’t think of how you’re going to live after leaving from football. Beckham put his hand on Twain’s shoulder and said to him with a serious tone.

“But I’m still living fine.” Twain spread his hands.

Beckham laughed as he squinted his eyes.

“You don’t believe me again?”

Beckham patted him on the shoulder as he took back his hand. “Well, don’t think about that, just enjoy the night, I’ll introduce you to some new friends…”

He pulled Twain to the raucous crowd, where the lights were bright as a unforgettable night had just begun. (Unfinished, if you want to know what happens later, please log in to www.qidian.com, where there would be more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading! )

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