God Simulator

Chapter 204: Highly flammable and explosive

Chapter 204: Highly flammable and explosive

Anchoring to God Bo’s realm would consume 110,000 faith, but targeting Wuzi Wang’s kingdom only requires 13,000 faith.

Lu Yao found that the ability to anchor worlds also depended on the population and faith of different worlds. The stronger the Divinity and Divine Body, the greater the consumption of the faith fire driving the Silvanus Tree. Now that God Bo’s realm was at war with Wuzi Wang’s kingdom, with the two divine nations bordering and overlapping, accessing Wuzi Wang’s kingdom was also possible, a roundabout way of entry.

Lu Yao spent a sum of faith and added "Wuzi Wang’s kingdom" to the list of anchored locations.

The "Create Passage" option finally turned white and became available.

Lu Yao clicked to create, and his perspective suddenly zoomed out.

The screen focused on two pixel worlds stuck together.

One a large rectangle, the other a small triangle.

Lu Yao could, like molding clay, delineate parts of the boundaries of the two worlds to form a boundary junction.

This could create a passage, or he could use the mouse to expand it, connecting any piece of land, sea, or even sky to Wuzi Wang’s kingdom as one space.

Most areas were available green zones.

Lu Yao didn’t rush to connect; he first opened Wuzi Wang’s kingdom’s "Rule Repair."

By reading the world rules encyclopedia, he could gain a comprehensive and realistic understanding of the world.

This time he settled down and read through it for three hours, gaining a preliminary understanding of Wuzi Wang’s kingdom.


The only god in Wuzi Wang’s kingdom is Wuzi Wang himself.

He is a deity born locally and was one of the earliest Wuzi people.

Unlike other life forms Lu Yao had encountered, Wuzi people are not made of flesh and blood; their bodies are primarily composed of a special element called "Wu."

Wu is a hard solid at low temperatures, a soft solid at room temperature, and turns into a liquid at extremely high temperatures, just like the Wuzi people.

A long time ago, the Wu element dissolved and fused with some metals and other substances. After a series of evolutions, it became active and self-aware, giving birth to these small beings.

Their clan is called "Wuzi," meaning a gathering of a large amount of Wu.

Wuzi people have a fatal weakness: they fear water.

Once they touch water or humid air, their bodies burn, releasing a large amount of toxic fog and steam, and they explode.

Therefore, the world they live in is quite special.

The original world of the Wuzi people is a huge sphere made of stone and various solid materials, and they live inside the sphere.

By continuously dissolving stones, Wuzi people have carved out paths and living spaces within the sphere.

In the process of continuous excavation and exploration, they also encountered various dangers.

The main danger is water.

Sometimes they would unexpectedly hit a water source or suddenly encounter seepage, which for them is a disaster, a dead end in the narrow passages.

In addition to this, there are dangers such as tunnel collapses, geological movements, attacks from earth elemental creatures, and internal strife, all of which can cause the death and explosion of Wuzi people.

As the number of Wuzi people continued to grow, so did their need for space. The pioneers successively created two great inventions: the Earth Boat and Black Wu Mud.

As the name suggests, the Earth Boat is a vehicle that moves underground, shaped like a giant sharpened pencil.

Its front end continuously breaks through the earth and stone, absorbing it into its body, and then expels the earth and stone from the rear through a central column, advancing in this way.

The advent of the Earth Boat greatly reduced the threat of collapses and earthquakes to the Wuzi people.

Over time, the Wuzi people continued to improve and evolve the Earth Boat. This underground vessel became larger and larger, even large enough to accommodate hundreds of Wuzi people, like a moving town beneath the ground.

The Earth Boat became a strategic tool.

To compete for the limited safe space underground, Wuzi people began to band together, attacking and confronting each other in groups. This chaotic situation lasted for many years until it was curbed when Wuzi Wang became a deity.

However, even the most advanced Earth Boat was dangerous when encountering water, which always finds a way in.

That’s when Black Wu Mud was needed.

Black Wu Mud is a special substance discovered by the Wuzi people from underground stones. It is a sediment of an underground black-brown grease with strong waterproof properties.

Coating themselves with Black Wu Mud creates a flexible and safe waterproof shell, greatly increasing the survival rate of the Wuzi people, no longer exploding and burning upon contact with water.

Strictly speaking, Black Wu Mud also absorbs a small amount of water, but this water is locked on the surface and does not affect the Wuzi people. A moderate amount of water actually helps maintain the elasticity and extensibility of the Black Wu Mud, making it easier to repair and strengthen.

For safety, the Wuzi people also apply different viscosities of Black Wu Mud to their bodies in batches to form multiple layers of protection.

The one who found Black Wu Mud and promoted it to the entire clan was Wuzi Wang.

He is an ancient Wuzi person, also one of the earliest adventurers to leave their homeland and dig outward. As a pioneer, he had many near-death experiences but also gained treasures beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

The most precious treasure of Wuzi Wang is a golden die that can change fate.

During one digging expedition, Wuzi Wang fell into the scorching depths, where flames flowed like water, with red and yellow alternating in glow.

The Black Wu Mud on Wuzi Wang’s body began to crack and peel off, and he felt his body melting and flowing, his thoughts becoming frantic and chaotic...

He desperately climbed up, squeezing into a crevice.

Behind the crevice was a large cave, where a dilapidated altar stood.

The altar was shaped like a giant bull’s skull but was entirely made of pale and cold stone, with flames burning fiercely in its two eye sockets.

Wuzi Wang knew that was not fire; it was warmer than fire, more dangerous than water, heavier than earth... that was the power of divine faith. Mortals could not touch such might.

He was extremely excited at that moment, even forgetting to collect the liquefied feet stuck to the ground.

Because the golden die needed the fire of faith!

Wuzi Wang returned all the way, bringing the golden die to the temple.

Placed upon the fire of faith, the die came to life, and its power fully unfolded.

Wuzi Wang began to roll the die.

Before each roll, he would pray devoutly, expressing his humility and gratitude, hoping that the deity who left the gift would bless him with good fortune.

Wuzi Wang only rolled twice a day—to show solemnity and sanctity. He believed that each day’s good fortune was limited.

On his fifth roll, he won a prize: a piece of gold the size of a head.

Wuzi Wang did not expect that the next time he rolled a treasure, it would be the 8,658th time.

After patiently rolling for more than 4,000 years, he rolled out a treasure.


And so, Wuzi Wang became the first deity among the Wuzi people.

He absorbed the last of the faith from the altar, took the majority of the Wuzi people, and carved out a pyramid-shaped divine nation, officially setting sail into the sea of world dimensions.

Who knew that in the first era of ascending to the pantheon, he would be caught in a divine war.

Facing a powerful invader, Wuzi Wang was at an absolute disadvantage, suppressed by the opponent in Divinity, body, and world civilization.

The legions of the Fifth Fearless Empire had already crossed the border, advancing irresistibly, defeating the inexperienced Wuzi people, with their population continuously shrinking.

The empire’s goal was to completely convert the faith of the Wuzi people or use them as materials for casting and smelting.


Lu Yao found several key terms.

Local deity, special race, Earth Boat.

Facing powerful foreign invaders, Wuzi Wang’s kingdom might need a little assistance.

The Yao Clan’s world has always welcomed new friends.

Lu Yao set the passage between worlds in the northern New Continent.

Then, he turned his attention to Wuzi Wang’s kingdom, ready to observe the current state of this world.

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