God Rank Upgrade System

Chapter 839 - Broken Glasses

Chapter 839: Broken Glasses

Zhi zhi zhi – –

Then, another soft sound came from a corner.

“What’s the noise?”

One of the warriors who was badly shocked asked out of fear when he heard the sound.

“What sound? Don’t be stupid.”

One of the men answered him.

“Jiang Ying, what are you looking at?”

Chen Dong was about to leave when he saw the female warrior who was holding onto the ancient book and was studying the text on it.

“I think I can understand this...”

She was holding onto a mini laptop. She was looking at the text that was written in the ancient book and was typing something onto her laptop.

“What did you understand from it?”

The rest of them got curious as well.

Jiang Ying was a female warrior who was an expert with languages. When it came to languages, she had a special talent for it.

“The energy transmitter...”

Jiang Ying looked at the transparent tubes that were made of glass and mumbled to herself.

“Transmitter? What’s that?”

Some of the warriors who overheard her asked out of curiosity.

“These people….seemed to have been here for a long time.”

“Then, they ran out of energy or something. I can read the rest of it.”

“In conclusion, they are using some methods to get the energy from the odd crystal through the tube.”

“So that they could wake up one day.”

Jiang Ying continued explaining it to them.

“These frogs must have been brought here by these people. With the ghost ship, they have been hunting for high grade evolved beasts in order to get more odd crystals so that they could operate this place.”

Lin Xiu nodded his head. He agreed with what Jiang Ying was saying.

“Hmmm….I wonder what are the abilities of these people.”

One of the warriors looked into the glass tube. He mumbled to himself as he checked out the humans who were inside the tube.

“We just have to stay out of trouble.”

Due to what had happened earlier, Chen Dong’s face was not looking great.

“What if the people inside here wake up when we come back later?”

One of the warriors who was worried asked Chen Dong.

Since earlier, the mutant frogs have been nothing but scary and these humans must be several times scarier than them.

“Let’s plug them off first!”

“Then, they wouldn’t be able to come back to life!”

Some of the warriors thought about it and suggested.

As they were saying it, they had already started pulling out the tubes that were connected to the glass containers.


Jiang Ying wanted to stop them but the warriors had already pulled out several of them.

As they removed it, the glass tubes that were shining brightly in white earlier, had all turned dull instantly.

“Look! Without the energy, they can’t survive anymore.”

One of the warriors pointed at the glass tube that had turned dull.

“I don’t think you should touch it anymore.”

Jiang Ying frowned as she told the rest of them.

She couldn’t help but feel that something wasn’t right.

“Just stop. Let’s leave first.”

Chen Dong had a bad feeling about it as well.

Especially when the glass tubes had turned dull, the humans inside of it looked even scarier than before.

It caused goosebumps all over his body.


Luo Yue frowned when she noticed something.

“What’s wrong?”

When Lin Xiu sensed her reaction, he asked out of curiosity.

“I think….that thing moved its eyes.”

Luo Yue was looking at one of the humans standing inside the glass tubes that have turned dull.

Lin Xiu followed her gaze and took a good look but he didn’t notice anything wrong with it.

These people were like corpse.

They couldn’t even distinguish if these bodies were male of female since they had no sex organs.

“I told you to stop!”

Jiang Ying looked at the warriors who were still plugging the tubes and screamed at the top of her lungs.

Some of the warriors jumped out of shock.

“Damn it, b*tch! Why are you screaming?!”

One of the warriors who got shocked turned furious.

“Don’t touch these! Just leave!”

Jiang Ying shouted once again.

“See? Nothing happened! I’m sure that they are useless now.”

One of the warriors answered boastfully.

Crack – –

But then, at that moment, there was a peculiar sound that followed.

“Hmmm? What’s that sound?”

Lin Xiu had a good sense of hearing and he heard as if he heard something and decided to ask the rest of them.

“What did you hear?”

Chen Dong got curious as well.

This is because most of the tubes have been unplugged and all of them have turned dull, causing it to look even more frightening.

“It looks like...”

“The glass cracked!!”

One of the men noticed that there was a huge crack on one of the glass tubes!

The rest of them were shocked when they saw what happened.


The sound of glass cracking continued and all of a sudden, all of the glass tubes around them started cracking.

It looked as if the glass tubes were about to explode.

“It’s exploding!”

“I already told you guys not to touch it!”

Jiang Ying rubbed her temples as she said helplessly.

According to the notes, once the glass tubes were destroyed, something was bound to happen.

But, she couldn’t understand what was written after that.

This was why they shouldn’t have touched it in the first place.

But these men refused to listen to her.

Bakk – –

Then, another loud sound was heard.

All of the glass tubes that surrounded them had exploded.

Most of the liquids inside the glass tubes started flowing out as well.

The bodies fell to the ground as well when the glass broke.

Lin Xiu and Luo Yue took a step back subconsciously so that they wouldn’t touch the unknown liquid that came out of the glass tube.

“Damn it! It’s just a bunch of dead bodies. They aren’t alive!”

One of the warriors screamed as he got frightened but when he saw how all of them were lying motionlessly on the ground, he let out a breath of relief.

These bodies were huge. They were three metres tall like a mini giant.

“Hmph! You scared me!”

One of the warriors sneered as he tried to stomp on one of the giant’s heads.

Boom – –

Just when his foot was about to touch the giant’s head that was on the ground, he felt as if his leg had been caught onto something.

The look on his face changed and it turned pale when he saw the thing that was holding onto him.


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