God Rank Upgrade System

Chapter 821 - The ‘Demon’ From Another Space

Chapter 821: The ‘Demon’ From Another Space

The space in the air…..was split open!

When the other warriors noticed what was happening, including the warrior kings, they were all shocked. They were looking at the sky in disbelief.

What on earth is that?!

“Get out here!!!!!!”

Lin Xiu, who was in the air, screamed on top of his lungs.

Then, there were a pair of gigantic arms that appeared from space in the air.

A huge figure then stepped out of that space.

It was pitch black in colour with a human figure; there were also two large horns on top of its head.

Those eyes were huge and bright red in colour.

Most importantly, it had a pair of terrifying black claws.

“This…..this is an evolved beast?!”

When the warriors kings recognised what it was, they were looking at it and thinking that this was impossible.

The scene that they were looking at was extraordinary.

The creature that came out of thin air felt as if a demon had entered their space.

Koong Loong – –

At the same time, there was a large amount of drones that started shooting bombs towards the creature.

The ‘demon’ swung its long, huge claws and all those explosives disappeared.

It opened its mouth wide and spat out a mouthful of blue source energy, aiming it towards the warriors right in front of him!

Koong loong – –

The warriors, who were right in front and closest to it, had all vanished because of the terrifying energy.

Regardless if they had released their ‘Yuan’ or not, they have all been burned into ashes.

Due to the terrifying energy coming from the ‘demon’s’ mouth, there was a huge gap on the ground.

“All of you shall be next!”

Lin Xiu, who looked like a war god in the air, turned his spear and aimed it towards the warriors who were on the ground.

He quickly dashed towards the ground!

As he moved, it looked as if he was a meteorite travelling through the night sky.

Plus, the entire figure seemed to have turned into a huge tiger.

This was the combination of ‘Ninth Heaven Galaxy Fall’ and ‘Tiger Descends the Mountain’!

Such magnificent strength! Such a terrifying warrior skill!

The warrior kings who were looking at it, started to look fearful.

They quickly released ‘Yuan’ and at the same time, tried to dodge the horrifying figure that was headed towards them.

But, Lin Xiu was travelling at an extremely fast speed!

At that moment, the terrifying warrior skills landed on the ground.

There was a bright light that glowed and the entire ground shook vigorously.

There was a huge dent on the ground because of the impact from Lin Xiu.

The warriors kings, who were around him, were thrown into the distance.

PPfft – –

There were 14 of them and all of them had blood in their mouths.

They might have been protected by the ‘Yuan’ but the impact was too strong. They could still feel the impact from it despite being protected.

” ‘Thunder God’s Rage’! ”

One of the warrior kings who mastered in using thunder and lightning, leaped into the air and screamed.

The sky turned dark with thunder and lightning covering the entire sky.

The thunder and lightning gathered together to form a huge figure and immediately went after Lin Xiu!

Koong Loong – –

The lightning punch landed directly on Lin Xiu.

“Go to hell! You peasant!”

The warrior king gritted his teeth and the source mark on his forehead glowed brightly.

There were also large cracks that appeared all over the ground.

Following that, they saw Lin Xiu who was inside his ‘Yuan’ and he was slowly walking out of the thunder attack.

He looked absolutely fine!

How would this be possible?!

The warrior king who just used the warrior skills looked extremely shocked as well.

“Not that it doesn’t hurt but it just doesn’t’ cause that much effect on me.”

Lin Xiu looked at the man in the air and mumbled to himself.

After battling through lightning, fire and snow, his body has been completely formed by the purple crystal.

His physical self was undefeatable by the warrior king!

Koong Loong – –

The huge ‘demon’ that had been summoned also had a terrifying strength as it continued to frantically attack the warriors who were coming at him.

The warriors rode on their evolved beasts. All of them escaped and ran away as if they had seen some horrible creature.

They were even some of them who were immediately slapped to their death.

“Damn it! You b*tches!”

Luo Jiucheng was looking at Luo Yue and Luo Yan who were fighting them and he screamed out of rage.

He picked up his sword and instantly splitted in into thousands of figures, targeting it towards Luo Yue and Luo Yan!

“Be careful!”

When Luo Yue saw what happened, her pupil shrank and blocked the attack for Luo Yan.

She was moving it swiftly and managed to block all of the attacks.

The sword in her arms seemed to be a part of her own body. She was the sword and the sword was her.

With each quick swift, there was a strong sword aura.

He was a warrior king and his warrior king was blocked by a young girl who was only a warrior master?!

“Sword and human combined as one….she has already reached this stage?!”

The look on his face changed and he looked extremely awful.

This terrifying talent, if he could use it for himself, would be perfect.

But now, it would no longer be possible.

So….he would have to destroy it!!!

Luo Jiucheng’s eyes showed how badly he wanted to kill Luo Yue. He moved quickly and appeared right in front of Luo Yue!

Clang – –

As he moved his sword, Luo Yue did the same as me.

However, Luo Jiucheng was a warrior king after all. It was still a little difficult for Luo Yue to handle the attack.

Luo Yue might still look indifferent but the strength coming from Luo Jiuchen was way too strong.

As the swords collided, Luo Yue’s body uncontrollably took a few steps backwards.

But, Luo Jiucheng did not stop. He continued his vigorous attack towards Luo Yue.

“If only I knew, I would have sold both of you to them.”

Luo Jiucheng said towards Luo Yue as he continued fighting her.

“Did you know that you are the splitting image of your father?”

“It is because of how weak he was that I managed to sabotage him!”

Luo Jiucheng used these words intentionally to mess with Luo Yue’s head.

Although Luo Yue looked cold on the outside, she continued attacking him frantically without dodging any of his attacks even when Luo Juecheng were saying things to hurt her.

Such a powerful skill!

That was the truth but he had a smile on his face.

He had been waiting for her to enter this stage which would open an opportunity for her!

Go the hell!!

With the current situation, it longer mattered if they captured her alive or dead!

As Luo Jiucheng thrusted her sword, Luo Yue immediately lost her grip on her sword and his sword was about to slice through her throat.

Although it was a waste of her talent, he had no other choice.

Since he had sabotaged Luo Zhen previously, it may be possible for Luo Yue avenge if she continues to become stronger.

It would be better for him to get rid of her entirely.

Clang – –

As his sword was getting closer to Luo Yue, there was a clear, loud voice that rang in his ears.

“I already mentioned that no one is allowed to harm her!!”

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