God of Music

Chapter 212. The Difference Between Real and Fake (2)

Chapter 212. The Difference Between Real and Fake (2)

Translator: Chamber

Editor: Illidan

To think she’d get to see him here when he didn’t even give a call…

Of course, there was the fact that her phone couldn’t be seen anywhere.

However, it wasn’t easy to show an aloof expression when she was all alone in this situation.

Emotions started swelling up in her heart.

“*Sob*… Bad, guy… you’re the worst of them all.”

“Sorry, I’m really sorry about that.”

KangYoon bitterly patted her back.

Just how hard did she have it?

KangYoon was rather confused thanks to Min JinSeo’s flood of emotions, but he proficiently consoled her and allowed her to calm down on her own.

‘She did nothing wrong, yet she still had to apologize…’

It was a very hard thing to accept that no one understood her frustration. Even her company, who was supposed to be on her side, didn’t understand her at all.

KangYoon couldn’t hide his bitter expression.

Only after a long time did Min JinSeo carefully let KangYoon go.

“Are you calmed down now?”


After escaping his bosom, she looked down in order to hide her reddened face and eyes.

KangYoon had her sit down and pulled out a can of coffee from a nearby vending machine.

“…Thank you.”

She replied in a quiet voice after accepting the warm can.

She was no longer sobbing and after drinking a little, she finally calmed down.

“…I didn’t want to show you this…”

Min JinSeo feigned a smile and wiped out the tears in her eyes.

She wanted to show him that she was a woman who he could rely on…

But reality hadn’t changed.

When KangYoon saw that she had calmed down somewhat, he asked her about the script.

“…I never saw the script in question. The company didn’t even show me.”

“…I knew it.”

KangYoon sighed.

He found it strange that Min JinSeo had rejected a script without even reading it.

She was known to go over all of the scripts that came her way no matter how many there were.

Her eyes were set on fire.

“The branch president caused trouble with the scriptwriter who had come to the company to liaise me. I never saw the script though…”

“What? Then the one who rejected them at the door isn’t you but the company?”


The silent nod made KangYoon flabbergasted.

In the end, didn’t this mean that Min JinSeo was cleaning up an issue that had nothing to do with her?

This was unacceptable by his standards.

“…I didn’t want to, but the director told me that I had to apologize if this was to end quickly. I wanted to consult you, but I had neither my phone nor time to call you… Even if I drag this out, the media will make things even bigger.”

“…Even if that’s so… wait. You don’t have your phone?”

KangYoon had a question on his mind.

“Yes, I remember bringing it to my room yesterday, but it disappeared right after that.


KangYoon was flabbergasted once again.

There were some cases of companies taking away the phones of their celebrities in order to not cause any more trouble.

As a former manager, he knew very well that this happened under the instruction of the company by the manager, so he was shocked by the actions of MG Entertainment.

‘…We can’t drag this any further.’

However, KangYoon didn’t talk about the phone.

Right now, it would do him no good.

“I’ll have a phone ready to go by later today and leave it with the lobby. Don’t tell or show anyone, even your manager, okay?”

“Even the manager?”

“Absolutely no one.”


Min JinSeo nodded subconsciously seeing that KangYoon had a deadly serious expression.

After emphasizing that several times, KangYoon gave her a light hug.

“I’ll solve everything for you, so don’t worry about it too much, okay?”

“Okay, I trust you.”

There was not a lot of time.

Just as he was about to leave the lounge, Min JinSeo grabbed him.

“Is there anything else?”

“Uhm, sir.”


When KangYoon looked puzzled, Min JinSeo’s face reddened as she spoke.

“Would you… like to have some ramen at my place?”


(T/N: It’s a phrase that was popularized in Korea and means ‘Would you like to stay the night at my place? As for what happens during the ‘night’, I leave that up to your imagination…( ?° ?? ?°). Netflix wasn’t really a thing back then in Korea, so…)

Of course, it was a joke.

KangYoon gave her one final hug before heading to the lobby.


Teheran-ro, Gangnam, Seoul.

This place was known for housing many domestic and foreign banks and stock firms and this place practically led the Korean financial business.

Even amongst this place, there was a building that was rather eye-catching, and one of the top floors was ‘Ericton Capital’.

In the branch president’s office that had the best view.

A tall, caucasian man was talking to his guest with fluent Korean.

“Hahaha. Looks like I should invite President Won JinPyo next time too.”

The guest, Director Jung HyunTae of MG Entertainment, replied with a smile.

“I’ll be thankful if you do. Thank you for your consideration.”

“From what I’ve heard, the Vietnamese branch is currently being built, how about the branch president at that place?”

“Hahaha. Your intelligence knows no bounds, Branch President Richard, hahaha!”

Director Jung HyunTae laughed heartily.

The caucasian man smiled proudly and headed to the window after putting down the luxury wineglass on the table.

After pulling the curtains up, he spoke.

“I’m glad that shrinking the scale of MG is going well. MG’s cash possession is going down as well, and its debt ratio is going up. At this rate, I believe we’ll have a smooth time when we buy it. For now…”

“It’s all going as planned. We’re also pruning unnecessary trainees and celebrities.”

“Splendid. The investors will be happy to hear that things are going well. Looks like I’ve met an incredible business partner here. Oh, you can’t abandon Yeon JooAh and Min JinSeo.”

“Hahaha. Of course, I’m aware of… wait, Min JinSeo as well?”

Director Jung HyunTae’s eyes widened after laughing heartily.

“You don’t say. Min JinSeo is at the core of the Korean wave.”

“Uhm, Branch President. Min JinSeo is a problematic child. Moreover, such an incident happened this time, so taking her will be more losses rather than gains…

“Oh, no.”

The caucasian man frowned.

“Just because some dirt got on her, her essence does not change. Yeon JooAh and Min JinSeo are well… what do you call it in Korea, the chicken? The duck? That lays golden eggs.”

“It’s a goose.”

“Anyway, they’re worth that much. I don’t know much about acting, but I believe that actresses with such an aura about her are very rare. I wonder who dug her up… Anyway, Min JinSeo will have to stay.”


(T/N: The author doesn’t seem to know that ‘The Goose that Lays Golden Eggs’ is not a Korean tale, but an Aesop fable…)

Director Jung HyunTae coughed awkwardly.

He wanted to do away with her since she acted so arrogantly all this time…


“Fufu. I have faith in you, director.”

Seeing the caucasian man’s soft smile, Director Jung HyunTae took out the business card he received before.

– Branch President of Ericton Capital, Asia Branch

Richard Tracson.

The hedge fund known to buy insolvent enterprises and making them into promising companies took interest in MG and called.

He still couldn’t believe that he grabbed such an opportunity.

‘Hehehe, this is the opportunity of my lifetime!’

Director Jung HyunTae smirked while putting the business card back into his pocket.


While KangYoon was meeting Min JinSeo, Kang GiJoon was gathering intel in his own way in China.

He analyzed the current situation regarding Min JinSeo with the information he got from his acquaintances in the Chinese media.

A few hours later.

The two of them met in a cafe.

“…As you probably know, the situation isn’t looking good.”

Kang GiJoon started off with a grim expression.

“Unlike before, MG isn’t covering for her anymore. After the incident, the Chinese media is relentlessly attacking her, saying that this was an ‘unseen side’ of a ‘Korean goddess’, and arrows of criticism are heading her direction even in Korea. Right now, the criticisms against Korean companies and the Korean celebrities have stopped, but those attacks are headed towards Min JinSeo directly.”

“…If you were in charge of JinSeo, what would you have done, team leader?”

Hearing KangYoon’s serious question, Kang GiJoon closed his eyes. It was a gesture that he needed some time to think.

Soon, he organized his thoughts and spoke.

“…Any more activity in China will be impossible. Actually, a scandal of this scale requires the company to try and end it with whatever means possible. If it was up to me, I would have prioritized taking down those criticisms from the internet even if it meant going to the Ministry of Public Security. And I would have Min JinSeo halt her activities for a while.”

“So in the end, you and I are of the same opinion that we should hide JinSeo from public eyes and settle her down as much as possible.”

“Yes. However, now that the situation has become big… I don’t think we can help. It won’t be easy for her to come under our wing too…”

Kang GiJoon blurred the end of her words and shook his head.

The Min JinSeo of the past had plenty of merits, but right now, she was like a rose with thorns.

Will KangYoon really accept her? – he was asking that.

However, KangYoon firmly spoke.

“Let’s proceed with our plan immediately. I’ll head to MG right now.”

“That means…”

“JinSeo, let’s take her away.”

KangYoon stood up from his seat, judging that there was nothing more to talk about here.

Kang GiJoon grabbed KangYoon.

“P, president. Please wait for a moment. If we grab Min JinSeo now, then we’ll have to take the risks that come with her as well. Right now, World is on the rise without any huge scandals. We might give rise to rumors. You should think twice before you act.”

If things went wrong, another huge scandal would occur.

However, KangYoon shook his head.

“That much risk is cheap compared to the fact that we’ll get JinSeo in our ranks. If we take her now, MG won’t be able to talk about the contract penalty. If we have a look at MG’s current countermeasures, Min JinSeo is like an abandoned child, so they’ll instead like it for someone else to take her.

“But it’s not just anyone but Min JinSeo we’re talking about here. Would they let her go so easily?”

When Kang GiJoon made a puzzled expression, KangYoon smirked.

“Let’s try anyway. Well, in the first place, they were the one in the wrong, so they’ll know that they’ll be in a disadvantageous position the more they drag this on.”

Just looking at the current incident, a lot of their actions would have gone against their contract with Min JinSeo, if they went into detail.

KangYoon called Min JinSeo with her new phone number and told her about his opinions.

Hearing that she would finally be freed from her contract, Min JinSeo spoke with a calm voice.

– ….Alright. I’ll call you back in an hour.

After the call, KangYoon called Lee HyunJi this time.

It was to get a contract ready.

She spoke with a firm voice as though she was waiting for this.

– Please take care of things properly.

“Understood. Thank you for preparing it beforehand.”

– Well, there’s no need to thank me… just get me a souvenir on your way back.

She hung up the call as though she was busy.

Kang GiJoon, who was listening to the conversation, started chuckling.

“The director sure is as cool as ever.”

“Isn’t she cute?”

“President, no.”

Kang GiJoon shivered as he once saw her scary side.

One hour later.

Min JinSeo called back.

– …Sir, I told them what I think, and…


Min JinSeo sighed.

– Was breaking a contract this easy? It will be done right away. The penalty for breaking the contract wasn’t necessary either…

“Who did you call?”

– President Won JinPyo. He told me he was sorry for not taking care of me properly.

KangYoon felt bitter as well.

What could the powerless president do? He could stamp on some documents at least.

KangYoon decided to hurry.

“I’ll go to the hotel right now.”

– Yes. Please come quickly.

After the call, KangYoon grabbed Kang GiJoon’s arm.


“Let’s hurry.”

The two of them left the cafe and grabbed a taxi to go to the hotel that Min JinSeo was in.



Director Jung HyunTae, who had just come back from Ericton Capital, was humming as he entered his office.

He called his secretary and gave her instructions.

“Call the Chinese branch and have them call for all the journalists they know.”


“Also, tell JinSeo that she’s on break since she doesn’t have any activities for the foreseeable future. Let her enjoy her time off since she wasn’t able to until now. Hm, also don’t forget to say sorry.”

“Uhm, sir.”

However, the lady secretary bit her lips.

Becoming curious about the reason, he asked about the reason and she replied in a small voice.

“Min JinSeo… has broken the contract. She is no longer an actress with us.”

“W, wait. What? What do you mean? What about the penalty?”

“Th, the president used his authority to dissolve the contract so there’s no penalty either…

“That damned Won family… WHAAAT? IS HE F*CKING SERIOUS!?”

Director Jung HyunTae’s screams resounded out loud in his office.

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