God of Music

Chapter 188. Boy (5)

Chapter 188. Boy (5)

Translator: Chamber

Editor: Illidan

“W, wait a minute.”

President Kang GiJoon raised his hand and stopped KangYoon.

“Is this Min JinSeo the Korean Goddess Min JinSeo and not someone else?”

Korean Goddess.

This was her nickname since she was treated as one of the best movie stars in China. After her, many actors and actresses of Korea became interested in the Chinese movie industry.

Seeing him shocked, KangYoon smiled as he replied.

“Hahaha, I’m not sure about the ‘goddess’ part, but yes. It is the actress Min JinSeo.”

It was indeed that Min JinSeo.

President Kang GiJoon gulped and spoke.

“Ahaha…. Min JinSeo is rumored to be a darling at MG Entertainment… wait.”

He seemed to have remembered something and sighed.

“It’s not that I’m looking down on you, President, but MG and World are incomparable in scale… Oh, it seems that it’s true that MG Entertainment does not have a good relationship with Min JinSeo. It was pretty much an open secret in this industry. I heard that they went separate paths the moment she went over to China… That doesn’t mean that she’s in the contract renewal season though…”

President Kang GiJoon tilted his head.

If it was the renewal season, the large companies would never let her be after all.

Seeing that he had many questions, KangYoon just told him that it wasn’t the right time.

“I have a lot to talk about in regards to JinSeo, but I’ll tell you the specifics later. For now, I’ll tell you what we need to do.”

Hearing that, President Kang GiJoon noticed that something complex was going on and did not speak any further.

‘He doesn’t seem like the type to boast.’

Thinking that KangYoon wasn’t someone who was all talk and no skill, President Kang GiJoon just put it aside.

The two then talked about what they should do in the future.

Hearing that KangYoon would free up some space in Lunas for his office, President Kang GiJoon contemplated.

‘There’s no way MG will let Min JinSeo leave. How is she coming over to World? Is there some hidden story behind this? It shouldn’t be something obvious like a betrayal.’

President Kang GiJoon encountered a big assignment the moment he came over to World Entertainment.


After talking with President Kang GiJoon, KangYoon went back to the studio where Seo Hanyu was waiting.

When he entered the studio, he saw Seo HanYu working with Kim JaeHoon on the leveling process.

“Isn’t the piano a little too loud?”

“Really? I think that’s just about right….”

“I think it’s loud though…”

Seo HanYu tilted her head and disagreed with Kim JaeHoon’s words.

However, Kim JaeHoon was an obstinate man as well. Moreover, this was about his song so he did not back down.

Just as it was about to turn into a quarrel, KangYoon interfered.

“You are doing leveling?”

“Oh, President.”

As they were too focused, they did not notice KangYoon come in.

Kim JaeHoon scratched his head awkwardly, and KangYoon just patted his back before sitting down next to Seo HanYu.

“Let’s see. The piano is a little loud.”


When Seo HanYu glanced at Kim JaeHoon with a ‘see?’ look, Kim JaeHoon voiced his opinion that he was in the right.

“Uhm, hyung. In my opinion, I think the piano will be better with a louder volume. You know, like it starts off quietly but goes all the way to the end…”

“Oh, really? That doesn’t sound bad either.”

KangYoon adjusted the volume of the piano according to Kim JaeHoon’s preferences. The piano sounds were more emphasized and created a beautiful sound, but the balance with the piano and the other sounds were broken.

Seo HanYu tilted her head.

“This is a little strange…”

KangYoon replied to her reaction.

“Let’s just leave it like this for now. I’ll adjust it soon. Let’s try adjusting the spatial position.”

“The spatial position?”

Hearing a term she didn’t recognize, Seo HanYu showed her curiosity.

Finding that rather cute, KangYoon adjusted the spatial position of the various tracks as he spoke.

“Have you ever listened to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons as an orchestra?”

“Yes. JooYeon-unni took me to a recital and I got to listen to it there. It was good since it was calmer. The conductor was amazing, controlling all those instruments like that…”

“That makes things easier. You know that the various instruments in the orchestra have a set position, right? The violins, cellos, and other string instruments are separated from the brass instruments like trombones and horns. At the very back are the timpanis.”

“Right. It’s because the sounds shouldn’t cluster up together… Oh.”

She realized what KangYoon was trying to say.

“That’s the spatial positioning of the sounds. To put it simply, this is a way of simulating the sound that is produced when the instruments are located at various spatial positions. Usually, the bass is located towards the bottom, and the other instruments are located elsewhere.”

“Oh, so the piano sounds can be switched to various places.”

“Correct. This minute adjustment controls the quality of the music.”

Seo HanYu’s eyes shone and wrote down all the words that KangYoon said.

“After this process, you can add effects like compression and reverb. Compressors are usually better, but it’s difficult to use and… Oh, there’s much to explain, but it’ll be hard to comprehend them all. Just take it easy.”


“Now listen to it again.”

KangYoon played the sound after adjusting the location. When he did, the loud piano sounds gained a more spatial feeling and it was more pleasing to listen to.

Seo HanYu exclaimed.


“JaeHoon, is this okay?”

“Yes, hyung. It’s just right.”

Kim JaeHoon put his thumbs up as well.

After that, KangYoon continued with the leveling process while explaining various things to Seo HanYu.

Seo HanYu wrote down many things on her memos, trying to study while Kim JaeHoon also satiated some of her curiosity as well.

When they finished the leveling process, the sun had already set.

“Shall we stop here for today?”

When KangYoon stood up from his seat while stretching his arms out, Seo HanYu bowed to him, expressing her gratitude.

KangYoon just patted her shoulders.

“You’re amazing for wanting to learn when you could rest. If you make a visit next time, I’ll teach you about mastering.”

“Thank you.”

He should have had a hard time learning it, but he was willing to teach it so easily.

Kim JaeHoon was deeply touched by KangYoon’s actions.

‘He’s a big man after all.’



When KangYoon turned around to Kim JaeHoon’s call, he smiled as he spoke.

“I’ll treat you to dinner today.”

“Ooh, really?”

“Yes, HanYu, you should come with us too.”

“Thank you, oppa.”

They were exhausted from the leveling process, but thanks to that the three became closer.

On the stairs, KangYoon spoke to Seo HanYu.

“HanYu, when you come next time, research about the frequencies suited for each of the instruments.”

“Yes. No, w, wait a minute. Frequencies?”

Seeing Seo HanYu panic, Kim JaeHoon laughed.

“Hahahahaha, it’s the Hz things you saw today. I’ll teach you about it.”

“Thank you.”

The three left World Entertainment in a joyful mood.


After KangYoon and co left the studio, it was used by In MoonHee.

“Go — beyond the hill—”

“You twisted it too much. Again.”

Being instructed by Namhoon who came to train her, In MoonHee raised her voice.

However, Namhoon stopped her and emphasized again and again as he didn’t like how she twisted the voice.

“More naturally. More, more.”


In MoonHee followed NamHoon’s instructions nervously.

To ordinary people, it made no difference, but Namhoon was different.

‘She can do better.’

He became a little greedy after seeing In MoonHee.

Her voice, her emotions, and everything seemed like the perfect fit for trot. She was very good even to those clueless about the genre.

“The wind had passed–”



However, unlike what he was thinking, his expression was very stiff.


Eddios’s dorms were rather empty even though they were in their rest period.

Ailee flew to America to spend time with her parents, Han JooYeon went traveling while Lee SamSoon also went to see her grandmother.

Thanks to that, there were only 3 people at the dorms.

In that very apartment, something was happening.

“…HanYu, you’re amazing.”

Jung MinAh blinked several times after seeing that the room used as storage had transformed.


Seo HanYu lifted the large synthesizer located next to the PC. However, it was very heavy and her hands shook.

“Whoa, there.”

Jung MinAh quickly ran to her and supported her.

When they put the synthesizer next to the stand, Seo HanYu wiped the sweat on her forehead as she spoke.

“Thanks, unni.”

“Don’t mention it. Rather than that, you’re going to have to install all of this by yourself?”



Jung MinAh was flabbergasted.

The location of the PC and the synthesizer as well as setting up the speakers.

There were many things to do in order to set the workspace.

“Whoa there, let’s do it together.”

Jung MinAh restrained Seo HanYu as she was recklessly lifting up the heavy things first.

In the end, she helped her out with setting up the workspace, which was like moving houses, on her rest day.


Mid October.

Kim JaeHoon’s album was released after nearly 1 year.

It was a digital single titled ‘Boy’ and was released to all the music charts without a single promotion.

The results were, needless to say –

– A soliloquy like lyrics and a restrained voice, and the poetic instruments…

– I don’t get tired of it no matter how many times I listen to it.

– JaeHoon is godly! Praise him!

‘Boy’ rapidly rose to the 1st place and stayed there without any signs of doing bad.

One week passed like that.

At World Entertainment’s office.

Lee HyunJi’s eyes narrowed while looking at Kim JaeHoon’s schedule which already had KangYoon’s signature of approval.

“There’s no TV appearance…”

Appearing on TV while the song was still popular was a great way to get attention.

She wished for TV appearances for that exact reason.

“Wouldn’t it be better to gather popularity by going on TV shows?”

She turned around to KangYoon who was drinking coffee on the sofa.

KangYoon put down the coffee mug and spoke.

“Let’s wait a little more. Right now the only live stage of ‘Boy’ is the video we uploaded on Tune. It’s garnering more attention from the public. More and more people are wanting to listen to the song on a proper stage with proper equipment.”

“They may leave once they get tired of waiting so we need to get the time just right.”

KangYoon nodded his head.

“That’s right. However, there’s something else we must be aiming for.”

“Something else?”

“A concert.”


Lee HyunJi exclaimed as that reminded her.

“We must hurry if we want to see the full effects.”

“Yes. We got a team ready, but we’re still in progress in regards to administration and location. I’ll send you the file right now.”


Lee HyunJi went back to her seat full of expectations when she heard about the concert.

It was the most profitable business for both the company and the artist, and it was a stage where they could show their potential to the fullest.

Such was a concert.

After that, KangYoon headed to the studio.

When he arrived, Eddios and even Kim JiMin were waiting for him.

“You’re 2 minutes late.”


KangYoon was flustered when Jung MinAh told him that.

“No, but… I’m sorry.”

However, as KangYoon was the one who always emphasized being on time, he couldn’t say anything.

“Why don’t you treat us all as punishment?”

“…*sigh*, fine.”


The singers all cheered at his words.

A few minutes later, the studio became full thanks to the arrival of Kim JaeHoon, who had come back from another event, and the camera people from another company.


In MoonHee, who had arrived last due to school matters, blinked several times while looking at the artists of World Entertainment.

“Is everyone here?”


Everyone cheerfully replied to KangYoon’s words.

“Good, let’s go then.”

The place they all headed to was White Moonlight’s practice room.

When they entered, the instruments and several microphones were prepared already.

“Oh! That’s mine!”

“I call dibs on that one!”

Everyone tried to get the mic first and the cameras started recording as well.

The members of Eddios were especially intense about who got to grab the mic.

In the end, KangYoon had to interfere.

“3 for Eddios, 1 for JaeHoon and JiMin, and one for HyunAh.”

“…No way.”

“You’re going to have to switch between songs anyway. Don’t be too greedy, alright?”

In the end, the members of Eddios had to give a mic to Kim JiMin and Kim JaeHoon.

After taking care of that, KangYoon spoke.

“What we’re trying to do today is simple. Let’s just go with the flow and sing whatever we want. I’m going to upload this to Tune so don’t go overboard, okay?”


“Then let’s begin, shall we?”

After KangYoon spoke, the jamming session started along with Kim JinDae’s drums.

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