[Thursday— 6th December 2030 — 02:30 pm]

Adam had just finished his discussion with Medusa and left the building of the Hunter association when his phone started vibrating, signaling that he had received a message from one of his contacts.


He looked down at the phone and was immediately able to see that the message had been from his sworn sister— Yui.

[Sender: Yui

— Come to the Bar or call me when you are free. Today if possible. We need to talk urgently.]

This seemed a rather serious matter, so he immediately called her back without wasting even a single second. It didn't take long for her to answer. She was as immediate about answering back as he was in calling her.

[Hello Adam.]

"Sup~! Anything troublesome going on your side? Seems like something urgent popped out from what I have gathered from the message?"


Adam was surprised by the hesitation in her voice. Yui was the epitome of a female boss and she was rarely the kind of woman who hesitated even for a split second when she needed something from him. This made him slowly lose his smile as he wondered just what kind of big deal had transpired for his perfect sister to act like that.

"You know you can count on me, right? So what is the deal? Is it something dangerous?"

[Sigh~ Did you get in contact with Tsubasa recently?]

Adam frowned at the mention of the name, remembering that the troublesome girl was set to follow him on his mission if he wasn't against it.

"Stop beating the bush and tell me straight."

[Very well. My biological donor wishes to meet with you.]

'Biological donor?'

Adam was completely lost for an instant before he understood what she was trying to mention with that roundabout way of speaking. The circumstances behind Yui's birth were really the stuff of legends and in a way, one could say that technically, Yui had three mothers.

The mother of her soul— the White Tiger.

The one who actually gave birth to her and brought her over to this world.

And finally, the one who provided the egg necessary for her to even exist in this world.

Adam did not know her real name. But he still had the knowledge that she was the current leader of the Hanekawa family.

"Well… Seems like something big did happen."

Adam didn't know why she wanted to meet him. But he had to admit that he was suddenly a little nervous about this meeting. She was Tsubasa's mother after all.

There was also the fact that there was no way this was a coincidence. Chances were high that she wanted to meet her about something concerning Tsubasa.

'Will I participate in the legendary scene where the in-laws throw money at my face while threatening me to leave their daughter alone or something? My life is really a drama, ain't it?'

While Tsubasa was not his girlfriend anymore, he wondered if such a scene was bound to happen to him sooner or later.

'Heh. I hope she does that if I were to be honest.'

Adam had never been slapped by money before. He wondered how it felt to be slapped by cash like that.

'I also need some serious cash right now.'

Remembering the horrible state of his bank account, he sighed and threw a candy inside his mouth.

A refreshing taste swept through his tongue and he could feel his mind calm down with each breath. It seemed like the wound on his soul which made his emotions run wild a little too much back then was now healing slowly.

That or it was just him. Either way, those candies were really effective.


"Sorry, got lost in some thought. Ahem~ Anyway, I see what you mean. I don't mind. If she wants to meet me, then meet her I shall. Though I don't understand something. With her position, surely she can meet me directly, right?"

[That's the thing. She doesn't want to meet you exactly— she signed up to meet Cinder.]


Adam laughed, "Either someone stopped her from meeting me and now she is using a loophole or she is interested in meeting a Gigolo. Which one do you think it is?"

[The first one without a doubt. Adam… Be careful. I am accepting this meeting because I think meeting her in a controlled environment would be better for you than meeting her somewhere out of sight. But— never actually meet her alone. I am serious when I say that she is very dangerous.]

Adam stopped laughing, "How strong is she?"

[How strong exactly, I do not know. But still far stronger than anything I could bring to the table.]

"Oh… You sure she doesn't want to kill me then?"

He was quite nonchalant about it but he didn't wish to be one-shot by a crazy woman.

'Well. The plan is very simple. Inspect her the moment she appears in my zone and yeet the fuck away if she poses any thoughts of danger toward me.'

Things always seemed complicated nowadays for him.




After discussing more with Yui and processing how things would go, Adam found himself a little lost.

'What should I do now?'

He still had about 10 or 12 hours until his meeting with Inari, the mother of both Tsubasa and Yui. Other than his meeting with her, he didn't have anything concrete that he needed to do right now. Hence, he couldn't help but feel lost about it.

At the same time, he felt like he had hundreds of things to do but once again, they were not concrete enough for him to do at the moment.

'This is no way to live god damnit.'

This was becoming quite stressful for him. So, after sending one of the shadows to observe and protect Shuri once again… Adam decided that this time he was going to have some fun for a change.

Taking out his phone, he entered the contact list and found the name he was looking for. Making the call, he smiled when someone finally answered the call…

"Hello, Natasha?"

His smile, however, was short-lived though as the one who answered was not actually Natasha but someone else entirely.



[The one and only. Sis is currently busy. Anything you wanna say to her?]

"Hum… I just wanted to meet her and go on a date."

[Ohhh. So you wanted to have a date with a young and beautiful wolf girl?]

"Pfft~ Haha, I guess you could say that."

[Very well. I think I can do something about that.]

She gave him a set of instructions and Adam shrugged, wondering if she had a way to help him meet Natasha or something.

30 minutes later, When Adam saw Fedora coming out alone from the inside of a limousine, he was quite speechless, to say the least.

"Where is Natasha?"

He looked around, wondering where the blonde girl was, but the answer he received stopped him in his tracks and made his eyes go round in exasperation.

"You said you wanted a young and beautiful wolf girl, right?"

She grinned at him, "Here I am."

For the first time, Adam wondered if he should simply slap the grin away from her face and give her a spanking or something right now.

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