God of Blackfield

Chapter 44,Part2: What the Heart Wants (1)

Chapter44,Part2: What the Heart Wants (1)

They set his discharge date to Tuesday morning.

Kim Tae-Jin and Suh Sang-Hyun seemed like they couldn’t understand the decision, but they nodded when the sly and wily Yoo Hun-Woo gave them an explanation.

“We have five men monitoring Wui Min-Gook from the shadows, and they’re also observing the ship in the contract. I’ll contact you immediately if we notice any developments,” Kim Tae-Jin told Kang Chan.

Kim Tae-Jin visited the hospital on Monday afternoon. He looked like he had been getting increasingly nervous as the days passed.

It didn’t matter, though, for as long as they could catch Sharlan.


As Kang Chan nodded, Seok Kang-Ho came in.

His face looked quite pale and thin, which was as expected since he had started working out again, but he surprisingly also looked quite worried.

“What’s wrong?” Kang Chan asked.

Seok Kang-Ho came toward his bed after exchanging nods with Kim Tae-Jin.

“Have you broken a kid’s arm by any chance?” Seok Kang-Ho asked Kang Chan.

Kang Chan blinked.

“Yeah! I did that to someone at Tron Square.”

“From what I’ve heard, his father has sued you, saying that you broke both of his son’s arms. It’ll be a problem if this situation gets out of hand, but I don’t think we can talk our way out of this since they aren’t from our school.”


Kang Chan explained everything that happened that day while they were on the topic.

He didn’t expect the leader of the union of bullies would sue him.

“What should we do about this? It would probably work if Lee Ho-Jun and Huh Eun-Sil testified for you,” Seok Kang-Ho suggested.

“Leave them be. If I ask them for a favor, then I’ll have to keep seeing them act like that,” Kang Chan replied.

“Don’t you just need to prove that he was the one with the knife?”

“They’ll probably listen to that. But in return, won’t they just act all tough and say that they’re going to sue when they’re put in a similar situation again? There’s no way weak-minded kids like Cha So-Yeon and Moon Ki-Jin would sue. So just leave them. We’re either going to come to an agreement when I meet them or I’m going to beat him up even more.”

Kang Chan actually considered the thought.

“What you just said right now is all true, right?”

But Kim Tae-Jin suddenly butted into the conversation.

At that moment, a displeased look appeared in Kang Chan’s eyes. Why would he tell Seok Kang-Ho a cowardly lie?

“I apologize if that offended you. I just asked because you can probably claim what you did was an act of self-defense if your story’s true. Let’s talk after I make a phone call.”

Kim Tae-Jin took his phone and went outside for a moment.

“I heard his father is a gangster. If he sued, then he must’ve found the situation considerably unfair,” Seok Kang-Ho said.

“I didn’t go beyond that since I just did that for Lee Ho-Jun and Huh Eun-Sil. If Cha So-Yeon and Moon Ki-Jin were the ones getting beaten up like that at Tron Square…”

“That’s terrible.”

Seok Kang-Ho made a sour expression. He looked like he didn’t even want to think about it.

“The kids have been working out with the equipment we bought, and they’ll be going out starting this morning for a run. They’re definitely quick since they’re still kids,” Seok Kang-Ho said.

Kang Chan felt strangely comfortable when he heard about school-related matters.

As Seok Kang-Ho had told him about what happened in the retreat, Kim Tae-Jin walked in.

“The police station is going to order a re-investigation, so let’s wait patiently for now. They’re going to do it not because we asked for it, but because they need to call Lee Ho-Jun and Huh Eun-Sil and investigate if they got threatened or beaten up. It would be best if you respond as soon as the results come out,” Kim Tae-Jin told Kang Chan.

“Thank you.”

Kim Tae-Jin’s countermeasures made Kang Chan feel bad for frowning a moment ago.


On Tuesday morning, Kang Chan tried paying the hospital bills, but Kim Tae-Jin had already paid for it.

“I know getting the VIP treatment is great and all, but you should rest for a bit before finding a way to send yourself back here, especially since I’ll be going on a five-day vacation next week,” Yoo Hun-Woo welcomed Kang Chan discharge so much he even personally came to his room.

“Don’t overuse your muscles, and if you notice even the tiniest sign that your injuries are festering, then you have to contact us immediately,” He continued.

“I will. Thank you.”

Kang Chan left behind Suh Sang-Hyun, who looked at him with jealousy. He left the hospital with Seok Kang-Ho.

“Let’s go to school after we buy and change into new clothes and have lunch,” Seok Kang-Ho said.

He did need clothes.

They went to a nearby department store in a freshly cleaned Chiffre, bought clothes, then had cold noodles for lunch.

He felt good.

Kang Chan told Seok Kang-Ho about the company that Michelle was going to acquire and the money that Lanok deposited every now and then, but Seok Kang-Ho only listened.

On their way to school, Kang Chan got a call from Kim Mi-Young.

- When are you coming to Seoul?

“I’m on my way to school right now.”

- Really? Then I’ll go to school as well.

Their voices and vibes were very different, but he felt she had some similarities with Yoo Hye-Sook.

“Where are you right now?”

- A crossroad in Non-Hyun Dong.

“Stay there. I’ll go there.”

- Okay! I’m at the bus stop.

That was right on the way to the school.

He told Seok Kang-Ho about it, so he stopped the car at the bus stop.

Beep. Beep.

Everyone else stared, but Kim Mi-Young simply glanced at the car. She only came running when Kang Chan lowered the window and called her.

“Is this your car, Mr. Seok Kang-Ho?” asked Kim Mi-Young.

“That’s right.”

When Seok Kang-Ho answered in a dazed manner, Kim Mi-Young admired the car and said “The car is really nice,” and “I didn’t know you were rich, Mr. Seok Kang-Ho.”

The look in her eyes seemed like she was deeply in love with Kang Chan, which was enough for Seok Kang-Ho to keep glancing at them in the rearview mirror.

“Mr. Seok Kang-Ho, we should go to Tron Square and have Patbingsu before we go to school,” Kim Mi-Young suggested.

Waiting for the light to change, Kang Chan and Seok Kang-Ho looked back at the same time.

“There’s a really good Patbingsu there.”

Tron Square of all places?

“But you have to go home,” said Kang Chan.

“My mom is going to a gathering for couples today, so I can have dinner with you guys before I go home.”

Seok Kang-Ho glanced at Kang Chan.

“You two should go eat before heading home,” Seok Kang-Ho recommended, probably because of the desperate look in Kim Mi-Young’s eyes. She looked like Yoo Hye-Sook when she had been sitting alone in the living room.

“You guys should also use the car,” Seok Kang-Ho continued.

He gave Kang Chan a sign again.

Kang Chan was worried about Yoo Hye-Sook since she would be waiting for him at home, but he decided to spare Kim Mi-Young some time anyway.

Seok Kang-Ho got out of the car in front of the school.

“Mr. Seok Kang-Ho? Why are you getting out?” asked Kim Mi-Young.

Flustered, Kim Mi-Young followed suit and got out of the car as well. By the time she did, Seok Kang-Ho was already heading toward the school.

“Get in,” Kang Chan said.

“What are you going to do?”

Kim Mi-Young’s eyes widened.

“It’s okay, I have a license.”

Kim Mi-Young got in the passenger seat after Kang Chan got in the driver’s seat. He ended up smiling lightly because she seemed so surprised.

“Wear your seatbelt,” Kang Chan said.

“You really have a license? That’s something we can get too?”

“I am licensed. Why would Mr. Seok Kang-Holet me borrow his car if I don’t?”

Kim Mi-Young seemed a little bit reassured when Seok Kang-Ho was mentioned, and her expression completely changed when he started driving, merging into a highway.

Kang Chan liked seeing her happy.

He honestly wished that she wasn’t a high schooler.

He wondered if he was committing a crime for being swept into the emotions of an innocent child, who had been living in a bubble and only knew how to study. The word ‘High schooler’ also seemed to act like armor that could never be taken off.

‘That can change with time, right?’

She was good at studying, so the way she saw the world would probably change once she had gotten into a good university.

“I look stupid, don’t I?”

Kim Mi-Young’s sudden question awakened Kang Chan from his thoughts.

“Why do you think that way?”

“Just because. After carefully thinking about it, I realized my one-sided feelings are probably annoying you or giving you trouble.”

When Kang Chan gave her a faint smile, she also smiled. However, upon glancing at her, he noticed the pain in her smile.

“I don’t know what to do. It was just excitement at first, but my feelings for you grew too big one day. I now constantly wait for you to contact me and want to see you. I even think of you sometimes when I’m studying,” Kim Mi-Young confessed calmly, making it easier for Kang Chan to understand. She seemed to have gotten a growth spurt.

At that moment, they arrived at the cafe in Misari.

After parking the car, they sat at an outdoor table that had a view of the river.

She breathed in deeply.

“This is a really nice place!” Kim Mi-Young exclaimed.

If she added the word ‘son’ in her sentence, it certainly would’ve sounded like Yoo Hye-Sook was the one who just spoke.

They ordered coffee and juice when an employee came over.

“I know you just did as I asked back then out of consideration for my feelings, but I’m not going to change my mind. I’m going to make you love me deeply in the future, so wait for me until then,” said Kim Mi-Young.

Why did this kid suddenly grow up so fast?

Kim Mi-Young lifted her shoulder, seemingly embarrassed when she saw Kang Chan smiling widely.

She was definitely pretty. She had big, clear eyes, a milky complexion, and a bright smile.

It felt like a girl he had thought of as his younger sister suddenly grew up and appeared in front of him.

Was it because he got greedy at the amusement park?

Or was it because his heart fluttered when he hugged her that time?

“Are you going to France to study abroad?” Kim Mi-Young asked.

What’s she saying now?

“There’s a widespread rumor in the apartment complex that you’ve received a full, government-paid scholarship in France. My mom couldn’t believe it until a similar rumor came from a different school. A mom that was personally there had apparently told all the other moms at that school about it. Your name has become famous in all the hagwons?in Daechi-Dong.”

Kim Seong-Hee?

Do moms get to know each other when things like that circulate between them?

“French is excellent. Taking online French classes has even become a trend nowadays, and a lot of kids are getting scolded for not being able to get the hang of a language that can be learned with ease.”

Wry laughter came out.

“I’m also going to go to France to study abroad,” Kim Mi-Young said.

“Huh? But there’s a chance that I won’t go, though.”

Kim Mi-Young blanked out, then side-eyed him, seemingly telling him not to joke around.

‘Why is she like this?’

Kang Chan breathed in deeply.

‘Are her thoughts childish because she’s physically young?’

Kang Chan felt like the sight of her smiling brightly was being carved into his heart.

1. Non-Hyun Dong is a ward within Gangnam-Gu, South Korea

2. Patbingsu is a popular Korean shaved ice dessert with sweet toppings. In this case, it is topped with Pat, or red beans

3. Daechi-Dong is an affluent neighborhood in Gangnam

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