God and Devil World

Chapter 882: Sneaking into the Capital!

Chapter 882: Sneaking into the Capital!

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Wei Ming Qing was an emperor of Cloud Region, sitting high on his throne with absolute authority. Many city lords were his trusted aides who carried out his orders as well. Although sending many refugees to him would cause their deaths, for their own lives and future, they ignored the pleas of the common people.

Every 2 or 3 days, there would be batches of refugees entering the Capital with wide-eyes, their clothes tattered.

On this day, another long line of refugees that stretched for miles appeared outside the Capital.

Phantom had the ability to cross spaces in a flash, while Yue Zhong had the Third Order Stealth. They quickly and noiselessly mixed in with the refugees.

In order to facilitate the processing of these refugees, the city guards were not particularly tight on security, thus, they did not notice 2 more in the midst.

When they came to the city entrance and saw the numerous holes of guns, many refugees began to tremble, their eyes filled with fear.

The might of the Capital’s city walls were enough to cause despair in most ordinary people.

Any refugees entering the city would be checked and processed, thus, each batch was limited to a thousand people.

"Let’s go!"

Yue Zhong eyed the refugees entering the city and tugged slightly at Phantom’s arms.

Phantom’s body trembled slightly, eyeing the Capital with fear in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and walked forward.

Since a thousand people were entering each time, the guards at the city gates had no time to assess and try to recognize anyone out of the ordinary.

As Yue Zhong and Phantom entered the city gate, they came to a wide field.

There were small radars and countless other sensors littered all around the field.

"Take out your identity cards within 10 seconds! Otherwise, the consequences will be dire!"

The moment they entered the area, a mechanical voice resounded.

One by one, the refugees took out their cards and held them in their hands.

Yue Zhong and Phantom also took out their own cards. However, Phantom was grabbing on to hers tightly, her back filled with perspiration. If there was an issue with her scan, only death awaited.

One refugee lost his cool suddenly, shouting, "My card!! My card disappeared!! Where’s my card?!


At that time, the countdown disappeared, and a flash shout from the sensors and scanners, onto the various name cards.

When the beams scanned across those that did not have any cards, the mechanical voice sounded out, "Those with no cards, will be treated the same as spies. Direct elimination!"

2 laser beams shot out from a laser weapon at one side, blasting the head of the refugee who had screamed out just now, turning him into a headless corpse.

"No!! No!!! Give me a card!! Give me a card!!" Another one who had lost his card was pale, as he screamed out and pounced on the nearby people.

A laser beam also fired at that refugee, turning him into countless meat parts, as fresh blood splattered everywhere.

Many of them had lost their own cards along the journey. As the lasers swept out, those who were lacking their name cards were instantly obliterated.

Phantom watched those pitiful refugees being killed with a pale expression, her body trembling.

The field was installed with multiple laser lights, radar, poison mist, and even poisonous liquid to deal with enemies. It even had a few energy bombs.

If they were trapped here, the energy bombs buried here could explode out and blast a Type 6 Divine Warrior to smithereens. Phantom was barely touching the Type 5 realm, and her ability was more for assassination. If any of the defense mechanisms were to be engaged, she would die instantly.

A number of refugees were turned into corpses under the attack of the laser beams.

When the rest of the refugees saw this, they began to scatter in fear like startled birds.

A number of lights continued to scan everyone else, each time the lights swept past Phantom, she would tremble and grab Yue Zhong’s hand tightly.

"The scan is over! There’s nothing out of the ordinary!"

Following the mechanical voice, the sealed alloy gates opened up, and a number of armed military soldiers rushed in.

The leading commander came in and barked, "A bunch of trash, f*cking get out here. Line up orderly, otherwise, this senior is going to execute all of you."

Under his barking orders, the refugees began to snake out in a long line, maintaining order. No one dared to step out or cut the line.

Seeing this, Phantom heaved a sigh of relief, having gone through this stage, it felt better.

Outside the field, there was a large transport vehicle waiting. The 1,000-odd refugees were herded up the vehicle like sheep. Yue Zhong and Phantom also entered the vehicle.


After the doors were closed, the truck began to roll towards the inner part of the city.

Inside the truck, there was a sour smell, all the refugees were soaked in sweat due to the long journey. Without the chance to clean themselves, they were naturally smelly.

One middle-aged man, whose clothes were tattered, his face sallow and his frame skeletal spoke up suddenly, "Where will be sent to?"

Another middle-aged man who looked like a butcher spoke up, "This is the Capital. Since we’ve been sent here, we’re likely being sent to the surrounding refugee camps. Maybe there is an outbreak of sickness, and they are lacking workers. That’s why they brought us here?"

The hygiene and sanitary conditions of the refugees and poor were bad. There would be outbreaks of diseases everywhere once in a while. At those times, there would be refugees shipped in from other areas.

Sitting at a corner, another slightly fearful middle-aged man spoke up with a pale expression, "We’re all going to die!! We’re all going to die!! I know this!! We’re all going to die."

The butcher-like male roared out, "Damn it, if you want to die, just die! Saying such inauspicious things, do you want a beating?!!

The cowardly middle-aged man shut up, his body trembling as his eyes darted about.

Within the vehicle, the rest of the refugees felt a sense of unease. Many of them curled up, not willing to speak. Some began to sob quietly, while others who were the family members of those killed in the field, became upset when they remembered the scene.

The burly man suddenly greeted Yue Zhong, "Hey brother, how do I address you? My name is Wu Heng."

Within that tense and gloomy atmosphere, only Yue Zhong was still calm, his arms around Phantom. This had attracted Wu Heng’s attention.

Yue Zhong replied curtly, "Yue Zhong."

Wu Heng continued to ask, "Yue Zhong, what do you think? Where will they send us to?"

Yue Zhong responded in an indifferent manner, "We’ll know when we get there."

Wu Heng felt as though he struck a nail, his eyes flashing with fury. He wanted to act out, but thinking about the fierce Capital guards, he dared not make any move. Suppressing his anger, he put on a fake smile before turning to speak to others.

The huge truck traveled for an indeterminate time before it suddenly stopped. The doors opened, and the Capital guards were standing outside. One commander barked out, "Scram the hell out!"

Faced with that angry shout, everyone quickly scrambled out.

Yue Zhong immediately surveyed his surroundings the moment he stepped out.

By now, they were within a huge camp or jail, as there were tall walls of about 20 m surrounding the entire place. On top of the walls, there were electric fences, and the entire place was rigged with surveillance equipment and motion sensors.

The only way out was a huge, thick wall, installed with automatic weapons.

The soldiers were all dressed in anti-bullet vests, wielding ray guns, and equipped with multi-purpose helmets. They patrolled while shooting cold looks at the survivors.

Inside the huge camp, there were many large white domes, they were likely where the refugees were sent to stay.

One commander pointed to one of the domes and said, "All you trash better listen up. From today onwards, this is where you will be staying. You are not allowed out. No one is to kill anyone or give us trouble, otherwise, we’ll smash your head in!! Damaging any equipment will also warrant death!!"

After that, they were herded into the white dome.

Yue Zhong discovered that the interior of the dome was packed with people. He estimated that there were about 500 of them inside the place. At the same time, the men, women, old and young were all herded together with no clear separation.

At one corner, a few men were gathered together. 8 pairs of couples were engaging in lewd acts, their intense and passionate moans resounding throughout the place, but no one bothered about them.

After he had taken in the environment, he grabbed Phantom’s hand and went towards the dozens of men gathered together.

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