Returning home, I was worried that something had happened to my mother after leaving her for so long, especially with those three evil girls.

How could I not be?

Especially since she wasn't taking her medication any longer, which caused her to be quite unstable at times.

However, with Connor reassuring me time and time again that they would behave themselves, I calmed down and was surprised by what I saw upon entering.

The three little girls were all sat huddled around my mother and all of them had braided their hair along with my mother's curly brown hair, and were reading a story together.

It was a wholesome sight to behold and Connor was expecting them to enjoy the company of an older woman that could fill the void of their mother, but not to that extent.

"It seems you were right," I said to Connor as I let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing the smile on his face, it was clear he cared for his sisters greatly, and I was glad that my mother also enjoyed the company of the three little girls as I went over them with Connor.

"You two are back quite late. What did you do?" my mother asked as we joined them.

It was very cramped, especially since Connor was so large, and before we could even answer, the three little girls jumped up.

"Ew! You two stink!" they yelled as they hid behind my mother and pinched their noses.

I couldn't deny that I was sweaty, but it wasn't that bad, right?

Lifting my shirt to take a whiff, I struggled not to make a face as my mother and Connor began to laugh.

It was very nice having company for once, and my mother was seemingly enjoying it the most as she brought over some drinks and treated Connor and his sisters like her own children.

While Connor was surprisingly very respectful and well-spoken, continuously scolding his three little sisters for misspeaking and jumping all over the place.

I merely watched with a smile, enjoying the moment, but was deep in thought and, unlike what I showed, I had my worries.

Mainly money and the Wolf Gang.

I needed to get money quickly and couldn't rely on the dojo for my income and to fund a large gang, while I also needed to make sure Karim was acting as we had discussed.

Uprooting the Wolf Gang was the most feasible method of slowly crushing them, but that wasn't my only intention.

Shaking the foundation of the large criminal organisation that oversaw Brooklyn, I wanted to then take it over under the name of the Outlaw Gang.

But currently, my ambitions surpassed my capabilities and quickly I would be taking on more than I could handle, so before then I needed to make sure I was ready.

And right on queue, I received a call from a key player in all of my ambitions and plans.



"I need to take this call. I'll be back in a minute," I said as I got up to leave the room.

"Is it your girlfriend?" my mother teased.

"He has a girlfriend?" the triplets all questioned in unison.

I could tell that Connor was thinking it was the Angela girl that Zack had mentioned, but I didn't bother to clarify and, seeing my stern expression, he didn't mention her name or question it.

Leaving them trying to piece together what my imaginary girlfriend would be like, I went over to the kitchen and answered Karim's call.

"What is it, Karim?" I asked upon answering.please visit

"The monthly meet up with the Wolf Gang Executive has been moved to today, and will be taking place in that same playground that I fought that big friend of yours at," he reported.

"Hmmm... Interesting."

"So, what are you planning on telling this executive?" I questioned.

"I wouldn't have informed you if I was planning on betraying you. I will make a move and ask for more product to distribute," he answered.

"And why would you do that?"

I have mixed feelings over the whole drug thing and it was also something that the NYPD was focusing on heavily, so it was also dangerous, which was why Karim's decision was worrying.

"You told me that it was important for me to work my way up the Wolf Gang, and what better way to do that than to be a greater asset to them and show my worth? I've also already gotten my subordinates to start contacting other subsidiary gangs, and if you can gather up the power to take down those at the top of the gang, you can leave the foundation to me," Karim stated.

He was clearly intelligent and ambitious, while he had already started making his move, so I couldn't fault him and, just like the system told me, a little bit of trust went a long way.

However, of course, I always needed to be prepared for the worst and it would be almost impossible to avoid conflict, violence and even death.

Whether I was prepared for that or not, it was a necessity that I had to brace myself for, and I had my responsibilities.

It came with the life that I signed up for and there was no point dwelling on it so early on.

"Hello? Are you still there?"

Clearing my throat, I answered, "Yeah, sorry, I zoned out. Good work Karim, and what time will this exchange take place?"

"At 10 PM. But don't do anything stupid and blow my cover or get yourself killed. They are always armed with guns and they aren't a ragtag bunch like you and your friends."

"Correction. Like us and our friends. You are one of us Karim, and don't worry, I won't show up. But do you think you could keep a call on so I can hear everything? Or do they ask you to hand over your phone before the meeting?"

"They usually don't, so I don't see why not. I'll call you just before we are about to meet, and if you don't pick up, I won't be able to call you a second time. Also, I would like to ask a favour from you."

"What is it?" I asked, intrigued as to what he possibly wanted.

"Um... I'm embarrassed to ask this, but I need some money for my brother's asthma pumps as well as in general. I can't ask my parents, as you already know, so I didn't know who else to turn to."

"Does the Wolf Gang not pay you?"

"..." he paused and didn't know how to answer.


Just as he was about to explain how it was far from enough, I interrupted him, "I'm just kidding. You're a part of your gang. Of course, I'll help you out if I can. But can you wait a week or two? I'm running short on money too."

I could tell he wasn't expecting such an answer and struggled to get it out, but still managed to utter, "Thank you."

"No problem Karim, just take care of your brother and friends. And also make sure you go to school."

"You don't need to tell me that. You're not my dad."

"Just be careful alright. I'm not your dad, but I'm your boss now, so you're my responsibility. I know I can't help you much right now, but I will make sure you don't regret your decision to follow me."

"Yeah, yeah. Just be sure to answer your phone when I call you."

"Alright, take care."

Ending the call, I was both anxious and eager to see how his exchange with the Wolf Gang would go, but one thing was for sure: I needed to get to work as soon as possible.

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