Chapter 108

Xiao Tangqiu glared at the Abyss Demon who wanted to incite them to kill each other. He clearly wanted them to be just like the two sea monsters, cannibalizing each other and then dying together!

How sinister. As expected of the demon among the demons!

He did not move and Shen Yuan naturally also did not move.

The Abyss Demon didn’t care about the cold reception and continued to smile and said, “Why so still? Whoever makes the first move might be able to survive... Don’t you want to live?”

Xiao Tangqiu held back his anger, “Do you like to watch others kill each other so much?” They were hostile to him, so that was fine. But weren’t the two sea monster Arch Demons personally created by the Abyss Demon? In order to have a body, even the creations from his own hands could be killed and sacrificed together? As expected, demons were selfish and ruthless cold-blooded creatures!

“Of course, I like it very much, very very much...” The Abyss Demon touched his mask with his gloved hand, his voice both provocative and bewitching, “Especially how you people desperately struggle to have even just a chance to survive, willing to turn on and sacrifice your companions to live. That selfish and depraved appearance is really amusing...”

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly remembered what Su Manluo had said:

“Those so-called instances and missions are more like a large-scale endless killing game. NPCs launch attacks at will, the players die one by one, and survivors try to escape... This is a survival game, and even more so a killing game.”

For the Abyss Demon, weren’t all the instances and missions just consecutive live streams of horror games? He could see players struggling in vain to survive and could see the ugliness and sins exposed by the players fighting for life. He was the cat in a hunting game, playing with all players wantonly.

Just like now, he could easily kill Shen Yuan and Xiao Tangqiu at the same time, but he just wanted them to fight and kill each other instead.

“How about it? Go for it! Don’t you want to live?” The voice of the Abyss Demon became more provocative and moving. Who wanted to die? Who didn’t want to live? Do anything for survival!

Xiao Tangqiu looked at the Abyss Demon coldly and refused, “No!”

The Abyss Demon smiled, “Oh? Why? So you want to die?”

“If you don’t want to let us go, we will die anyway. It’s better to die directly than to die in such a twisted and ugly way in front of you! At least then...” Xiao Tangqiu paused, “...I can die with more dignity.”

“Dignity?” The Abyss Demon paused, “This is the first time I heard someone say this... But that’s boring.”

He tilted his head and looked at Shen Yuan, “So what about you?”

Shen Yuan remained motionless, but his eyes were very firm.

The Abyss Demon chuckled, “Although I can manipulate you as I did before, it’s meaningless&#k2026;”

Xiao Tangqiu was a dead duck who feared no boiling water, “If you want to kill, then kill! Stop talking nonsense!”

“Since you don’t want to kill each other, then choose your poison.” The Abyss Demon raised the two glass vials in his hand, “The lucky one will live and the unlucky one will die. Isn’t this fair?”

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t know why the Abyss Demon insisted that one of them live and one of them die, but if it was true, no matter who could live, it could be regarded as a good thing for him. Anyway, he had already died once. Once was strange, a second time makes it familiar. He would get used to it.

After all, according to his African luck, the glass vial he chose was likely to be the poison.

He did not hesitate to choose a vial first, but was stopped by Shen Yuan as he was about to raise it to drink.

Shen Yuan grabbed Xiao Tangqiu’s wrist and asked the Abyss Demon coldly, “If one of us drank the poison and died, what can we do if you kill the other? A demon’s words are not credible at all.”

Abyss Demon, “So what?”

Shen Yuan said coldly, “I know that you can kill us easily with your own hands, but don’t forget, your heart fragment is still in my heart. You didn’t take it back before in order to control me... But don’t forget that I also have control over my own heart. If I explode my heart, your heart fragment will also be affected, right?”

The Abyss Demon gave a low laugh, “Are you threatening me?”

Shen Yuan said lightly, “I don’t dare. But when you torture and slaughter your prey, don’t you allow the prey to struggle a little?”

At this moment, an extremely large and terrifying aura erupted from the Abyss Demon. Xiao Tangqiu’s legs suddenly weakened and almost fell to his knees. Just when he thought the Abyss Demon was about to lose his temper, the Abyss Demon laughed.

“You said you want to explode your heart, then guess whether you can explode your heart first, or if I kill you first?”

As the aura from the Abyss Demon became more and more terrifying, Xiao Tangqiu finally couldn’t bear the pressure and fell to the ground with a thud.

Shen Yuan looked at the Abyss Demon without fear, “You can try!”

The Abyss Demon suddenly laughed, “A rebellious prey is interesting. Those sheeps waiting to be slaughtered are boring... What do you want?”

Shen Yuan looked at the Abyss Demon coldly, “An oath. The oath that you will never harm the survivors again.”

The Abyss Demon smiled easily, “You want a Demon’s Oath? Okay, I promise.”

Xiao Tangqiu had no idea what a Demon’s Oath was, but he could feel that the terrifying aura of the Abyss Demon was growing even stronger. Just when he was about to be suffocated by the pressure in the air, the Abyss Demon slowly spoke, “I promise that once one of you dies, I won’t hurt the rest... but only in this instance.”

As soon as his voice fell, a circle of floating black totems fleetingly appeared all over his body.

“Well, are you satisfied?” The Abyss Demon said lazily.

Shen Yuan glanced at the Abyss Demon coldly, then turned to look at Xiao Tangqiu, and suddenly said, “No matter which of us can survive, the remaining must live well.”

“Of course,” Xiao Tangqiu agreed subconsciously and hesitated, “ must live well.”

According to his luck, the vial he was holding now was likely to be poisonous... As long as he died, Shen Yuan should be able to survive, right?

Shen Yuan took a deep look at Xiao Tangqiu and slowly said, “You have to live well.”

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly snatched the glass in Xiao Tangqiu’s hand and drank it.

Xiao Tangqiu was taken aback, but it was too late to stop him. Shen Yuan moved extremely fast. By the time he reacted, Shen Yuan had already dropped the empty glass to the ground, shattering it.

Shen Yuan turned and walked towards the Abyss Demon, picked up the second glass vial, and drank it too.


This glass vial also fell to the ground and shattered everywhere.

Xiao Tangqiu was taken aback and rushed towards Shen Yuan, grabbing him and desperately shaking him, “You... you...”

Shen Yuan took a deep look at Xiao Tangqiu one final time. He moved his head closer to Xiao Tangqiu as if he wanted to do something, but in the end, he stopped and just reached out and stroked Xiao Tangqiu’s pale, dry lips.

The Abyss Demon chuckled as if he was not surprised by the result, “This is cheating, but... forget it, the result is the same either way.”

The result was the same either way? What did that mean?

Xiao Tangqiu wanted to question the Abyss Demon, but his brain was completely blank and he could only grasp Shen Yuan tightly.

Shen Yuan was obviously suffering from intense pain as he closed his eyes and shook.

“Shen Yuan! Shen Yuan!” Xiao Tangqiu didn’t know what to do, so he could only call out Shen Yuan’s name in vain. He subconsciously wanted to use his special skill card, but when he remembered that the audience in the live stream room might be a group of people, of demons, who like to watch killing games, his whole body chilled.

At this moment, Shen Yuan suddenly broke free from Xiao Tangqiu’s hold and fell to the ground.

Xiao Tangqiu lunged towards Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan’s body got colder and colder, his body temperature dropped to an extremely low level in an instant. He immediately hugged Shen Yuan, wanting to warm him, but the temperature kept dropping. Lower and lower. Lower and lower.

He watched Shen Yuan’s body shake less and less until he was completely motionless in the end... He tremblingly dropped a weak kiss on Shen Yuan’s pale lips.

At this moment, Shen Yuan’s no longer moving body suddenly moved.

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart shook, but he didn’t have time to have other reactions as he watched Shen Yuan’s clothes burst and fall off inch by inch. The originally warm and smooth human skin gradually became covered with snake scales. In a blink of an eye, the Shen Yuan lying in his arms had become a giant black snake!

The giant black snake had a deathly and evil aura. It slowly crawled out of the pile of Shen Yuan clothes and coiled around Xiao Tangqiu. Xiao Tangqiu remained motionless, his heart both scared and at a loss, and his brain filled with static.

The giant snake clung to Xiao Tangqiu and hissed at him. Its aura was filled with chilling death. It was bigger than a person and could easily crush Xiao Tangqiu.

It circled Xiao Tangqiu’s body and made threatening sounds at him, but in the end, it didn’t hurt Xiao Tangqiu.

The Abyss Demon chuckled, “Alright, Ouroboros, my darling pet, come back...”

The giant black snake crawled down from Xiao Tangqiu and slowly crawled towards the Abyss Demon.

Xiao Tangqiu instinctively wanted to stop the giant black snake, “Shen Yuan! Shen Yuan!”

“I advise you not to touch him,” The Abyss Demon smiled, “Although I can’t violate the Demon’s Oath I made, and neither can my witch, my pet that had just been summoned to this world doesn’t need to keep to the promise. He may have calculated thousands of moves, but he still missed a few.”

“Oh, by the way, the vials just now were not poison, but demon blood...” The Abyss Demon bent down and gently stroked the head of the giant black snake by his feet with his gloved hand. The ruby ring had disappeared from his finger, “With my power and the demon blood, once Shen Yuan drank it, the magic power in his body reached the maximum capacity. Just right for sacrifice and summoning Ouroboros...

“And the most perfect of all is that his body can be used as a vessel for Ouroboros...”

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