Future News: My Phone Mutated

Chapter 121 - Don’t Go To The Second Hospital

Chapter 121: Don’t Go To The Second Hospital

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“That guy must be making things up. He just wants me to stay away from the hospital and find him to treat my mother’s illness

“When the time comes, he’ll ask for a sky-high price, extort a large sum of money from me, or even split the profits in the cooperation. It’s just a small scheme.”

Ling Xuewei thought that she had seen through Lin Bai’s tricks.

The doctor did not know what Ling Xuewei was thinking. Seeing that she was deep in thought, he thought that she still had some concerns.

Thus, the doctor took the initiative to introduce her.

“Miss Ling, our hospital’s wards are all built according to the highest international safety standards to ensure the patient’s personal safety to the maximum extent.”

“You can rest assured that you can leave your mother to us. We have the most professional treatment team here and the best treatment equipment. There will definitely not be any problems.”

Ling Xuewei smiled and nodded, indicating that she knew.

The doctor then introduced the various settings in the room and what their intentions were.

Just as Ling Xuewei had guessed, the deliberately added soft materials were to prevent the patient from hurting herself or others when she was delirious.

In addition, the doctor also specially emphasized that the windows in the ward were all equipped with special safety devices, and the angle of the opening was only fifteen degrees at most.

It would not affect the ventilation of the room, and there was no need to worry about the patient falling off the building.

As she spoke, she opened the windows to demonstrate.

“Miss Ling, you see, the windows can only be opened at this angle at most, and they will be completely stuck. No matter how hard you push, there is no way to open the windows wider.”

Before she could finish her sentence, there was a crack. The safety lock broke, and a huge crack appeared on the window frame.

The doctor clearly did not expect such a situation to happen. He was completely stunned.

Ling Xuewei’s expression became extremely ugly.

“This is the so-called highest safety standard?”

Ling Xuewei stared at the broken window frame. She felt that if the doctor had pushed the window a little harder and used a little more strength, he would have pushed the window frame even harder.

Perhaps the entire window frame would have fallen downstairs by now.

The doctor was conscious and could have stopped the force in time. However, her mother could be triggered at any moment.

Under the state of insanity, who could guarantee that she would not jump out?!

The more Ling Xuewei thought about it, the angrier she became. At the same time, she felt that this hospital was not as reliable as the rumors said.

The safety lock on the window had fallen off. It was enough to show that their daily inspection and maintenance were not in place.

Otherwise, it was impossible that the safety locks and window frames had not been discovered and replaced when they had aged to such an extent.

The safety locks had fallen off, and the window frames had broken. These were all minor matters.

However, what was reflected from the back was the internal management of the hospital.

Ling Xuewei was really worried about such a hospital, so she handed her mother over to them.

She had endured for twenty years and finally reunited with her mother with great difficulty. She could not tolerate the slightest risk of losing her mother again.

At this moment, the Doctor finally reacted and tried to explain awkwardly.

“This... This must be a colleague from the maintenance department who hasn’t had time to check yet. I’ll call them over immediately to change!”

Ling Xuewei said coldly, “There’s no need for that. Return the hospitalization fee to me.”

“Miss Ling...”

Ling Xuewei directly interrupted her words.

“There’s no need to say anything else. Even your so-called top-class VIP ward can be like this. I really can’t think of any reason to continue trusting you.”

“Refund the money.”

The Doctor said many more things to try to persuade her to stay, but Ling Xuewei’s attitude was firm. No matter what she said, she refused to let her mother stay in the hospital.

In the end, the hospital had no choice but to refund her every cent of the hospitalization fee.

Ling Xuewei brought her mother back to the car. After thinking for a while, she said to the driver, Xiao Li, “Let’s go to the second hospital.”

She remembered that the boss of one of her partners was a psychiatrist from the second hospital.

It was said that the psychiatric department of the second hospital was also very good. Moreover, there was the wife of an acquaintance there, so she could get more care. It was also a good choice.

However, what Ling Xuewei did not know was that the moment she made this decision.

Another news from the Future News app popped up on Lin Bai’s phone.

The title was:

[The psychiatric ward of S City No. 2 Hospital caught fire, leaving one dead and two injured. The mother of the CEO of Soaring Phoenix Real Estate unfortunately died.]

When Lin Bai saw this post, he knew that Ling Xuewei believed his words in the end and didn’t let her mother stay in No. 513 ward of Green Mountain Hospital.

Otherwise, her mother should have jumped to her death when her illness flared up, and not died from the fire of the Second People’s Hospital.

But then again, that woman was really unlucky. Wherever she went, there would be accidents.

“Could this be the legendary possession of the god of misfortune?”

Lin Bai didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as he finished reading the news from the Future News app.

The time of the accident in the news was one and a half hours later.

He guessed that Ling Xuewei had just gone there for a check-up and settled her down before something happened immediately after she turned around.

It was as if it was a disaster tailor-made for her mother.

Lin Bai began to suspect for the first time whether that woman was really destined to die, so no matter how much he saved her, he was unable to prevent her from dying?

But if that was really the case, why would the Future News app bother sending notifications to remind him again and again?

After thinking about it, Lin Bai finally decided to intervene one last time.

“Since you’ve been wandering for so many years, I’ll save you one last time.”

“If it still doesn’t work this time, I won’t care.”

Lin Bai muttered to himself on his phone. At the same time, he quickly edited a text message and sent it to Ling Xuewei.

The message was very simple. There were only two words — “Don’t go to the Second Hospital.”

On the way, Ling Xuewei heard the sound of a text message alert on her phone.

She guessed that it was something related to work. She originally wanted to wait until her mother’s treatment problem was resolved before replying.

However, in the end, she still took out her phone and checked the latest notification.

“Don’t go to the second hospital.”

These simple words almost overturned her understanding.

She had just made the decision to go to the Second People’s Hospital. Other than the driver, Little Li, no one else had told her. How did Lin Bai know? !

The driver, Little Li, had been focused on driving. His hands had never left the steering wheel. It was impossible for him to send a message.

Could it be that Lin Bai had planted a listening bug on her? !

Even Ling Xuewei herself felt that this idea was ridiculous.

If Lin Bai really had the ability to plant a bug on her body, he should have used it to steal more valuable trade secrets.

He should not have used it to interfere with which hospital her mother went to for treatment.

If one thought about it, they would know that this was not the way to maximize the benefits.

Moreover, it was too stupid. He had made her wary early on. Anyone with a bit of brain would not have done this.

So it couldn’t have been a bug.

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