Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 213: On the Brink of Civil War

Chapter 213: On the Brink of Civil War

The environment of the planet Cerea is very pleasant, with a mild climate and rich species, with extremely high vegetation coverage, and most importantly, there are no large beasts that can threaten civilization.

But it is also because of such a unique environment that the unique isolationism of the Cerean people has been caused.

After an expedition company once discovered the planet Cerea, some companies wanted to come here to open their own offices, but without exception, they were all driven away by the natives of the planet Cerea.

They would rather live in village-like settlements than accept the slightest bit of technological means—the purpose of everything is to maintain the original ecological environment of the planet.

The Galactic Republic is very concerned about the planet Ceria, because this planet has a very comfortable natural environment, and also has many precious natural plant resources. Not only that, but the addition of a new planet to the Republic will also be a great help to the crumbling Finis Valorum.

The Galactic Republic also sent many special envoys, including Jedi Knights, to join the Ceria planet. Later, under the leadership of a relatively enlightened leader, the planet Ceria finally opened up some policies to the Galactic Republic. They built a castle in a remote and deserted place on the planet to receive immigrants from other planets and the Galactic Republic. Whether there is a mutual exchange.

But such a situation is not accepted by all Ceria people.

In fact, after seeing the convenience brought by the many high-tech products of the Galactic Republic, many Cerea people, especially the younger generation, are fascinated by the technology of the Galactic Republic. Open the limit and accept the technological revolution.

This movement is called the 'Technology Movement'.

Under the impetus of caring for the people, the technical movement gradually began to change its flavor. The man behind the scenes is the underworld boss of Tatooine—the Hutt, Jabba!

Because the excellent natural environment of Planet Cerea is not only very helpful for those crops, but it is also very suitable if it is used to grow spices! Moreover, Jabba also wants to introduce the Bangta Night Pod racing competition to the planet Cerea. If this beautiful and original ecological planet opens up a new track, it will definitely make those racing fans crazy.

Jabba, through his good friend and agent, Ephant Mon, secretly intervened in the technological movement of the planet Ceria, hoping to get a share of the planet.

But things really got out of control because of another thing.

Ephant Mon once had some friendship with the former regional director of the Interstellar Banking Association Semied Tonis, and Yifant also revealed that he wanted to get some weapons and supplies through Semied to help him instigate the planet Cerea struggle.

However, something happened to Semid later, and Ephant Mon's plan had to be temporarily shelved.

But then things took a turn for the worse. After Tang Xiao rescued Semid, in order to help the Fourth Civilization open up markets and expand sources of income, Semied introduced Tang Xiao to Ephant Mon, and Tang Xiao handed over the matter to him. To Yuri Olov!!

Yuri Olov gave full play to his expertise and began to secretly smuggle weapons and equipment to the planet Ceria. Later, Super Lotus came, and she easily broke through the communication system full of loopholes. Coupled with the glib Yuri, the business of Planet Cerea was soon taken over by the Fourth Civilization.

Although Ephant Mon was unwilling, he also understood that without Yuri's support, he would not be able to shake the situation of the entire planet with his limited supply, and this was also the direction of the original plot.

Regardless of the present, things are starting to look different.

Ceria planet, castle.

On a specially built high platform, a fat Ceria is giving an impassioned speech. He detailed the convenience brought by technology and the safety brought by technology one by one. He kept emphasizing that the introduction of technology would increase the population of the planet, make life easier, and enable people to enjoy many things that they could not enjoy before.

And with technology to arm yourself, you will no longer be afraid of the patronage of interstellar pirates. He used a large number of holographic projections as evidence to tell everyone that once fully armed interstellar pirates come to the planet Cerea, the entire planet will have no way to resist!

He presents a beautiful picture scroll in front of everyone, advanced, comfortable and powerful!

Most of the audience in the audience were young people from Cerea, who cheered wildly, shouted, and were intoxicated by this beautiful future.

But then, the fat Cerean shouted loudly: "...a bright future is ahead of us!! Just think about it, holographic movies, levitating cars, racing competitions, fine food, and enough protection Our powerful weapon against anyone!! But what stands in front of all this? It's the corrupt Presbyterian Church!!"

"Those fat-headed elders of the Presbyterian Church would rather reject all new technologies in order not to threaten their own rights and status! What they reject is our bright future! And what they get is only their current rights!! But what have these people gained? Nothing!! And what have we lost? A bright future!"

The people in the audience roared wildly, and the crowd was passionate.

"Join us!! Join the technological movement! Seek a better future for our planet Cerea!!"

After some more incitement, a human man with a cropped head next to him began to assign his subordinates to distribute some small things to the participants. For example, cakes, jelly, and some technological gadgets such as holographic players. Those Cerean people were very happy, and many people began to run to the registration office on the side to sign up.

After the rally, the short-cut man walked over to the obese Cerea and said, "Elder Dorr-Femi-Bonmi, today's speech was very successful. Our movement has added more than 1,000 like-minded friends."

Elder Dorr smiled triumphantly, "This is all thanks to your help, Mr. Bron."

Bron, who was short-cut, nodded and said to Ifant-Mon who was standing aside: "The key to this is the goods sent by Mr. Ifant and Santa Claus. By the way, why didn't Santa Claus come? "

Ephant Mon's voice was dull, "He has delivered the goods. When the next time comes, we can carry out the plan."

"We will definitely succeed," Bron said with certainty.

"Hahahahaha!" Dorr-Femi-Bonmi laughed, "Most of the Cerea guards under the Great Elder are still using bows and spears. Although there are a large number of them, there is no evidence!!"

Ephant Mon said slowly: "The goal is very close. After it is done, Dorr, you will enter the Galactic Republic Senate, Bron, you will be the plenipotentiary representative of the Republic, and Santa Claus and I will monopolize Cerea The trade of planets..."

"By that time, the entire planet Cerea will be our backing!! We earn the money of an entire planet! Hahahaha!!" Bron was extremely proud.

"I will also support my son to become the great elder of Planet Cerea, but the alliance of the few of us will be unbreakable!" Elder Dorr also added.

"Then...if Santa Claus doesn't delay, after 7 standard days, it's time for us to act!" Ephant Mon said fr𝒐m freew𝒆bnov𝒆l.c(o)m

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