Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 211: Joining The Circle

Chapter 211: Joining The Circle

The Galactic Senate Building, the office of Naboo Senator Sheev Palpatine.

"The education bill proposed by Finis Valorum this time, it doesn't matter whether it is passed or not." Palpatine smiled warmly, and put a glass of water into Francis' hands, "But what you said is indeed right, Deputy Chancellor Botan failed to help Supreme Chancellor Valorum in many incidents, we really should let a more powerful person assist the speaker."

Palpatine's tone was very soothing, and he couldn't feel any disgust when he heard it, and he continued to ask: "But why did you come to me about this matter? Mr. Francis. I think, now The Dawn Planet should have enough influence to make some members of the Outer Rim Planet change their wishes?"

Francis Underwood smiled but did not directly answer the question, "I hope the Galaxy can become better. In fact, whenever I read history, I always feel the tenacity of the Sith Empire and the Eternal Empire. Powerful, and the brutality of the Infinite Empire. But all of these have disappeared, leaving only the Galactic Republic still standing in the Galaxy... What is it relying on? I think it is definitely not what it is now."

"We all hope that the Republic will become better, Mr. Francis. I am very pleased that you have such an idea, I think, maybe we will have a lot of common language." Palpatine said with a smile.

"The Galactic Republic needs a revolution. I hope to have a strong government, a regime that can truly rule the entire galaxy. But now..." Francis shook his head, "Even a little fluctuation will bring about a change in the Senate."

"So what do you think the change should be?"

"Balance!" Francis said: "The reason why the Galactic Senate is like this is because it lost its balance. The entire Galactic Republic has also lost its balance. Therefore, we need to re-establish a fragile balance until... the transformation time has really come."

"That's why you asked Orn Free Taa to first propose the motion to impeach Deputy Chancellor Botan? As the leader of the ring faction, Mr. Ta does have enough energy. If we add your help and mine, It is true that impeachment is possible. But what does that balance matter?"

"Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum is now like a hanging garden, and his support is decaying. But no matter what, there are still at least one-third of the inner ring planets supporting Valorum above the garden. We cannot let this hanging garden completely collapse. Therefore, your strength is needed to remove Botan's rotten pillar without collapsing and replace it with a stronger pillar."

"Oh? Then, who should be the new pillar?"

"I think Mas Amedda should be the most suitable candidate."

Sheev Palpatine looked at Francis with a smile. When he mentioned Mas Amedda, who was also his own choice, the corners of Palpatine's mouth turned up even more.

"I think we will have a lot of common language, Mr. Francis." Palpatine said with a smile, "This time Valorum's education bill will not be passed. Next, Supreme Chancellor Valorum, I will deal with it." With regard to those corporate giants, including the Trade Federation, I think our cooperation has just begun."

"I am honored to be able to cooperate with you, a visionary and politician who is dedicated to the future of the Republic, Your Excellency Palpatine."

"Oh, there are many such people, Mr. Francis. By the way, in three days, a close friend of mine is about to be promoted to the vice-Senator of the Seswenna sector, and there will be a limited gathering. I hope you can also participate. This best friend is a very talented young man named Wilhuff Tarkin. I think you will have a lot of common language." Palpatine said.

Francis nodded, "In that case, I will be disrespectful."

According to the information Tang Xiao gave him, he also understood that he had finally gotten closer to Sheev Palpatine and entered his circle.

Through the prestige established by the Mutual Aid Fund of the Outer Rim of the Galaxy, Francis is actively active. The increasingly powerful industrial capabilities of the Fourth Civilization also stood out among the many backward outer ring planets. He used this as a basis and coupled with the deliberate wooing during this period, he and Claire Underwood were in the outer ring star region. Has won a lot of prestige among the Outer Rim planets.

However, this is just the beginning.

Afterwards, he had to be careful with every step. He and Tang Xiao had discussed this issue many times, and had a clear plan for the future of the Fourth Civilization—they wanted to stand on the opposite side of the Galactic Republic, but at the same time they had to stand on the opposite side. On the same side as Sheev Palpatine.

Only in this way can the fourth civilization always be in a favorable position in that future war.

"Then, see you in three days, Lord Palpatine." Francis smiled and withdrew.

Palpatine looked at his back, seeming to be thinking about something, but then the communicator rang, interrupting his thoughts.

A tall old man appeared in the holographic projection, the Jedi Master Dooku.

Dooku's face was full of anger at this moment, and his neatly trimmed beard exploded like a beast's mane at this moment, obviously, he was extremely angry!

"Senator Palpatine, is the news you received earlier true? Is Komari Vosa really not dead?" Dooku was almost roaring, but he still tried his best to suppress his anger and let himself be calmer.

Palpatine sighed and said: "I'm afraid it's true. I have received reliable information that a cult organization Bando Gosa has been very active recently, and their leader is your former apprentice, Komari Vosa."

"How could this be?! Master Windu told me that Vosa is dead!" Master Dooku roared in disbelief.

"I'm afraid this time, the intelligence of the Jedi Order has gone wrong. Not only is Komari Vosa not dead, but a few days ago, she also colluded with Black Sun to blow up an unknown planet with a nuclear bomb." Palpatine Heartbroken, "We must stop Vosa before she leads Bando Gosa further discrediting the Jedi Order! Republic, no more chaos!"

"Mace Windu, bastard!!" Dooku cursed again, then nodded to Palpatine and said: "I know what to do, don't worry, Senator, I will deal with her personally !"

"I still suggest that you don't act rashly. It's discuss it with Master Yoda." There was an imperceptible sneer at the corner of Palpatine's mouth.

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