Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 154: Adjusting The Deployment

Chapter 154: Adjusting The Deployment

Tang Xiao rubbed his chin, thinking hard, "So the fact that the Judicial Fleet sent troops to encircle and suppress pirates last year can still be involved in the current dispute on the Planet Niele?"

Francis Underwood replied: "The most brilliant method of Sheev Palpatine is to do the opposite. He is good at creating different situations so that his seemingly positive behavior can be rewarded. The opposite effect, and yet people are still full of praise for him."

"After all, he is a master who manipulates the political arena of the entire Galaxy..." Tang Xiao sighed.

To be honest, he himself thinks that among these current legends, Francis Underwood is the one who plays the most role. Without the help of this old fox in the political arena, he might be sold out by Palpatine in a few moments, and he is also grateful to him.

Of course, out of the same consideration, he also has many balancing means for Francis. For example, wake up Ni Yongxiao and Helmut Zemo to check and balance, and let Black Lotus go to Francis.

With that super hacker around, nothing Francis can do can escape his monitoring.

"Last year, when the judicial fleet sent troops to encircle the Bislanca pirates, Finis Valorum was actually against it at first. But then Palpatine persuaded him because it is said that Master Dooku of the Jedi Knights was personally intervening in this matter." So it is not so much that Valorum wants to help the Outer Rim to eliminate pirates, but rather that he sold the face of the Jedi Order." Francis said.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is just a way for Palpatine to get both sides. Master Dooku will definitely think that Valorum is selling Palpatine's face, and Valorum will also think so." Tang Xiao Sneered.

"The process in the middle is unknown, but the result was very bad. During this siege, the Judicial Fleet of the Republic was dispatched with great fanfare, which led to the leakage of news. The Bislanca pirates who jumped over the wall made a surprise attack and lost 3 ships The Cruiser killed close to 5,000 soldiers. Although the Judiciary Fleet easily crushed the Bislanca pirates with strong ships and guns after finally recovering, this battle has already become a scandal," Francis said.

Tang Xiao immediately remembered that when he was on Planet Sojourn, Hego Damasks II's tone sounded like he knew the Bislanca pirates and their leader Tal-Bis. From this point of view, it is very questionable that the judicial fleet was attacked because of the leak of news.

At least, even if you know the news of the arrival of the Judicial Fleet, but you don't know the location of their Hyperspace Jump, there is no way to talk about a sneak attack.

"As a result, the pirate siege operation, including the lost Cruiser, the compensation for the fallen soldiers, and the miscellaneous things that followed, totaled a loss of more than 50 million credit points. The insurance company under the Interstellar Banking Clan refused to pay for this money. Without the support of these enterprises, where would the Galactic Republic have money in its treasury? Even the pensions of those fallen soldiers could not be paid out, and a demonstration broke out last year because of this," Francis said.

Tang Xiao finally figured it out, "So this incident made it impossible for Finis Valorum to trust the corrupt judicial fleet. In the dispute over Planet Malastare, Valorum has already fallen into inhumanity. The most important thing is that Valorum will only blame this failure on the Judicial Fleet, but will not blame Palpatine who promoted the suppression of the bandits. The same is true in the Senate. It is the judicial fleet, but Palpatine, who vigorously promoted this bandit suppression operation, has become a hero!"

Francis nodded and said: "That's right. So you can see every move Palpatine makes, and he doesn't care about the result. Because when this piece is put down, he has already won Such a person, frankly speaking, I am not his opponent. However, with your prediction of the future, maybe I still have a glimmer of hope."

Tang Xiao only felt a chill in his heart.

As the entire "Star Wars" universe, it can even be said that among the universes of all the film and television game worlds he has seen, it can be said that he is the leading politician and conspirator. Showing this little tip of the iceberg is overwhelming.

And such a person will be his most direct opponent in the future!

Seeing Tang Xiao's expression, Francis just smiled slightly. He straightened his suit, buttoned the second-to-last button, and said, "But there is good news. Senator Palpatine invited me to be the representative of Planet Dawn and participate in this meeting of the Galactic Senate because he believed that the mutual aid fund for the Outer Rim of the Galaxy that we initiated gave us some say in the Outer Rim. So, with your judgment about the future, I think I know what should be done."

"In this matter, I will also play my role well." Tang Xiao nodded and said.

"That's right, the meeting will start in 4 hours. It's time for us to climb up a big tree. Supreme Commander." Francis said this sentence with a pun, smiled, and turned off the communication.

Tang Xiao sat back on the sofa and rubbed his temples. After a while, another communication was connected.

The figure of Volgograd Canidi appeared in the projection, and he was still wearing heavy body armor. "Supreme Commander, what are your orders?"

"How did the battle on Tatooine go?"

"In the past two or three months, we have destroyed 13 smuggling fleets and 29 spaceships. Moreover, it seems that the bounty hunters around us are already spreading rumors about our Black Ship's reputation." Unhappy, he lowered his head and said.

"This should be something to be happy about, right?" "No... I never thought that others would be afraid of me since I was a child..." Canidi was full of resentment and wanted to cry, "You don't know, the expression on the other side when I was talking to a smuggling ship yesterday..."

"It's better that others are afraid of you than you are afraid of others, right?" Tang Xiao felt a little headache.

"I used to be a mining ship pipe manufacturer..."

"Have you ever driven a Cruiser?"

"That was in the military academy."

"Hey... okay. How about Santa Claus?" Tang Xiao asked. I don't know when it started, Santa Claus became Yuri Olov's secret code for smuggling weapons.

"Super Lotus has contacted me before, and the Trojan horse she planted through Ephant Mon has indeed affected the network near Tatooine. Now most of the bounty hunters around Tatooine are under control. Santa Claus the old man can easily send supplies to Tatooine."

"Good job. Since that's the case, you can return to the Endor System. I still have other tasks for you."

"Finally you don't have to be a pirate anymore?" Canidi's eyes lit up, "Can I go back to the Endor System?"

"Well, come back and rest for two days, and we're going to Planet Malastare soon." Tang Xiao said.

"Planet Malastare? I know. It's where the bounty hunters have been talking a lot recently. I heard they're wrangling with the Corporate Alliance."

"That's right."

"Then... didn't you become a pirate in the past?"

"It's definitely not a pirate, don't worry."

"Great! I've been waiting for this day for so long! I'll be right back!"

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freewe(b)nov𝒆l

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