Fortunate to Have You This Lifetime

Chapter 69 - Chapter 69: Chapter 69: Are You Happy?

Chapter 69: Chapter 69: Are You Happy?

Translator: 549690339

Purple Summers understood now.

Jade Carlson couldn’t resolve this matter, so Dylan Summers was calling for help.

As the director-general of the Justice Bureau, Dylan knew many people in the judicial sector, including quite a few lawyers.

He received a call from Nathaniel Summers during the day, who explained Jade’s difficulties to him and suggested that Dylan talk to Purple once more, preferably finding a lawyer as well in case of any unexpected need.

Dylan responded with a few token words, but he felt contempt for Jade, thinking that she was incompetent and deliberately making it sound alarming.

He did not talk to Purple again.

Purple was only his adopted daughter. Dylan seeking her out once was him being gracious and respectful to his juniors, but if he were to seek her out twice, it would give her too much face!

Now that Purple wanted to accuse the Summers Family of abuse, Dylan was unwilling to let her step all over him.

He set up a meeting with a lawyer for the next day over the phone.

Purple, outside the door, heard everything clearly, her mouth slightly curving into a smirk.

It seemed that if Jade Carlson wanted to marry into the Summers Family, she wouldn’t need to interfere, for troubles would arise on their own.

Quietly, Purple stepped back and returned to the staircase.

Alexander Summers had been standing there at some point, quietly watching her.

The light cast a shadow over his face, making his handsome features appear even deeper and more serious. Purple felt her heart start to tremble again…

Alexander Summers truly was terrifying…

“What were you doing?” He stood under the light unmoving, his tall figure outlined, his lips curved in a subtle smile.

“Nothing…” Purple Summers put on a brave face, “I just got bored waiting, so I walked around.”

Alexander did not ask more. He waved at her and said, “Let’s go, back home.”

Purple Summers lingered, unwilling to step too close to him.

Alexander Summers, growing impatient, pulled her over next to him and alongside the python.


Purple Summers let out a gasp. Her ankle felt numb when it touched the snake’s scales, and she nearly lost her balance!

“So useless.” Alexander Summers scolded her, smile in his eyes, “Do you want your brother to carry you?”

“No, no need!” Purple Summers shook her head rapidly.

Alexander Summers gave her a deep look, didn’t say a word, and walked ahead on his own.

Cleo, the python, moved very slowly, so their pace was accordingly slow.

Alexander at the snake’s head, Purple at its tail, they maintained a three to four-meter distance and maintained peace.

At one point, Alexander Summers inexplicably stopped.

Purple Summers, who was watching her step, didn’t take notice and ran into his back.

“What…” happened?

Before she could finish her question, she was suddenly slammed against a nearby tree by Alexander Summers! He fiercely and passionately kissed her.

Purple Summers thought she knew what a kiss was, but Alexander Summers opened up a new world for her.

His approach was aggressive and brutal, attacking with no tact. He kissed her wildly and barbarically, as if he wanted to swallow her whole!

It was a terrible experience!

Purple Summers even questioned whether or not he knew how to kiss!

She struggled to push him away, using all of her strength. Enraged to the extreme, she wanted to bite his tongue off!

But at this moment, Alexander Summers suddenly let her go.

“I have to go on a long trip for a few days, so you should behave yourself at home.” He held Purple Summers in a gentle embrace, sighing softly while stroking her dense black hair.

All of Purple Summers’ anger dissipated at his words.

Alexander Summers was leaving?

Ha ha ha!

Alexander Summers was leaving! Finally, this pervert was going to be gone!!!

Purple Summers couldn’t contain her joy.

She was so overjoyed that she completely failed to notice that Alexander Summers kissed her at the exact spot where she had been talking to Nathaniel Summers last time.

Alexander Summers took Purple Summers home and taught her how to use a brush to clean Cleo’s body, and then to dry it with cotton cloth, and finally apply a special ointment to prevent parasites.

Purple Summers cooperated fully, without a word of complaint.

How could Alexander Summers not notice her strangeness?

His profound eyes narrowed as he looked at her, “I’m leaving, and it seems like you’re really happy?”

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