Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

Chapter 1873 Shi Long Kingdom’s Arrogance

Chapter 1873 Shi Long Kingdom’s Arrogance

The news of victory was definitely something that Shi Long Kingdom needed after they heard about Fei Yang Kingdom's constant conquest in the past. When Fei Yang Kingdom started the war against their kingdom, they felt threatened.

Even the nobles were surprisingly united and didn't make much trouble on the surface.

They didn't want their usual troubles to affect the overall situation of Shi Long Kingdom. After all, losing the war would also caused them to lose in various matters. Now that they won, they were naturally very happy. The worries in their heart was slowly put down and everyone was ready to celebrate this victory. They believed that this was only the beginning and the future was to be expected to be even better.

"Shi Long Kingdom is indeed the best!" Emperor Shi Wang laughed. "Everyone will celebrate with banquet tonight!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The ministers were all full of smiles.

They had been hearing the news of Fei Yang Kingdom's victory over other kingdoms lately, which made them worry. But they were also having their own ambitions and goals, which made it harder for them to rush over and quarrel with Fei Yang Kingdom.

The border has some fierce battles, though.

But all in all, they tried not to provoke Fei Yang Kingdom too much at other times.

But now, they wanted to say: is that all?

It seemed that the so called powerful Fei Yang Kingdom was nothing much and could even be defeated in their hands.

The ministers felt that they could raise their head high.

They were proud to be part of Shi Long Kingdom!

"Your Majesty is wise," Prime Minister Dou flattered Emperor Shi Wang in excitement.

Only Prime Minister Zhi remained composed. He looked at the cheering ministers and then at Emperor Shi Wang. Slowly, he spoke up, "Your Majesty, we might have won one battle, but Fei Yang Kingdom is still very strong. They might try to come again in the future and we have to be prepared."

Emperor Shi Wang waved his hand in impatient. "Even if they come again, these powerful generals can handle them. There's no need to worry so much."


"Enough! Today is banquet time!"

Prime Minister Zhi wanted to remind the Emperor that General Xing was still attacking their territory at the south, but looking at the Emperor's wretched face, he could guess what the Emperor was thinking.

He must be thinking about his beauties in the harem again.

He sighed deeply.

With such an emperor, how do they expect Shi Long Kingdom to truly be strong and be able to contend with Fei Yang Kingdom?

This was only one victory and anything could happen on the frontline. Prime Minister Zhi was worried that Shi Long Kingdom would be blinded by this victory and eventually forgot that the current situation was not safe enough for them. Heavenly General Sang might be powerful, but it doesn't mean that he was invincible.

The defeat he suffered in the hands of Great General Nan more than two decades ago was already the biggest prove that even their powerful generals could lose.

Even if it was only a small defeat. But it had caused a lot of turmoils in Shi Long Kingdom's Capital City for a long time because they all thought that they would always remain victorious all the time. "Relax a bit more." Prime Minister Dou laughed. "We've finally won such a big victory against the powerful Fei Yang Kingdom. Hmph! They finally see the might of the mighty Shi Long Kingdom."

Prime Minister Zhi looked at Prime Minister Dou and sighed again. The arrogance of the people from Shi Long Kingdom was something they have ever since they were born because they were taught that Shi Long Kingdom is the biggest and most powerful kingdom.

Almost everyone in his generation and the latter generation didn't witness the difficulties for Shi Long Kingdom to establish itself back in the days.

He only learned about those in the records.

But even if he knew about it, so what? No one was willing to truly listen to him.

The Emperor was only thinking about his harem, the ministers were all busy putting more money to their pocket and ignored the affair, the other prime minister was busy flattering the Emperor, and so on. Besides, there were also the conflicts between various parties in the court.

The situation on the court was so complex because of many powerful families in Shi Long Kingdom. Every single one of these nobility only cared about their well being, which caused the development of Shi Long Kingdom to be rather slow.

Yes, they have big territory.

Yes, they have a lot of manpower. But the number of land actually developed in the entire Shi Long Kingdom was actually very limited. Their big territory was mostly wastelands where no one lived there. Even if there were some people who were living there, it would only be small villages and the number of people who could actually serve Shi Long Kingdom were not many. "Prime Minister Dou, I know that you…"

"Say no more." Prime Minister Dou shook his head. He always felt that Prime Minister Zhi was truly a rigid man who didn't know how to enjoy his life. Every single time, he was buried with work and work again. They have already worked hard to reach this position, why can't they enjoy life more? At the very least, that was what Prime Minister Dou wanted to do the most after he had managed to reach this position and enjoyed the benefits in various matters. Anyway, they were a big and strong kingdom.

How could they lose to that barbarian Fei Yang Kingdom?


"You don't have to say things about Fei Yang Kingdom anymore. Let's just enjoy this time and make sure that we can have the long sleep we lacked ever since those barbarians came and invaded our lands." Prime Minister Dou laughed and walked away.

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