Chapter 1788 The Reason

Long Qian Xing's nodded. "Why did you pick south?"

"Because of these mountains." Gu Xia Mo's answer was light. "At that time, Wei Da Kingdom and Shi Long Kingdom had some friendship, so it's easier to move to the south compared to the north. Besides, I don't want to have to deal with the nomadic tribes on the north."

Long Qian Xing thought about Fan Yi Kingdom, who suffered the attacks from those nomadic tribes on the north and nodded faintly.

If Gu Xia Mo brought his people to the north, they might be able to pass Fan Yi Kingdom. But afterwards, they had to pay attention to the nomadic tribes who lived in that area. Fan Yi Kingdom had suffered from their hands for years.

It would not be easy for them to accept the coming of a new tribe just like that. The people whom Gu Xia Mo brought were not all fighters. There were many civilians among them, which would make it even more difficult for them to truly incorporate the plan of seizing the location for them to settle down.

"You have good consideration."

"Thank you for the praise." Gu Xia Mo smiled faintly. "I have no talent to be the leader, but it didn't mean that I'll allow my people to live miserably."

"It's good that you have such thoughts."

"Have you met with the others?"

"I have met with everyone."

"Everyone?" Gu Xia Mo muttered in a low voice and let out a faint laugh. Perhaps, only someone as active as Long Qian Xing and had visited various kingdoms would have the chance to meet with the others.

Long Qian Xing passed a glance. "Have you met with the others?"

"I bumped to Luo Qing Wei when passing by Shi Long Kingdom, but she didn't recognize me." Gu Xia Mo shrugged. "She truly look like a real child, very innocent, na?ve, and ugh, what's the word suitable for it?"


"…Well, I can't really say that she's stupid considering that she's one of the best in the medical field." Gu Xia Mo looked at Long Qian Xing speechlessly. That word might as well be Long Qian Xing's personal impression of Luo Qing Wei.

He rubbed his chin, trying to think of the most suitable word. "I think ignorant would be more suitable to describe it."

"Ignorant?" Long Qian Xing arched his eyebrows. "Perhaps."

"Don't you think so?" Gu Xia Mo chuckled. "Even for some strange things that happened around her, she didn't seem to realize it and only lived in her own world. I can't say that it's wrong because that's the way she lived, but I can't really agree to her."

In their previous world, she was protected heavily by everyone around her, maintaining this state of ignorance for a long time. While there were some people who could live that way until the end of their lives and Gu Xia Mo himself didn't care, but for someone with capabilities like Luo Qing Wei, it was a bit baffling.

After all, a lot of people's lives would be placed in her hand.

She cared for their well being but never truly cared about the other things that revolved in the matter.

So, perhaps the most correct words would be selectively ignorant.

Ignoring some matters.

Paying attention to some other matters.

"I don't care." Long Qian Xing didn't really care about Luo Qing Wei. Even if some other people around him discussed about her, he would only listen from one ear and come out from the other ear.

It was not very important for him.

Gu Xia Mo smiled, already knowing about Long Qian Xing's attitude, so he didn't really care. "Well, aside from her, I didn't really meet with the others. I only heard of your name, though and didn't know much about the others."

"Do you want me to tell you?"


Thus, for the next incense stick of time, Long Qian Xing told Gu Xia Mo about Yan Jin Nian, Fang Sheng Lin, and Song Yun Xiang. How Yan Jin Nian came to the capital city from Qi Xi Kingdom and settled in Fei Yang Kingdom, eventually becoming the Empress and Empress Dowager. How Fang Sheng Lin was fooled and used by Zhang Xu Kingdom, defeated by him, and now followed his order.

How Song Yun Xiang's current condition was and his current position in Fan Yi Kingdom along with the recent wars.

Gu Xia Mo listened to everything attentively. Knowing that Long Qian Xing really didn't know about Luo Qing Wei, he was a bit speechless. But well, by herself, it would be strange for Luo Qing Wei to cause any storm. At most, it would be other people around her, so Long Qian Xing didn't pay much attention to Luo Qing Wei. He felt complicated when he heard about Yan Jin Nian's state.

If only he came to Fei Yang Kingdom…

But even if he was there, he knew that the time when he recovered his memory was already far too late.

There was nothing that he could do.

It could be said that fate was playing a cruel joke on both of them in this world. When he heard about Fang Sheng Lin, Gu Xia Mo only felt that it was 'as expected.' That stupid Fang Sheng Lin only knew how to challenge others to fight and then got beaten up if his opponents were too strong.

As for challenging Long Qian Xing?

Heh, he had seen that countless times. And Fang Sheng Lin was on the losing side, so he was not surprised.

When he heard about Song Yun Xiang's physical condition, he was surprised. But after he heard about his deeds, Gu Xia Mo sighed. He felt that with Song Yun Xiang's intelligence, it was indeed hard for him not to go ahead and made his own name. How could a proud and capable person like him be willing to be ordinary and even looked down upon?

He simply used his own means to rise up in his own way.

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