Chapter 1785 Conversation

"As for this bed…" Long Qian Xing looked at the bed cover below the two of them and felt another headache. "We'll each take one side, ok?"

Nan Hua's eyes flickered slightly.

Looking at the bed cover below them, she nodded thoughtfully. Even if she was not from this era, but she didn't want to be too hasty either. A sense of ritual seemed to be quite nice.

"Go to sleep first. I'll come back later."


Nan Hua watched as Long Qian Xing walked outside. The night on the snowy mountain was naturally colder than in the evening. But Long Qian Xing didn't seem to care in the slightest bit and only wanted to leave.

She blinked her eyes and wanted to laugh a bit.

Looking at the cover that was used for sleeping in this area, it could be said that these covers were not very good because it was really thin. But it was also useful because it was quite warm.

Nan Hua knew that Long Qian Xing is a transmigrator.

But he didn't know that she knew nor that she is a transmigrator herself.

She slowly laid down on the cover and pulled the blanket to cover herself. In the future, they will talk properly about this issue. But for now, Nan Hua just wanted to take some rest.

She slowly laid down on the cover and pulled the blanket to cover herself. In the future, they will talk properly about this issue. But for now, Nan Hua just wanted to take some rest.

Long Qian Xing walked on the snowy ground. It was snowing and the snow fell on top of his head and shoulder. Looking into the distance, he could see the large field and forest far ahead. Those were the territory that belonged to the tribes whom they have to face in the future. The general before General Hong had done a good job in maintaining and fighting here. Now, General Hong took over and managed to do a good defense to prevent Shi Long Kingdom from taking advantage of their own things. Now, it was their turn to attack.

Looking towards the east direction, Long Qian Xing knew very well that there were still some areas that was not conquered by Shi Long Kingdom yet. Those areas would be their next target.

Either to pull them to Fei Yang Kingdom or to cooperate with them to block Shi Long Kingdom's approach and slowly encroach into their territory from the south through this breakthrough.

This is his plan.

"You're not appreciating the chance I have given for you to appreciate beauty." A dissatisfied voice interrupted Long Qian Xing's thought.

He turned his head and saw Gu Xia Mo pushing himself by using his hand on the wheels towards Long Qian Xing. Long Qian Xing's eyes flickered when he saw that.

The design of the wheelchairs in this era was not as sophisticated and light as it was in the future. It was very heavy and made of wooden boards, which was why it was usually impossible for them to push it themselves unless they were very strong.

Long Qian Xing had seen the wheelchair used by Shangguan Yu and it was by no means light. The servants were all trained before they could push the wheelchair nonchalantly and able to do what they wanted to do. If it was not because of their strength, pushing a man on the wheelchair would be a complete torture. But he could see that Gu Xia Mo was not really using a lot of strength.

Clearly, Gu Xia Mo had modified his wheelchair to make it easier for him to move it himself.

Before, Long Qian Xing was not in the mood to pay attention and only noticed it now that his mind had calmed down.

"I'm not a hooligan."

"Heh, say it after you tasted the beauty." Gu Xia Mo smiled wretchedly.

Long Qian Xing snorted and shook his head. He really didn't know what was in this man's head now and turned his head away. "Why did you come here. You're not planning to talk about those unsaid matters again, are you?"

"Well, even if I want to talk about that <ball> what are you going to do?" Gu Xia Mo replied and controlled the wheelchair to be side by side to Long Qian Xing. He looked into the distance. "You're lucky."

Long Qian Xing arched his eyebrows and didn't answer immediately.

"For you to be able to meet with the one whom you want to spend the rest of your life with and there's no need to worry about anything else." Gu Xia Mo took a deep breath. "I'm honestly envious."

"You could have made a different choice."

"Not now." Gu Xia Mo also looked at the vast land in front of him. Once, he was part of the people who lived below.

Once, he was living among them and had the same experience as them.

Once, he was not burdened with many things and could live freely but he chose not to and endured these burdens.

"Life will not always be how expectation wants them to be." Gu Xia Mo's tone remained indifferent but there was a melancholy from within his eyes. "I have reached the point of no return. There's no point in turning back and look at my other choices anymore."

Long Qian Xing replied in a low voice, "I see."

Even if there was any regret, Gu Xia Mo had to live with it. He couldn't turn back time and being able to come here and lived in this world was already a second chance in his life. It was his own mistake that made him come to this point at this time.

Everyone made mistake.

Some mistakes could be corrected as long as time and effort were invested. But the problem was that, not all mistakes could be corrected. Some mistakes were irreversible, so all they could do was to suffer the consequences from it and live with that mistake for his entire life. He had come into terms with it by now.

"Have you ever plan on telling her about your real past and self?" Gu Xia Mo suddenly changed the conversation.

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