Chapter 1759 Nan Hua’s Goal

Nan Hua blinked her eyes. Those words… were filled with arrogance. She could clearly feel that Long Qian Xing was full of confidence when he said it. Yet at the same time, it was a good thing.

"For you to make your name go down in history, you have to make sure that your deeds are good enough to do that," Nan Hua said slowly. It wouldn't be easy for anyone to make their name run down in history and be remembered by many people. Usually, only those of the imperial family would be remembered because they were the rulers.

But Nan Hua knew that Long Qian Xing had no interest to become the Emperor. With Emperor Yang Zhou already sitting on that seat, Long Qian Xing would just let that man be and didn't bother with it. After all, there was no point in him coveting that seat that didn't belong to him. It would be too much troubles, which was something that Long Qian Xing didn't like. Unless the emperor changed to someone who wanted him die, Long Qian Xing would never do anything to the Imperial Family of Fei Yang Kingdom. It was enough for him to make a name for himself on the battlefield. "I know, which is why I'm going to slowly but surely make my name famous in this period of time while I fight for Fei Yang Kingdom," Long Qian Xing replied. There were many powerful generals and powerful people in this era. Everyone was fighting for various reasons. Be it for the sake of themselves, the people, the kingdom behind them, but everyone ended up fighting against each other. And they all had their own respective strength that was different from one after another. Long Qian Xing knew that.

So he had to work hard if he wanted to be remembered in the long annals of history. "If you need any help, I'll help you," Nan Hua promised. The people under her would be able to help Long Qian Xing if it was necessary. And Nan Hua didn't want Long Qian Xing to work so hard. If his forces were not enough, then just add hers. Long Qian Xing smiled at Nan Hua's words. "Thank you, I will."

He knew how powerful Nan Hua is and the forces behind her shouldn't be ordinary either. It was also because of this that he knew that if he really did need help, he could come to her. Even if he knew that he would not ask for help if he could settle it himself, he felt warm at Nan Hua's words.

Because it meant that she cared for him a lot. "And would you like your name to be remembered too, Hua'er?" Long QIan Xing asked.

The name General Jun has been spreading far in this war. The few battles that Nan Hua participated in had already caused many people to know about her and even spread her deeds. With this speed, it wouldn't be long before a lot of people know about her and what she had done. Nan Hua slowly shook her head. "No, I don't want to. Rather than being known by the entire world, I would rather to stay in the dark and make my own contribution there. What was the point of being praised by the whole world?"

She didn't need to be known by the entire world nor to be remembered by others. For Nan Hua, the most important thing was her calm heart. As long as she was able to do things that she liked and felt good about, it would make her satisfied. Fame or anything else were nothing more than momentary things. For Nan Hua, who was raised in the organization where they had to keep their identity hidden and acted as countless other people through acting, she had no interest to make herself known. "Fame is a double edge sword. For some people, they can make use of their fame to do many things. But for others, it'll only be their restrain," Nan Hua added calmly. "For me, I don't need fame because it'll only become burdensome."

Long Qian Xing wanted to become famous, but Nan Hua wanted the opposite. She would rather not be remembered by others and it was enough for them to know about her deeds and what she had done rather than knowing herself. Beside her, Long Qian Xing listened to Nan Hua's words carefully. He felt that Nan Hua had a fair point. Not everyone liked to be made known to everyone. Some people might like it, but some others would rather stay further away from the limelight.

"As a general, it'll be hard for you not to be known by the entire world," Long Qian Xing reminded. Nan Hua is now Jun Hua, the general from Fei Yang Kingdom who fought bravely on the frontline and had already achieved many achievements on the battle. These battles that ended in Fei Yang Kingdom's crushing victories were slowly but surely pushing General Jun Hua's fame above. Right now, there were already many people who knew about her. And with Nan Hua participating in the next war, it would be rather impossible for her name not to spread. "General Jun is a temporary general of Fei Yang Kingdom," Nan Hua said slowly. "It doesn't really matter even if she's famous."

Long Qian Xing heard Nan Hua's words and the meaning behind it as he nodded lightly. He knew very well that Nan Hua was telling him that she would not use this identity forever. One day, perhaps when General Jun was no longer needed, Nan Hua will discard this identity. That way, it doesn't really matter for Nan Hua whether people knew about General Jun Hua or not.

Because even if they knew that General Jun Hua is famous in Fei Yang Kingdom, they would not know that this General Jun Hua was the same as Nan Hua, the young miss of Nan Family in Fei Yang Kingdom.

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