
Nan Luo was confused but Long Qian Xing didn't explain any further. When they heard the news tomorrow, they would know.

"What do you want to eat?" Long Qian Xing asked. He pointed to the list of menu available.

Nan Hua pointed to the Shu Mai. "This."

"Only that?"

"You can eat more, Hua'er. Since Young Master Long is the one who want to treat us, shouldn't you eat more?" Nan Luo asked with a grin.

Nan Hua passed a look at Nan Luo. Even if it was free meal, there was no way she would order more than what she could eat. In the end, they all ordered a few more dishes and waited inside the VIP room to talk about some things.

"I haven't heard about you going to the academy for some time, Young Master Long. Is there any business lately?" Nan Luo asked curiously.

Long Qian Xing nodded. "I got some task from my father to subjugate some free states nearby."

Free states were the terms used for the area where they didn't recognize Fei Yang Kingdom as the kingdom they reside in. Even though territorially they were inside Fei Yang Kingdom, they have their own leader and fended for themselves. It would take some time before they would want to acknowledge Fei Yang Kingdom through persuasion.

Thanks to that, this was one of the methods to train the younger generations. As time passed, there wouldn't be any free states anymore as they would be merged into Fei Yang Kingdom. But for the time being, there were still several of them.

"In winter?" Nan Luo was stunned. To think that this young master was busy during winter to subjugate small free states and he was only training at home.


Nan Hua tilted her head. "Commander Long?"

Long Qian Xing smiled faintly. "I'm indeed had been promoted since it's also the order. However, I'm not sure you have heard about it."

Nan Luo was speechless.

Should he smash his fist to this annoying young man in front of him? Just how old was he and he was already being promoted? How annoying.

Nan Hua didn't give any other comment. She merely looked in his direction for a moment. It was also in the novel, the scene where Long Qian Xing officially become several hundreds men commander. Since the incident in the palace couldn't be revealed, he was given another task of subjugating several other states nearby.

In addition, he would be selected for some other things.

Young Commander Chi had just failed his task in the temple. In order to lower his status, Long Qian Xing's rank was risen after his contribution while Young Commander Chi got punishment. It was a quite common move.

"Are you going again?" Nan Luo asked curiously.

Long Qian Xing shrugged. He still didn't know what his next task would be and when he would be departed once more. In any case, he didn't really like the Capital City if not for the fact that his grandmother was still here.

"Be careful," Nan Hua reminded in low tone.

"I will." Long Qian Xing smiled faintly. "Grandmother wishes for you to pay a visit to Long Family Residence in the future. There wouldn't be anyone who bothers you anymore there."

Nan Hua passed a look at Long Qian Xing before she nodded faintly. However, she still didn't tell him when she would pay a visit.

Nan Luo was displeased when he saw his twin sister paid more attention to Long Qian Xing, so he began to tell her many stories. It was also within his plan that they would stay some time outside today so that they could have fun.

Soon, the food was served and they ate in silence.

Despite not speaking, the atmosphere was very calm and peaceful. It was not awkward in the slightest bit as if it was supposed to be like that.

"Hua'er, eat more." Nan Luo put some food to Nan Hua's bowl.

Nan Hua looked at her twin brother. "You should eat too."

"Don't worry, I'll eat a lot." Nan Luo grinned and picked a lot of meat to his bowl. He naturally would not shortchange himself and eat to his fill.

Long Qian Xing watched the twins and felt a bit amused. Very different from his and his sister's relationship, the twins were practically very close to one another. This made him recalled the modern world where he still had his family members.

Forget it.

He had already died in the modern world. Coming here was already a great gift for him. Even if the situation was not ideal, he still could live and thrive in this world.


Nan Hua suddenly stopped eating, her face darkened slightly.

"Hua'er?" Nan Luo looked over worriedly. Even while he was stuffing himself with food, he still paid close attention to Nan Hua. Seeing that Nan Hua had stopped eating, he became worried that she might not like the food or sick or anything that could happen.

Nan Hua silently put her hand into her mouth before taking out a tooth. Her eyes looked at the tooth as she felt a bit annoyed. Since she had turned 17 in her previous live, she forgot that she was only 9 years old in this world.

Which meant, her teeth hadn't fully grown.

She did sense that one of her teeth move this morning but didn't pay it much attention because it was not important. Who would have thought that the teeth would break when she eats?


Long Qian Xing laughed when he saw the girl's dark expression. "It's common for you to have your teeth grow. It's just going to be a bit painful to eat for some time."

"Ah, would you like porridge instead, Hua'er?" Nan Luo also asked awkwardly. He himself had just changed his tooth a few days ago too, so his teeth were currently growing. However, he didn't pay it much attention because it was not important.

Nan Hua shook her head. She took a handkerchief and kept the tooth, planning to throw it away later.

"It's fine…" Nan Hua then sensed her voice turned strange. It seemed that her pronunciation was disturbed thanks to the teeth. Her eyes darkened slightly.

Long Qian Xing couldn't help but smile when he saw that. Children were really cute, making one wants to tease them. He raised his hand and pinched Nan Hua's cheek lightly. "Don't worry, your teeth will soon grow."

"Mhm." Nan Hua looked at Long Qian Xing and her eyes darkened slightly.

"Hey, hands off!"

With Nan Luo slapping his hand away, Long Qian Xing merely laughed and no longer teased the two children in front of him. He smiled lightly. "When will you attend the academy again, Luo."

"Ah?" Nan Luo, who was determined not to answer Long Qian Xing because of his anger, looked at the young man in front of him with surprise. He tilted his head to the side. "Probably in a few days? I don't know."

"I see."

They didn't talk again and quickly finished their meal. Nan Hua still felt uncomfortable with a missing tooth. She hoped that her teeth would grow quickly but at the same time, she knew that she still has several temporary teeth….

This incident would happen a few more times in the future.

"Are you full?" Long Qian Xing looked at Nan Luo, who was satisfied with the meal.

Nan Luo nodded. "Of course! I eat to my fill."

"Good, then."

Xiao Yan really wanted to pull Nan Luo to the back and reminded the young master to keep his image. Right now, he felt that Nan Luo looked more like a rogue rather than a young master from a noble family. However, he definitely couldn't do that or Nan Luo would be annoyed.

"In that case, we should go. I still need to accompany my grandmother."

"Oh right, I was planning to take you to the Sweet Store, Hua'er." Nan Luo's eyes lit up. "Would you like to eat them?"

Nan Hua looked at her twin brother and nodded obediently. "En."

"In that case, let's…"


The sound of ceramic fell to the ground rang in their ear. They all turned their head outside to look at the direction of the sound. It was not from their room but rather the other place.

"I'll take a look first, Young Master."

"Young Master, I'll take a look first."

Two servants, Xiao Yan and one from Long Qian Xing, quickly excused themselves as they walked out. It seemed that there might be an incident nearby.

Nan Hua's eyes flashed as she heard familiar name from a distance away.

"You think you're something, Zhang Dan Shui?! Do you think that just because you're already a formal official now it meant that you're better than the rest of Zhang Family? Let me tell you that someone at your position could be replaced at any time! I'm someone worth much more than you!"

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