Chapter 88: Chapter 77 New Sprout_l

Translator: 549690339

The opposite side fell silent immediately. If it were not for the still-operating teleportation array, one would think the communication had been cut off.

After a long while, Anthony’s voice finally sounded: “You’ve caught Polk, so it isn’t strange to know the name Piero. But the only one who hasn’t seen me in a long while and would speak to me in such a slightly disrespectful tone is the God of Knowledge?”

“Sigh.” Negris let out a long sigh: “Once I speak, you can guess it’s me. But you don’t know my divine name, even though I’ve taught you so much knowledge.”

Anthony awkwardly replied: “Aren’t you called the God of Knowledge? Every time I enter the Bronze Book Tower, I can only ask one question. If I asked your name, I wouldn’t be able to ask anything else. Heh, I won’t be tricked.”

Negris pursed his lips. He was wondering if Anthony knew that by asking the divine name, he could ask as many questions as he wanted, would he spit blood with frustration?

“How did you become the archbishop of the Church of Human Light?” Negris curiously asked.

When this question came up, Anthony became upset. Because Negris was an old friend, he unusually lost some of his composure:

“Where else could I go? The World Transit Station suddenly shut down, and everybody disappeared without a trace. I called for the king but received no answer, same with Steadfast Bone. I couldn’t return to the Resting Palace and everything was in chaos, even followed by strange winds.”

“I couldn’t bear it anymore, so I brought everyone to the Prime Material Plane. I intended to hide for a while, wait for the king to return. But I didn’t expect the Church of Light to constantly target the World Transit Station, trying by all means to invade the Resting Abyss. But they were all blown back by the strange winds.”

“Since I had nothing to do anyway, I reincarnated as a human, joined the Church of Light by any means possible, and did my best to conceal the situation in the Resting Abyss. I burned their scriptures, causing them to lose most of their texts. After several generations passed away, the situation of the Resting Abyss gradually faded from human memory.”

“I kept reincarnating, utilizing connections and relations accumulated over each life to continually climb up the ranks. The higher my position, the more secrets I could access. Now, in the entire human religious zone, there is no text record about the Resting Abyss.”

“But unexpectedly, a capricious holy knight in a remote corner of my jurisdiction dispatched a team in the Resting Abyss. They were all annihilated, even he himself died there. I had to find a reasonable explanation for their failure, prevent people from tracing back to the Resting Abyss and the World Transit Station, and eradicate the discovered clues.”

“I kept wondering, since when did the Resting Abyss have people who could wipe them out so easily? Never did I expect that it would be the God of

Knowledge, the Bronze Giant Dragon. By the way, why are you in the Resting Abyss? Has the World Transit Station reopened? Has the Resting Palace restarted? Is the king back? If he doesn’t return, I might become the Pope.”

Negris nearly spouted blood: “Pope? God’s proxy on Earth, the supreme being, the spokesman of the Church of Light?”

“Yes, it scared me to death. The last time I was almost elected, it forced me to fake my death and give up my carefully established identity. I had to adopt a new identity and start climbing up again. Otherwise, you’d be addressing me as Saint Anthony now.”

In a tone full of complaints, Anthony said. It left the Black Knight stunned on one side. When have they ever heard the Black Warrior Emperor speak in such a tone? It’s almost like he was acting coquettishly. What kind of creature was this bronze dragon?

Negris responded in desperation: “You rejected it? Why wouldn’t you become the supreme being, God’s proxy on earth?”

“Am I crazy? Wouldn’t the deity realize that I’m merely an imposter? What if I get found out? That Light Old Dog could eradicate me on the spot,” Anthony disdainfully said.

Negris covered his face. By ‘god’ that he refers to, he probably meant himself, didn’t he?

Indeed, being a god’s proxy is like being an understudy. The threat of being discovered looms over. The archbishop truly enjoys more freedom.

Negris and Anthony had a leisurely chat, up until the teleportation array ran out of energy. It was finally able to continue after Anthony sent over a bag of magic crystals.

“Unexpectedly, so many things happened afterward,” Negris sighed.

“Yes, by the way, you haven’t explained how you ended up in the Resting Abyss. Has the World Transit Station reopened?” Anthony asked.

Negris swiftly responded: “No, the World Transit Station is being mined. They’ve reached the control room but it hasn’t been activated, or rather, the door to the Resting Palace hasn’t opened. I’m here because someone called my divine name.”

“Called your divine name? What does that mean?” Anthony puzzled.

“If someone calls my divine name, they can have my projection and ask me questions at any time,” Negris explained.

“Anytime? Projection? So do you mean if someone knows your divine name, they can call you anytime and anywhere to get your guidance?” Anthony’s tone hinted a feeling of wanting to spit blood.

“Correct. ”

“When I visited the Bronze Book Tower before and had the opportunity to ask one question each time, could I have used this chance to ask for your divine name?” Anthony asked tentatively.

Heh heh heh, waiting for this exact question, Negris happily replied: “Yes.”

“Pff! I’ve missed out so much…” Anthony spat out blood. Especially since he had just previously claimed that he ‘wouldn’t be fooled’, now he realized how foolish he was.

The satisfaction of Negris’ wicked sense of humor had been immensely indulged. This was a moment he had anticipated for countless years. Now that it had finally happened with the Black Warrior Emperor, the feeling of thrill was even stronger.

“Lord of Knowledge, can I still ask what your divine name is?” Anthony asked.

“Nope.” Of course not. If he could, it wouldn’t satisfy Negris’s perverse tastes. Let him bleed all he likes.

“Alright, Lord of Knowledge, let’s discuss the Holy Body and Polk. In view of our previous relationship, I hope you can free Polk and return the Holy Body.” Anthony lost interest in chit-chatting.

“That’s out of my hands, I’m just catching up on old times with you by projecting myself onto another person’s body. For this matter, you should… Oh, he ran off again, and all your subordinates too. Smart move.” Negris turned his head to find he was the only one left in the cave, Polk was gone too.

Ever since Polk heard Anthony speaking to Negris like a friend, he wisely left the scene. One should never eavesdrop on a boss’s conversation with a friend. Even a former boss’s conversation could reveal secrets and potentially spoil relations.

“You could start by saying what you’re willing to trade for the Holy Body. Ange adheres to the principle of equivalent exchange.” Negris said.

“Is Ange the one who summoned you by your divine name? A grey skeleton?” Anthony asked.

“It’s not a grey skeleton. Haven’t you seen his Scythe of Death? It’s a Golden Skeleton. However, due to special reasons, his body hasn’t metallized.” Negris sneered and added in his mind: If I told you, it would scare you to death.

“It turns out it’s a Golden Skeleton…” Anthony muttered, realizing that he might have to go through a bloodbath to retrieve the Holy Body.

Anthony was once the Emperor of the Black Knights, the inventor of the reincarnation altar, and the first Black Knight in history. Regardless of his titles, his soul had only reached the heart of the soul level.

In terms of the levels of the undead, this made him on par with the Golden Skeleton, Iron Skin Zombie, Witch King, and Undead Holy One. The fact that the other party is a Golden Skeleton, making it hard to deceive him into thinking he’s of a lower level.

But what equivalent item could he use to redeem the Holy Body? The Holy Body was priceless. Anthony felt a headache coming on.

After some thought, Anthony said, “The valuable things I have on hand include holy mushroom powder, which is a treatment for external wounds and internal bleeding…

Negris responded with a strange look: “It’s useless.”

“I thought so too. We undead creatures have no use for it. Holy essence can regenerate severed limbs, it’s useless as well, how about magic crystals? I can mobilise about two hundred thousand magic crystals, any more would require public funds, and that would be troublesome.” Anthony said.

It’s not that it’s useless, but we have our own. We used over a litre of the essence just now for planting. As for magic crystals, why would we lack them when we have essence?

“Right, you said you were excavating a transfer station for the world, even if you can’t connect to the Resting Palace, it could still work purely as a teleportation array, right? Wouldn’t that require a lot of magic crystals? I

happen to have a new product here that can continuously convert fire elements into magic crystals. I remember there’s a lava river in the River of the Dead, which has plenty of fire elements, perfect for you. Safe, efficient, energy-saving, environmental-friendly, blah blah blah…”

Negris frowned and said, “There’s a product like this? How did I not know

about it?”

“Oh, it’s the latest invention by goblin engineers and human wizards in the past thousand years. Didn’t you know? Lord of Knowledge, you should update your knowledge. It’s called an Elemental Converter. I have a small one in my hand, about half a person’s height. You throw it in a place full of fire elements, and it can produce over a hundred fire magic crystals a day.” Anthony explained.

Negris twisted his mouth, replying with, “My knowledge has been updated. I’m particularly knowledgeable in gardening now, researching how to grow world trees. Is it as good as you say? I’ll check with Ange.”

He flew off, from afar he could see Ange squatting on a slope by the lava river. In front of him were a dozen lush sprouts.

“You’re gardening again, can’t you take a break? What are you planting this time? Beets again? Can beets even grow in such hot places?” Negris muttered and flew over. Suddenly, he realised something was amiss. The temperature around him was too high.

Although he wasn’t feeling it strongly, it must be at least 100 degrees. Beets couldn’t possibly sprout at such a high temperature, and there were only a dozen or so plants. The number was too small.

He suddenly thought of a possibility: “Kvada! Have you really managed to make the world tree sprout!?”

In the Elf Empire, inside the magnificent Elf Palace, Elf Queen Galadriel was worriedly looking at the world tree that seemed as huge as a mountain. She had tried every method she could think of but was still unable to find a solution to save the world tree.

The World Tree comforted her, “It’s just the cycle of nature, no need for sadness. The end of old life gives rise to new life.”

But as the queen of the elf clan, Galadriel had to consider not just nature, but also the rise and fall and survival of her empire…..

Suddenly, a white dot flashed towards the World Tree. The High Priest

Kailandel, under the gust of wind, flew straight to the platform where the Elf Queen was. If it hadn’t been for recognising her identity, the defensive array would have shot her down.

Before she could land, Kailandel shouted excitedly, “Your Majesty, the God of

Life said that he sensed a new world tree sprouting!”

PS: I’ll get on the shelves tomorrow, I’ll try to release two more chapters, no matter how many, I’ll put them all together to save you from waiting..

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