Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton

Chapter 208 - Chapter 208: Chapter 148: Where Did This New God Spring Out From? _3

Chapter 208: Chapter 148: Where Did This New God Spring Out From? _3

Translator: 549690339

With a crisp pop, something in the sand was punctured. The Scythe of Death was lifted unveiling a burst beetle clinging to the handle.

Shockingly, two villagers on the move were trailing them, dropping beetles below. When the beetles had managed to silently crawl to the feet of Ange and his companions, nobody noticed.

Negris stared blankly at the insect on the handle of the scythe. He then looked back at the two villagers who were also visibly surprised. How did Ange notice the beetle underground?

However, having been discovered, they no longer put on pretenses, loudly roaring, “Time to die….”

As the word ‘die’ came out of their mouths, the bodies of the fallen bandits suddenly burst open. Countless flying insects poured out of the cadavers, their numbers several dozen times more than what managed to worm its way in.

Upon a closer look, the bodies of the bandits had been gnawed at until nothing but skin and bones remained.

These insects had used the bodies of the bandits as an incubator, rapidly multiplying at an unbelievable rate.

Simultaneously, countless beetles crawled out from the sand. Together with the insects, they swarmed towards everyone present, including John and the other villagers.

However, just as the word ‘die’ was shouted and the villagers became excited at the sight, a flash of cold light grazed the villagers’ necks. Two heads fell to the ground.

“What sort of thing dares to yell ‘die, die, die’ at us?” Rogge materialized behind them. With a backhand sweep of his blade, he cleaved their bodies in half at the waist.

The remaining half of their bodies fell to the ground. Bizarrely enough, they were not dead but were frantically trying to reach for their missing halves.

Rogge swiftly slashed four more times, severing all their arms: “I’ve always suspected you were witches.”

From the dismembered bodies of the two villagers, countless beetles and insects crawled and swarmed out, going in all directions.

Facing the cloud of beetles and insects, Ange found that the Scythe of Death was ineffective. So he immediately stored it away and started casting magic.

Rows of exploding fireballs were shot towards the insects.

Little Angel curiously caught a beetle. The creature, covered in black shells with six legs and pincer-like mandibles, bit off a piece of flesh from Little Angel’s palm.

“Ow!” Little Angel crushed the beetle in her hand. Then, lifting her dress hem, she began to stomp rapidly on the creatures. Each step was followed by the sound of crunching insects, not even those hiding in the sand were spared.

Little Zombie also crouched down, and with a series of pats, like playing whack-a-mole, all the beetles hiding in the sand were crushed.

Rogge skillfully brandished his double-edged blade, charging into the dark cloud of insects.

Naeli and White Neck were stretching their necks, spewing their dragon breath which looked like small flames.

Everyone tried their respective methods. Still, facing the overwhelming swarm of insects, they seemed to be at their wits’ end, unable to rapidly exterminate the insects.

The sheer multitude of beetles and insects scared the villagers into screaming.

Negris got anxious: “We can’t let the insects kill the villagers, or their numbers will increase exponentially.”

As he grew anxious, Negris realized it would be tough to recover the situation. These beetles and insects didn’t pose a threat to them as they couldn’t penetrate his scales, but it was different for the villagers.

Even with their mouths and noses covered, these pests could still bite through their skin and burrow in, consuming the flesh and breeding madly.

Facing their vast numbers, even the usually efficient Ange couldn’t eliminate them quickly. Wait till they rush into the crowd of villagers; it will quickly lead to another massive breakout.

The villagers are doomed—poor John, poor bride.

Just as Negris was losing hope, Ange’s foot stomped hard into the ground. Instantly, within the borders of the entire village, the pace of all life forms accelerated dramatically.

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