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I demand your power stones as I was deemed to be worthy by the singularity to present you with its here's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.]


[Ding Singularity Mission]


#Task 1 Chosen one: Impress three scouts from one of the major five leagues. (7/3) - All eyes on me

#Task 2 Killer instinct: Score more than ten goals (4/10)

#Task 3 Not on my level: Score 3 goals after passing past five defenders (2/3)

(Note: The Singularity cannot be ignored)



> Unlock shop function

> 10x energy-boosting drink

> 1000 SP


'Wait I've already completed the scout mission, why did u let me panic about it, Eva?' I asked her in my head wanting to find out why she didn't just tell me I had completed the task. After all, she made me think I was running out of time.

[You never asked and it's not like it hurts getting the attention of more scouts. In fact, it would benefit you more as it gives you more freedom of choice in your career,] She said in an uninterested manner. (Sigh) she might really have bipolar, one moment she is enthusiastically explaining something and the next moment she seems so uninterested.

'I guess I need to start checking in with the system more,' Is all I could say to her, she is right though I need to start paying more attention to my quests.

'While I'm at it let's see my second quest as well' I said as Eva pulled up the second system mission.


! SINGULARITY MISSION! Don't Forget About Me!

#Task 1 I'm here: Impress 6 of your teammates (4/6)

(Note: Your teammates see you as a burden prove them wrong)



> 600 SP


'Oh, looks like I've made an improvement in this quest too" I said to her as I checked out the system quest.

[Yes, you are doing ok in this one too, keep up the work] she answered sounding surprisingly encouraging for once. This is weird for me it's like having someone who always argues with you be nice to you for once.


[Mc Pov]

After a while of doing different agility drills, we finally moved on to something else. Well, If I was being honest, I wish we could have continued with the ball-handling drills.

All the kids in the camp got made to line up in rows for fitness drills. First, we started off with a bunch of suicide runs from the end zone to the halfway line. After that, we didn't get a big break we immediately went on to do burpees.

It went on like that for like a full thirty minutes. We completed different full-body exercises that honestly took a lot out of me. At some point, it felt like we were at some army camp getting ready for a war. I wouldn't be that far off by how strict some of the coaches were when we did the exercises wrong. They would guilt trip you whenever they thought you were going to quit halfway before completing the task. One of the kids even burst out crying but still didn't stop the exercises until he completed it to the satisfaction of the instructor.

When we were finally done with having our bodies tortured, we could barely walk. The coaches had prepared tubs filled with ice and water that we all ended up taking a dip in once we completed the final exercise. The water was freezing but with how warm our bodies felt from all the training I honestly didn't mind it. once I was underwater, I felt so calm all the fatigue in my body felt non-existent.

Not long after our cold dip, we all made our way into the showers. I could still hardly walk so it was a wonder that I made it to my bed. The four of us remained silent for a while not even bothering to get up for some dinner.

This just makes me realise that we haven't had proper lunch in the past three days we have been here. It's mostly just been energy bars with shakes and small snacks. We spend most of the day training so it's not like we could really keep down lunch. We do have early dinners though so it's not like we ever starve whilst training.


"We need to go and eat something before the lecture," Dest spoke up getting everyone in the room's attention. Turning my head to the side I watched him slowly roll out of bed, he looked like me whenever I have to wake up early whilst still feeling tired from the last day's training.

"Yeah, let's go I'm starving, I think they got chicken today," Yunus said jumping off his bed almost as if he had forgotten the fatigue, he was feeling a second ago. Then again he's like that every morning, complaining about getting up but once he's up he's ready for anything. Not delaying any longer we followed his example and dragged our bodies to the canteens.

"Looks like we are not the only ones hungry," I commented as we got in line for our food. Promptly filling my tray up with some chicken, mashed potatoes, and some gravy sauce. It didn't take us long to find a free table as most of the people choose to sit in the same seats all week.

"The chicken looks nice might go for seconds," Yunus said as started digging into his food, the look of relish on his face was enviable. He didn't lie though the chicken tastes amazing, it's roasted exactly right but there is hardly any seasoning. Apparently, it's healthier for athletes that way, it was a tough transition personally for me but food is still food, right? Even though this stuff tastes bland compared to the seasoned chicken I managed to eat in my past life. This must be what they mean when they say we all have to make sacrifices if we want to succeed.

"That fitness session was tough, I've never done something so intense," Giovanni said between bites, looking like he was loving every moment of his food.

"Yeah, that was torture, but it also felt great," Yunus said as he stood up to get seconds. He wasn't wrong I feel great after all those exercises, sure I'm sore but I know it was worth the trouble.

"Yeah, even at home I've never had this much fun doing exercises with all that intensity," I told them as I finished my second drumstick.

"Yeah, it was fun, it felt like we were competing to see how long we could last," Dest chipped into the conversation as he also just finished his food.

"Yeah, at some point I felt like I couldn't go anymore, but I just didn't want to lose," Giovanni said sounding tired.

"It was hard but at the same time, it was fun competing to see who would last till the end," I told them as I got up to clear my tray that was now almost squeaky clean.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Anyways, let's go to the lounge for that class," Giovanni said ignoring Yunus who was getting up for his third helping. It's probably for the better as he might not be able to walk if he eats anymore.

"Yep, let's go, save some room for breakfast in the morning," I told him as I followed the rest of the boys out.


"What do you think this lesson is going to be like?" Yunus said as he slumped on the couch next to me. We were currently sitting on a massive sofa in front of a white screen that a projector is pointing at. The room has a lot of different chairs and couches for people to relax at. Looking around it was probably made for that purpose so that the students can unwind between lectures.

"Honestly not sure I think we will be analysing a game or something like that" Dest answered his question absentmindedly seemingly busy on his phone.

"Yo, what are you looking at?" I asked him as I leaned over his shoulder to get a peek at his phone.

"Oh, I was just reading some transfer news, isn't it crazy that they spent eighty million on Ranaldo," He answered me as he tilted his phone for me to see. On it was the news report from the guardian of Ronaldo's signing to Real Madrid. I just remembered that at this time that kind of price tag for a player is considered outrageous. Well, when you think about how much more valuable money is now it does seem kind of a waste to spend so much on a football player. Anyways a lot more crazy price tags will become the norm once Neymar leaves Barcelona in the future.

"Yeah, it's crazy how they just sold their chances at a future title for just eighty million," I told him as I whipped out my own phone to text Emma whom I hadn't talked to in the past few days. Looking at all the notifications that had piled up over the past few days It looks like I'm in trouble.

There is one rule that every man should follow don't let her go through your phone and don't ignore a girl. I made the latter mistake and what a humongous mistake it was. After all, I promised to text her every day and you are supposed to keep promises right?

Checking my messages I had a few texts from Lisa and Ben and about a dozen from Emma. Opening Ben's first as that seems like the least dangerous one. He had sent me a short paragraph and luckily for me, it wasn't angry.


Ben: Hi kiddo I hope you're having fun at the camp, make sure you stay healthy and try not to get hurt,

Ben: Oh, and please text your mom she's freaking out.

Rakim: Will do, and I'm having loads of fun here.

Rakim: I think I've made some of the Nike staff unhappy with my Adidas boots, but I did get a free new pair of boots so it's all good.

Rakim: See you later we have a lecture soon.


After sending that row of text I moved on to Lisa, wanting to rip off the band-aid before I face Emma. Her texts seemed more dramatic, so it was probably a good thing I started with Ben.


Lisa: Hope you're having fun at the camp

Lisa: How was your first night?

Lisa: Hope you've had enough breakfast in the morning if you didn't text me and I'll cause trouble for them.

Lisa: Ok, now I'm getting worried you're ignoring me,

Lisa: hurry up and answer me before I come down there!

'Oh boy, I'm in trouble,' Is all I could think after seeing the rows of messages.

[yeah, you are, you better hurry up and text her back quickly] Eva chided me trying to get a rise out of me.

'I will, stop distracting me' I answered her back.

Rakim: I'm sorry I've been swamped with all the activities.

Rakim: I promise I wasn't ignoring you, Mom.

Lisa: Took you long enough to answer, I'm already in the car too.

'Oh boy she answered back way too quickly, does that mean she was waiting for my text?' I asked Eva wanting to get a second opinion but to my dismay she simply ignored me.

Rakim: You don't have to come over I promise I'm okay, how about you?

pαпdα-ňᴏνêι·сóМ Lisa: I'm fine too just finished some grocery shopping, how are you getting on anyway, Have you made any new friends?

Rakim: Oh ok, I've made a few friends, and I think I'm doing better than the other slackers here.

Lisa: Oh that's good to hear and watch out for that I've heard it's infectious, don't come back and start being lazy.

Rakim: I won't promise, I'll come back stronger than ever, I need to go we have a class coming up soon.


'That wasn't as bad as I expected' I told Eva in my head trying to get an outside opinion hoping she would respond this time.

[Yeah, I was honestly waiting for her to berate you,] She answered me sounding suspiciously sad about that fact.

'Yeah, I was expecting a lecture as well' I answered her back as I tapped on the last name that messaged me.

[Maybe she is just saving it for when you get back] she said in a contemplative tone. She was seemingly debating the probability of getting to watch a drama when I get home. It is comments like this, that make me wonder whose side she is actually on.

'(Sigh) let's hope I survive this' I absentmindedly mused to myself as I tapped on Emma's name on my phone.





To Be Continued...

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