Chapter 3

I got the name Cecilia after my grandmother. Though father called me Silli so much that sometimes others thought that was actually my name.

My father was also named after my grandfather. Grandfather and great-grandfather had the same name, Illyde. It was the name reserved for the heir of the Sarian family and the Hastred Knights’ leader.

When my father named me Cecilia, he probably thought I would have a brother because mother was still alive at the time. If he had known I would be his successor, I would have been named Illyde.

Now he had this child who had the right to be his successor called Eden, instead of Illyed? Still, why Eden? Our family doesn’t have anyone significant that is named that.

However, the name Eden was familiar to me.

Eden. Eden…

The name was used here and there, but the most influential “den” would probably be….

“Uh, uh-um…”

A child appeared behind a pile of straw, stammering. He looked very shabby and dirty, but beautiful.

He was indeed a beautiful kid, with the blond-hair, blue-eyes, and pale-skin. He had long eyes and spots around them. For a child, his limbs were as thin as dead branches.

“Well, it’s not that I didn’t feed him. The Grand Duke gave me orders. It’s not my fault he’s so thin, Your Highness.”

Gianton looked at me worryingly, assuming I was in a bad mood.

I sighed while looking at the boy’s face. The child is so beautiful. The blonde hair stood out even though it’s dirty. He is a very sweet-looking, handsome boy, with lips that resemble the color of cherries, and skin that’s as white as milk.

I know this face.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

“You’re in real trouble now.”

Jesus, he isn’t my father’s bastard.

That face, with this name? Ah, now I recognize who he is…

Father, what the hell were you thinking?

I want to tear up the ampao that wraps my father again, and this time I had the urge to grab my father’s shoulders and shake them. I’m in big trouble.

Suddenly a large meteor fell in my life when I am just trying to live quietly for the past twenty-six years.

“He’s a boy. Wouldn’t he be a threat to your inheritance?”

Sophia ran to my room and whispered, “How did you know?” while wearing a concerned look on her face. I was silent for a moment since I wasn’t sure what to say. If Sophia came to me, I’m confident that the servants would also know the child’s existence.

With everything that happened, my mood is awful today. I sent all my servants away, leaving only Sophia and Chris standing in front of the window. I looked out the window and saw a star in the sky.

It’s about midnight soon. I didn’t think it would be this difficult to let my father go.

“My right of inheritance remains.”

My voice was so heavy, even I could feel it. Trying to lighten the mood, I laughed.

“You don’t need to pretend to be indifferent. I know you have that kind of personality.”

Sophia didn’t laugh. Chris looked at me and questioned why I was smiling. Then, he pulled out the dagger and said,

“Accidents always happen, my Lord.”

The tip of Chris’s fingers stroked the end of his dagger. He appeared cruel and cold-blooded.

I sighed and looked at them. Sophia had three children and is popular enough not to get killed. As for Chris, he would run away without my permission if ever looked away for a moment.

I opened the door and called for the servant who was waiting outside.

“Bring Eden,” I said, and then shut the door again.


Chris was the second son of the Count family, so he had no right to inherit and gave up on the knighthood early on, he was fully aware of society’s rules. He looked at me curiously after hearing the name Eden, ‘isn’t there no one with the name Eden in your family?’ I just smiled bitterly as a reply.

“What’s wrong with Eden?”

Sophia, who recently became a baron, asked Chris what was wrong with the name Eden, apparently not understanding the problem. Sophia’s face crumpled when Chris explained how the noble families would name their successor.

“So, I have to name my first child Sophia?”

“In your case, of course, it is the paternal name.”

“Not my husband’s name?”

“My Lord, since you are a Baron, he must follow your family name.”

Sophia curved her lips in a smile and started laughing when Chris bowed in an exaggerated gesture and started acting like a fool.

“You want to die, don’t you?”

“No matter how good of a knight you are, you should already know that I’m better than you.”

Chris pointed his finger at Sophia and drew a scissor, indicating that he and Sophia were no match for each other, and he’s one step ahead of her. Sophia burst into laughter.

“You’re above me? Come on. Today I will destroy that illusion of yours.”

“Shall we do it this instant then? Anytime whenever you’re ready.”

Sophia was about to laugh at Chris’s threatening joke. Then the door opened, and Eden, who was now washed and fed,

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