First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 367 Unseen Forces

"You better hug us back or we're going to kick your ass!"


Abaddon blinked his surprise away before he laughed wryly and slipped his arms around the girls' waists.

"Forgive me, my loves. I did not mean to spoil such a monumental moment for us."


Audrina placed her hand on Abaddon's cheek tenderly.

"This is your moment, beloved. Not ours. You have come this far all on your own."

Abaddon shook his head as he pressed the foreheads of the two of them together.

"Who has given me strength when mine was lacking? Defended me when I had no power? I will accept sole credit for something when I have truly earned it, but for now this is our achievement, my love."

Both Audrina and Seras showed soft smiles in response.

Though they did not specifically do things to be praised, it was always nice to know that their efforts would never be forgotten or overlooked.

They provided just as much to the success of their family as he did, and they were lucky enough to have a husband who would never let them forget that.

All anyone could hope for was to be appreciated by the one they loved.

"Honestly… how could I ask for a more wonderful husband?"

"I feel the same."

Lifting her head, Audrina stole her husbands lips in a momentary kiss.

Immediately, Abaddon felt a new and pure form of lust surge from deep within his being.

'Is it because of the sex divinity..? I feel like I need to feel every fabric of their being and-'


Seras gave her husband a well needed nudge and he finally broke his kiss with Audrina.

Once they separated, he could see that his fifth wife was in a bit of an altered state.

Her eyes were a bit woozy and contained a dull pink light that was somewhat alluring.

"That… felt a lot better than normal."

"Oh? Let's do it again just to be sure."



Just before the two could bring their lips together a second time, Seras placed her hands on both their mouths to stop them.

"I know that we are in an 'anywhere at any time' kind of relationship but a literal underworld feels a bit uncomfortable, don't you think?"

""…Mmmf?"" (I don't care though?)

"Degenerates." Seras muttered as she rolled her eyes.

"Mmph." (You're just like us.)

"Yes I know, but now is not the time! So husband, can you put your dick away and sister you stop looking at him like that!"

Abaddon looked down and finally realized that he was naked; his clothes having been burned away by the destructive column of light that fell from the heavens.

And not only that, his body looked similar to how it did when he first started upon his journey.

Although his muscles were more compacted and defined, and he was an inch shorter at 6'7.

Reaching inside of his storage space, he started pulling on clothes to make himself decent.

As he dressed himself, he tried to shake his mind free of new and apparent dirty thoughts.

Honestly he felt like a middle schooler before, but now he felt like he'd ingested a viagra cocktail.

It seemed like the nights he and his wives spent together were about to become a lot more intense.

'I can't wait…' he thought hungrily.

"So? How does it feel to be a god, my love?" Seras asked excitedly. "Do you feel powerful?"

"The energy we received from you upon your evolution and ascension was not small… I can only imagine how you must feel." Audrina said.

Because his mind was currently boggled with thoughts of his wives' round bottoms, Abaddon accidentally answered in a bit more of a cavalier manner than he meant to.

"Hm? Oh, my powers are gone."

Abaddon stood up after slipping on a new pair of sandals.

Along with a pair of dark pants and a belt, he pulled out a black cloak with a furry white collar.

When he finally looked back at his wives, he found them staring at him with their jaws practically on the floor.


Smiling wryly, Abaddon tried his best to explain.

"It is as I said, they are gone. I have no idea what could have happened."

The only powers that Abaddon currently retains were his sins, flame manipulation, and shifting his forms into three separate aspects; as those were apart of his genetics and therefore were akin to the ability to burp for humans.

However, everything else was gone without a trace.

"T-That can't be! You have to have some abilities, the mother goddess wouldn't simply render you helpless."

"Sister is right." Seras agreed.

Abaddon fell silent as he started to investigate his body's condition further.

As far as his physical body was concerned, he felt invincible.

That was something that he tended not to think lightly, but at present he could think of no better way to describe himself.

He felt strong enough to hold up the world with one hand, and durable enough that even a scratch from one of the six endings would only tickle him at best.

But perhaps he was just getting too carried away with his excitement.

Upon further inspection, he found that his soul was no longer bound, which meant the power he acquired from his children was his again fully, but he had to find out how to use it again.

And honestly… he wagered that something like that would take hundreds if not thousands of years.

Afterall, while his son's abilities were more simple, Gabbrielle's were an entirely different region of complexity.

Even in the event that she could teach him herself, he wagered that he would have to do a significant amount of research on his own.

'Oh…? Here's something afterall.'

After searching inside of himself for a few short moments, Abaddon found two new energies coexisting within his being.

Holding out his hands, he produced two different kinds of colored mist from his palms.

One was a whitish gold that gave off a in inviting and revitalizing feeling.

The other was a silvery black that had a more chilling and unfriendly nature, and strangely enough it reminded him quite a lot of the underworld atmosphere.

Seras and Audrina stared at their husband's hands in confusion.

"My love… are you doing something right now?"

"I can feel something but… I can't see anything."

Abaddon raised a brow in confusion as he brought his hands just a little closer to the girls' faces.

"You girls really can't see these energies?"

"No, not at all."

"But they feel… very profound." Audrina admitted.

Abaddon stared down at his hands and checked to make sure that he wasn't just seeing anything.

Sure enough, he could see both of them as clear as day no matter how many times he blinked.

"Can you use these energies in any sort of way? Or identify what they could be?" Seras asked.

Abaddon shook his head as he finally put his hands down.

"It would seem not. Besides, I'd rather not discover new things right now with present company."

Seras and Audrina smirked as they looked at each other.

"So you've noticed?"

"I have. How long has this been happening?"

"Probably since the midst of your battle. Your roar was quite loud after all."


"I stopped feeling them when our own guest arrive but it seems their vision is no longer inhibited." Seras guessed.

On cue, the three of them stared up into the sky; their eyes aglow with hate and murderous light.

"Well… I do so hope that they have enjoyed the show."

"I know that they must be coveting your body..! I will show them all an unmerciful death!"

"Easy now, sister. Everything will come together in due time, and all of our debts will be paid in full… that reminds me."

Seras suddenly pulled out the golden soul of Odin and held it out to her husband. "What do you believe I should do with this?"

"…Was your confrontation satisfactory?" He asked.

"Not nearly." She admitted.

"Then you are deserving of a do over, no?"

Hearts could be seen in Seras' eyes as she stared at her husband like she was going to eat him alive. "Indeed I am."

Finally, she released her grip on the soul in her hand and allowed it to scurry off into the sky.

Abaddon's smile soon matched Seras' and he decided it was time to go home where there were no intrusive eyes.

But first, they had to properly reap their spoils.

Biting his wrist, he allowed his golden blood to fall onto the deathly ground beneath them.

As he had done when he took the spirit realm, he used his blood to absorb this entire realm into his own world.

Staring up into the sky, he imagined himself staring into the numerous faces of the gods watching him from above.

"To all of you who long for my destruction; I would hope that you aren't too displeased with this result. You will all have a chance to test your luck as well."

Then… Abaddon simply disappeared.

Not just him, but his wives as well as the entire realm of Helheim vanished from their sight entirely.


"And then, father told me that if a man were ever to try to touch me he would erase him and his entire bloodline from existence. That was a funny day."

"Do you not want to be married one day, little one?"

"I am already more than happy with everything I have now. I feel as though a relationship with man or woman would only muddle that. Besides, I do not share our family's desperate need for coital affection and depraved acts."

"I-Is that so…"

Sitting on the couch in the living room; Tatiana held the young Gabbrielle within her lap.

Because she was the newest of Abaddon's wives, Tatiana was desperately trying to bond with the children and forge a proper motherly relationship.

Although… she was admittedly very nervous about how things were going.

She didn't want to just be a mother in name only, she wanted to truly embody that title in every sense of meaning.

She wanted all of the children to really love and depend on her, just as they did with everyone else.

Everyone was all so close that sometimes it was impossible to tell who had given birth to who.

That kind of closeness was something that she had so desperately wanted and was trying to build.

"You seem to be thinking about a great many things." Gabbrielle noticed.

"D-Do I? … I suppose that I am just missing your father quite a bit and it is taking a toll on me."

Gabbrielle did not say anything, almost as if she could tell that her mother was not telling the full truth.

Because she was not good with her own words, she chose to remain silent and grabbed Tatiana's hand with her baby fingers.

The two sat quietly, allowing the seconds to tick by as they strengthened their bond without words.

Tatiana found herself calming down from her initial anxiety quite a bit.

Slowly but surely, she was learning that things would inevitably fall into place at the appropriate moment.

In the meantime… she would continue trying to close the gap just like this in whatever ways she could.

As the two of them enjoyed their time in silence, Tatiana's body started to feel warm.

Looking behind her, Gabbrielle found the white haired woman glowing brightly while encased in a light sheen of sweat.

"Oh…? Seems he'll be back rather soon."

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