FFF-Class Trashero

Chapter 349 - [23rd Round] Dragon Fighter Sieg

Chapter 349 - [23rd Round] Dragon Fighter Sieg


The Spatial Transportation Magic Circle flashed brightly, and a woman and two men appeared on top of it.

The sharp-eyed woman looked to be in her early twenties and was dressed in a black gothic outfit strewn with bright ornaments.

Her wavy golden hair, which clearly received a lot of work in the beauty salon, could be called a work of art. Her figure resembled that of a sculpture, the proportions of which were honed by a real master.


She was a deity.


And at the same time, “an apostle of God.”

She was a follower of a deity of a higher level than herself.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Distoria, secretary and pet of Mollansoft’s CEO and leader of this strategic group. With me are volunteers brought in for a more objective assessment of the Fantasy Institution. They will be joining you as students.

“So you’re in charge of the inspection?”

“That’s right. Judging by your motley divine powers, you must be the Demon Lord Kang Han Soo. And you, too, don’t need to introduce yourself. I roughly know the current situation. You are Ssosiel, the new director.”

“Okay, Miss Disco. Then let’s get down to business already.”

“My name is Distoria.”

“Well, sure, something like that.”

“… Just call me the team leader. And the names of the students we will be enrolling are-”

“Does it matter? Student A and Student B should be enough, right?”

“… Right.”

Their team leader looked like she had eaten a sour lemon, and Students A and B looked like rotten potatoes, but those were all tiny details.

Ssosiel stepped forward.

“Please don’t be offended. He tends to forget the names of those he isn’t interested in. Fantasy’s Demon Lord rates people according to their abilities. If the two of you can prove your worth, he will definitely apologize.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Is that so…”

Student A and Student B looked at Ssosiel’s cowardly chest as they agreed.

She was the second most beautiful in the world, after all. One’s preferences didn’t matter. Whenever anyone saw Ssosiel, they would immediately recognize her beauty.

She quickly resolved the situation.

Of course, later, I would reward her cowardly breasts.

Ssosiel smiled, “You two will go through the admission procedure right away. Since your current ability is unknown, you’ll be starting at the primary education course.”

Flash! Flash!

The [Light] embraced Student A and Student B and sent them to the Fantasy dimension.

The two received Mollanphones in the Holy Empire and adapted to their surroundings in no time.

They seemed to have been carefully selected.

Miss Disco, looking at Ssosiel, then said, “I’ll be choosing a student at random to observe. These two are here as a form of safety net and to conduct a more detailed inspection.”

I remembered Supervisor Bakery mentioning something like that.

“Will you really judge the entirety of the school based on the performance of one student?”

“Of course not, Demon Lord. I will evaluate three random individuals regardless of their education course.”

“Is that so.”

Three students.

I didn’t expect much from social outcasts, but I prayed she would pick the most outstanding ones.

“Also, please arrange everything so that I can accompany the student on his adventure as a companion. Oh! You don’t have to worry about my safety. I can take care of myself.”

“As you wish.”

“Although I will randomly select students, there is still a risk of manipulation. Therefore, we have prepared a certain method in advance. For the first examinee, I’ll be choosing the one who first sent a message in the mollanphone community’s chat window.”

… First?

I decided to leave the question of how Mollansoft knew the features of Mollanphone 2 for later.

Right now, I was too busy wondering who Miss Disco chose.

I looked at Ssosiel.

“Who is it?”


“What? Why do you look so filled with despair?”

“She’s choosing Sieg.”


Despair appeared on my face too.


It had to be a conspiracy.

Hero Sieg.

He was a psychopath who betrayed his people to marry an elf. He was probably the worst of all options and should’ve been hidden from the inspection team’s sight.

It was a shame I couldn’t even think of taking care of it due to the Lanuvel issue.

This was why people had to always prepare for the worst.

… I lost hope for a bright future.

Miss Disco had been summoned to the Southern Continent where Hero Sieg was. However, some adjustments were inevitable since they couldn’t be brought together naturally.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Hero Sieg. I am Illeana, Saintess of the Great Child.”

“Wow! A divine elf with big breasts!”

“… And this is my friend Distoria. Having received a prophecy from the Great Child, I will be able to join you only if you can bring me the Holy Sword of the Giants Mollancoin. Until you accomplish this task, my friend will help you.”

“I shall persevere!”

“That’s great to hear. Good luck…”

Former Saintess B from the Southern Continent took parental leave because Giant King Phoenix impregnated her.

Thief E, the daughter of Elfheim and Shadow A, filled her position.

In terms of stats, she had a more noble lineage than the previous Saintess. It wouldn’t be farfetched to say she was more suitable for this role, even more so if the innocent heroes didn’t see through her illusory breasts.

“Hello, Sir Sieg. I am Distoria, and I…”

Her nickname was Disco, and she was born in the empire of vampires on the Western Continent.

“My nickname is Disco. And I was born into the empire of vampires on the Western Continent… Hey! Please control yourself!”

“Sorry, sorry. You’re so beautiful that I must’ve unconsciously stared…”

“Ah! I wasn’t talking to you, Hero! Don’t be upset about yourself!”

“I’ll be more careful in the future. You had such an expression as if you were looking at a vile insect… Please forgive me.”


Their first meeting went smoothly.

Sieg wasn’t in heat and behaved like an ordinary hero, and Disco joined him, avoiding harassment.

The biggest crisis was over!

Afterward, Sieg skillfully handled the mollanphone, immediately asking for help.

?Sieg: Seniors, can you tell me how to obtain the Holy Sword of Giants Mollancoin? Your junior won’t forget you.

?Zeus: Oh, is it my junior Sieg again? I’ll tell you everything about it. Travel to the Giant Empire and join the Great Child religion. You probably already know how to join.

?Odin: Don’t listen to Zeus. You don’t have to join the Great Child religion. Just remember this: even if you make a mistake in the Giant Empire, you should never curse at the Great Child. When I once did, I appeared before the Giant King himself and was punished.

?Satan: This is all bullsh*t. The King himself curses the Great Child. Praising him will earn you a lot of hardships. Don’t listen to Zeus and Odin.

?Allah: Junior Sieg, ignore the words of Satan. He claims without any proof that the Sword Princess is a married woman. He’s just playing with the feelings of those younger than him.

Luke: I would like to know the details as well.

He used the community chat to gather information quickly.

In the past, they had to diligently explore the world of Fantasy, collecting legends and rumors. However, it was now possible to share information with other heroes, eliminating any particular need for it.

In particular, Sieg had a good reputation among the tertiary education students for his funny, cheeky behavior.

At that moment, Disco addressed him.

“Hero Sieg.”

“Ah! Forgive me. I was looking at my phone. Have I made some other mistake?”

“… No. And you don’t have to constantly apologize to me. I really wasn’t talking to you that time.”

“Mistress Disco is too kind to me. I’m fine. I’m already used to such treatment.”

“Um… Let’s just forget about it. I have a question.”

“Ask away.”

“You seem to be used to using the mollanphone. Does it help you a lot?”

“Without it, my journey would’ve been harder. Of course, the great explorer Green Cake is kindly helping me, but I don’t want to keep being a burden to her…”

“Aren’t you burdening your seniors in the chat?”

“Well… I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable, but please be patient. I can’t imagine life without this gadget…”

“It’s okay! Everything is fine! Use it as much as you want, Hero Sieg! I was just asking…”



His companions, composed of an elven mage, elven archer, elven thief, elven priest, elven swordsman… could only glance sideways.

They were all women, but their flat figures made it difficult to distinguish them from male elves when looking at them from afar.

Green Cake was no exception.

He turned into an elf to suit Sieg’s tastes.

“If we take this road, we’ll soon reach the Giant Empire. After half a day, we’ll reach a hotel where we can stay, or we can head straight to the border. In the Elf Empire, it’s not safe outside towns and villages.”

Green Cake not only showed the way but also took care of all their party’s expenses and provision of support materials.

It was only thanks to him that Sieg was able to choose companions to his liking.

Disco pointed this out immediately.

“You seem to be relying too much on Green Cake.”

“Ah! This is how we usually distribute responsibilities. My other companions and I take part in battles.”

“… I understand.”

Since Disco was a deity, she could sense someone else’s divine power, so she probably already noticed that Green Cake was my apostle.

In fact, if he canceled his transformation and swung his hand against them, he could immediately crush the hero’s party.



“Gob! Gob!”

“Hero! There’s a crowd of goblins!”

“Goblins are surrounding us!”

They got involved in an uphill battle with the goblins… the weakest creatures of all monsters.

Sieg chose companions by appearance and race, not by ability, and they would have died long ago if Green Cake didn’t heal them from the back rows.

They somehow won all because of Sieg, who fought against five goblins simultaneously.

Disco suddenly asked, “Is there any special reason why you’re hiding your true strength?”

“Um, what do you mean…”

“You fight with your skills disabled.”

“Ah! How do you know that… I… Um…”

“I’m not judging you. I’m just wondering why.”

“… I was forced by some inevitable circumstances.

There are no such circumstances.

I checked his personal file.

? Type: Personal File

? Name: Sieg

? Alignment: Lawful Good

? Main Quality: Timid

? Experience: 195 years

? Record: 1

? Overall Rating: He’s a student who was expected to be very successful in enrollment. However, meeting the handsome student caused his personality to be distorted. He has an ambivalent mindset, wanting both to be the same as everyone else and be unique at the same time, and only recruits elves who are in a difficult situation as his companions. His combat power is high enough for him to be admitted to the secondary education course, but he seems to have no intention of revealing his true strength. That being said, his ability to skillfully use the mollanphone is recognized by both teachers and students.

Simply put, Hero Sieg, who suffered from the eighth-grade syndrome, wanted to be strong among the weak without moving to the secondary education course.

I wanted to drive a little common sense into his head, but I couldn’t interfere directly.

There was one more method, however.


?Munchkin: Sieg is a coward who can only deal with those weaker than him. He even gathers weak women and slaves around him, then proceeds to have weird relationships with them. If you deny it, then at least share a photo proving the opposite ^^

?Sieg: Who are you to judge people you don’t know? That’s rude. Munchkin, if you’re so cool, showcase those photos yourself.

?Limon: Both of you send pictures. Hopefully, you’ll be showing us something impressive.

?Aaron: I think I dropped by in time.

It was impossible to send multiple messages in a row in the chat, so there was no fierce controversy.

Even if there was such an opportunity, Sieg had nothing to say.

I waited a bit and then uploaded a photo.

?Munchkin: Smeared Giant King.JPG

?Munchkin: Shy Sword Princess.JPG

This was a memorable photo taken right after Giant King Phoenix learned a lesson from Captain Fantasy’s plump ass.

And in the second photo, the Sword Princess was kissing me. Of all the photographs where my face wasn’t visible, this one was the best.

?Sieg: Unfortunately, I didn’t take any pictures. However, I will soon take a couple and post them.

“Aaaaaah!!! What’s wrong with that bastard?!” Sieg shouted, throwing his mollanphone to the ground.

Unleashing his latent power, the Hero with the eighth-grade syndrome rushed to the Giant Empire.

“Ah? Hero?! What’s happening all of a sudden?!”

Embarrassed, Disco hurried after him.

However, the elves with poor skills quickly fell behind.

Picking up Sieg’s mollanphone, which had fallen to the ground, Green Cake looked up into the sky and whispered, “… father?”

Hmm? I knew nothing about this.

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