Feral Confessions - Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 336 - Do You Want To Live Or Die, Isidorus?

Isidorus had become very relaxed ever since Adrianna was crowned as the queen. He had in fact been so happy that he had started giving time to his favorite hobby, gardening. The day Adrianna was crowned, when Isidorus came back to his palace, the first thing he did was to go to his garden and call his gardeners during evening only because he wanted to trim hedges. All the palace gardeners stood there in a line while the owner trimmed the hedges around the fountain that was right in front of the entrance. It took an hour to one quarter of the hedge. Poor gardeners were shaking their heads at the disappointing performance of their owner. He could have used his magic to cut those hedges, however, when it came to tending to the plants, Isidorus would do everything manually. It was a mystery no one could solve. 

Next day was very fruitful and he had given a list of names to Adrianna to consider for the ministry. One of the names was that of Mihr. Although he never wanted Mihr initially, however after the way he had completely stopped his communication with Vikra, he wanted to give him a chance. Isidorus had also suggested a few names from the academy. He was expecting Adrianna to be surprised, but she was very cool when she saw them. 


After meeting with people in the human realm, Isidorus had returned to his palace and once again he had immersed himself in his favorite hobby. This time it was the rose ramblers that were his target. Each and every brown leaf was taken out carefully from the creepers that were growing around. Three hours were spent in removing leaves from exactly there ramblers. The gardeners were now extremely irritated by him. Isidorus looked at them. "What else do you expect from a man who is twelve hundred years old?" He reprimanded them. 

"Magic!" replied an extremely irritated gardener. 

Next moment, magic happened and other gardeners saw a small bunny hopping around the gardens. 

After having his dinner, Isidorus went to his bedroom, which was on the north side of the palace. His bedroom was not big but was very luxurious. However, what people didn't know was that Isidorus slept on the floor on a mat that he had bought three hundred years back from a traveler in human realm. He was of the opinion that it was this mat that had kept his spine straight even after so many years of life. That mat was his favorite but was now showing signs of degradation. As usual, he changed into his pajamas and went off to sleep on that mat with a soft little pillow under his head. He dozed off into a deep slumber. 

Suddenly the ground beneath his shook a little. Isidorus thought that he was dreaming. He woke up, looked around a little and then slept again. Once again he was disturbed by the ground, which was now shaking beneath him. The ground shook to the extent that Isidorus had rolled out of the mat. Alert at this occurrence, Isidorus got up. "Illuminabante" he said and all the torches in the bedroom lit up. He looked around. Was he dreaming or was that for real? 

There was nothing around but it was enough to raise his suspicions. He went back to his mat and lied there still. He waited for the movement. After a gap of five minutes, the ground shook above and this time Isidorus got up from his place. He went and sat on the bed. Suddenly, he saw as though under the ground, a serpent like creature moved. It moved from one side of the room to the other. Isidorus picked up his wand from the bedside table. The creature had stopped. Once again there was silence. How could anything even enter his palace, let alone his room? He was contemplating on it when all of a sudden the floor cracked open shattering the marble into hundreds of pieces and a serpent, which was half dragon emerged out of it. 

Isidorus' looked at it with narrowed eyes. He didn't have time to lose focus due to the shock. He pointed his wand at the creature and asked, "Who are you?" 

The dragon, which was half serpent, was green and two feet wide. It was not very long at just about fifteen feet. It had very bright jade like scales on its back that were glistening in the light. 

The creature stood crawled and came in front of Isidorus. It hissed. 

Isidorus had been pointing his wand at him throughout. "What do you want?" he asked without wasting time. 

"Adrianna…" it hissed. 

Isidorus flicked his wand and send a death spell his way, which the creature dodged. 

"I have come to warn you. If I don't get Adrianna in the next two days, I will kidnap you and kill you," it hissed again. 

"Who are you?" asked Isidorus trying to remember who in the Wizard Kingdom had the ability to become that kind of a creature. 

"That's a wrong question…" it hissed again. "The right question is do you want to live or die, Isidorus?" 

Isidorus was now very shocked that who was this who had entered his palace and threatened to kill him. He flicked his wand again and threw "Iceba" spell. However, before the spell could hit it, it had exploded into thousands of tiny dust like grains that disappeared into the air. 

That night Isidorus couldn't sleep. He flicked his wand to recreate his room but sleep was far from his eyes. He called his private spies. 


In the lake when Dmitri was standing on its bed deep below amidst the darkness, he felt very calm. He didn't want to think of his quarrel with Adrianna. All he wanted was peace of mind. He remembered that it was from here that he had dived and brought that necklace for her. While he was thinking all that, he suddenly felt movement around him.

He opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything. Without wasting time, he started swimming up. Something scaly touched his body.

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