Vikra had been going through a all the plans and strategies that Cy had presented before him. Reese was sent by Vikra to inspect each and every nook and corner outside Wizard Kingdom in order to strike the area, which was the weakest point. Reese had spent many a nights just to find that spot. She had drawn the maps on papers of places, which she felt would be easy to attack and have the least resistance.

Vikra knew that it wasn't possible to attack any part of the Wizard Kingdom with all the spells around it, but he had to take his chances. He wanted to capture Adrianna at all costs. And all his strategies turning into a failure one by one, he became desperate. While Cy was explain to Reese how to slowly collect a large chunk of neotides in that weak spot, a messenger came in.


"My Lord, Adrianna has become the queen of the Wizard Kingdom. The Crown has accepted her." Vikra heard the news very calmly. His inside agitation was slowly rising. The messenger was standing near the rocky chair where he was sitting in his cave. Upon hearing his words, he slayed the messenger immediately by using his bony hands.

If the Crown accepted Adrianna, it meant that a part of the Crown would always stay inside her. He looked at Cy and said, "Continue with the plan…"

The werewolf kingdom lied on the West of the jungle, the Wizard Kingdom was on the North, while Vikra was hiding in the South. The council headquarters where Ed had gone to appeal his case were located north of the Wizard Kingdom where the mountains were covered with snow eternally. The jungle was so huge that it was impossible to fathom its boundaries. On the East there was a road that ran across the entire length of the jungle, which separated it from the human realm.

According to Reese, the best place to attack was a spot that was on the east of the Wizard Kingdom, which faced the road and was towards the human realm. The activity was very less there because none of the inhabitants of the jungle wanted to expose themselves in front of the humans. These days' humans were into developing warfare that was meant to wipe out entire civilization and so none of them wanted to touch them.

'This point is best of attack and that too during the night time because there is least activity here. However, we have to be extremely careful not to go close to the human realm," asserted Cy once more.

"The human realm is miles away from this weak spot and hence they would never come to know," replied Reese.

"But we cannot really take our chances. We have to use minimum warfare with maximum impact to breach inside the Wizard Kingdom. Once we are inside the kingdom, we would be able to deal with the people easily. Then there is no way anyone can stop me!" said Cy throwing his iron hand up in the air. The news that the Crown had accepted Adrianna was a shock to him. He didn't even get a chance to claim the throne. He wanted to kill Adrianna more than ever.

On the other hand Vikra was seen brooding over something. He left the two of them to discuss further about the strategy and went outside. It was evening and he could imagine the jubilations taking place in the Wizard Kingdom. He remembered his days when he was crowned. When the Crown had entered his cell and he could feel the sheer power in him. He didn't know that with the Crown on his head, he was invincible. As and as he realized about this fact, he started becoming greedy. The Crown kept telling him to stay on his righteous path but he didn't listen.

In the end, the Crown left him and he couldn't imagine the excruciating pain that he had experienced that night. His whole body was left in the most devastating state – state where he was neither alive nor dead. His heart cried that day as he begged the Crown to come back to him, but his cell was empty. There was no one. He had spent days and days to call the Crown back to his cell but the Crown was just too ruthless. It had shut itself in its golden cage. Isidorus had banished Vikra after the incident. Ever since he had been looking for revenge.

He wanted his body back, and for that he needed Adrianna at all costs. He had first thought that by catching Adrianna, he would eat her soul and gain his body back, but all his attempts to catch her failed. And now after the crowning, he to still capture her because now the Crown was also a part of her.

He sighed upon remembering those days and went back inside as the night became dark.


Back in the Wizard Kingdom, Adrianna's crowning was successfully completed. It was evening by the time all the ceremonies were over. All the guests were invited to stay back for the night for more celebrations. While some of them left, some including Niiya's father, Dr. Saito stayed back. There were some traditions that had to be performed and he was asked to witness them.

In the Wizard Kingdom, the tradition was that once the Crown accepted the ruler, he or she had to be bathed in gifts and appreciation on the first night of the crowning. It was a symbol of compassion and love and it lasted the entire night. Once the crowning ceremony was over in the noble court, Adrianna had to exit the court without the Crown on her head. She tried to remove it but it wouldn't leave her head.

"Inform him that you would be exiting out of the noble court," said isidorus very softly.

"I have to go out of this noble court," repeated Adrianna. The next moment, the Crown rose from her head and went back to its golden cage, which disappeared next moment. 

What happened next was an experience for Adrianna.

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