[This chapter is dedicated to Dundet for being a silent reader who suddenly left nice comments. Other than that, I really appreciated the review that he left as he also gave great points that I would improve on. ^^ Thank you also for suddenly giving me a gift! I will do my best to improve myself and make this story better!]


"As you all know, assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. Because of that, we have three types of assessment that we should take into consideration especially that we are checking on our students' progress."

Professor Pan An already started discussing to the class. With everyone's eyes on him, Shi Lian noticed from time to time that Ruo Xi kept giving him suggestive glances when other students (except her) are not paying attention to her.

With Shi Lian rolling her eyes as she whispered at Shu Xian, she just brushed it aside, still her studious self, focusing on the lesson at hand despite her roller coaster of emotions a while ago.

"She's such an attention seeker—going all the way here to catch his attention."

"Hush," Shu Xian scolded, writing on her notebook as she was paying attention. "Listen to Professor Pan An."

Shi Lian rolled her eyes once more. With her silencing when Shu Xian warned her, she couldn't help but think ill about the bitch who was sitting behind them.

Pan An wrote three phrases on the board namely: assessment for learning, assessment as learning, and assessment of learning.

At first glance, this would look confusing but upon further contemplation and upon further discussion by the professor, the students began to understand little by little what this meant.

"First, assessment for learning," Pan An started, underlining the first phrase. "It enables the teachers to use information about students' knowledge, understanding, and skills to inform their teaching. Other than that, the teachers provide feedback to students about their learning and on how to improve."

After explaining and as the students took notes of what he said, he underlined the second phrase and further explained.

"Assessment as learning involves students in the learning process where they monitor their own progress, ask questions, and practice skills. The students use self-assessment and teacher feedback to reflect on their learning, consolidate their understanding, and work towards learning goals."

Shu Xian couldn't help but smile. With her realizing now of her feelings towards the professor, she noticed how much she has started to admire him more and more—being drawn more to his intellect other than his physical attractiveness.

Indeed… a man who is smart and at the same time intelligent, can be beyond sexy!

"Lastly…" Pan An trailed off, underlining the last phrase. "Assessment of learning. It assists teachers to use evidence of student learning to assess student achievement against learning goals and standards."

As the students continued taking down notes, Pan An leaned on his table and looked at everyone, further discussing the lesson before giving them the remaining time to do an activity that he would watch over.

"It is essential that teachers use a variety of assessment strategies in order to gain comprehensive understanding of every student in their class. Remember, you are elementary or high school teachers in the near future. It is very essential for you to be aware of this. And why is that?"

Soon after, Shu Xian raised her hand. With a smile appearing on Pan An's face, he looked at her and nodded, giving her permission to speak.

"It's because assessment is not just an item at the end of a topic. It is a process in which should occur every day in the classroom. Which is why we have three different types of assessment namely: formative, summative, and diagnostic."

"Correct," Pan An said, his small smile turning into a handsome, wide grin. "Well done, Shu Xian. Despite coming from the nurse's office, you were able to cope up with your lessons and is able to answer. I commend you for that."

With that, the students smiled and did a short round of applause, Ruo Xi's hand on the pen tightening as she didn't like how Pan An's smile turned wider at the sight and sound of that Shu Xian answering his question.

That smile… it used to be hers and she thought it was always hers!

Why is it given to Shu Xian now—just an ordinary girl!?

"Professor, if you want… I could show to the class a diagram I have imagined while having this discussion," she suggested, Professor Pan An, arching a brow at her appreciatively.

"Why, that's absolutely a good idea! If you may enlighten us, please?"

Pan An gave the floor to Shu Xian. With Zhang Ren and Shi Lian looking at each other with a smirk on their face, Ruo Xi got a sight of it, the newly appointed professor of the Teacher of Education biting her bottom lip as she knew that these two knew something that she wanted to get ahold of.

'They might know about their budding relationship and everything that lies underneath! How should I get further information so I could get on their nerves?'

Shu Xian stood up from her seat and made way to the front. With her remembering what Ruo Xi had done in attempts to get his attention, a teasing smirk appeared on her face, having a sudden idea that would probably make Ruo Xi insane!

Soon after, Shu Xian pretended to trip on her own foot, too! With her stumbling and with her about to lose her balance, this time Pan An quickly stepped up, catching her in his arms!

Everyone gasped at the sight of Shu Xian landing on Pan An's chest, her hand sprawled on his chest. With Pan An discreetly tightening his grip around her waist, he acted professionally, only arching a brow at her.

"Are you alright?"

He may have acted out this way… but deep down, he could deduce that Shu Xian was doing this on purpose and he would be delighted to play along with her!

With a nod coming from the girl, she smiled as a soft blush appeared on her face even though this was done intentionally.

As she slyly tucked a tendril of her hair behind her ear, she spoke softly, still heard by everyone in the class as the students started to tease them, a "yieeee" sound erupting in the room.

"I'm fine, Professor Pan An. My… what quick reflexes you have."

Pan An grinned, releasing her from his hold. As he was assured that Shu Xian already got her balance, Pan An crossed his arms in front of his chest, what he said next an invisible slap to Ruo Xi's face.

"A beautiful woman like you should be careful. I wouldn't want to see you get hurt, Shu Xian."

Shu Xian let out a subtle giggle, already getting the chalk that Pan An was giving her afterward. With her making her way to the board, the students liked the sudden display of "affection" between the two.

They may see it as something between a student and a teacher… but deep down, both of them were already developing feelings for each other and they would now have to be careful since students are not at all dumb to notice things!


Ruo Xi clicked her tongue. With her hand tightening around the hold of her pen, it was as if further pressure would snap it into two.

However, the sound that escaped from Ruo Xi's mouth didn't escape from Zhang Ren and Shi Lian's ears. With them grinning at each other, they knew that both of them were doing this on purpose so they can get on Ruo Xi's nerves instead!

Whatever this woman behind them is planning, it's obvious that her plans are backfired!

Shu Xian started writing on the board. She first drew a box and inside it, was the statement "Diagnostic Assessment." She then drew an arrow going to the right, then drew a circle with the statement "Formative Assessment." She then drew another arrow going to the right, then drew a box which contained "Summative Assessment."

Professor Pan An became all professional again, focusing his role as an instructor so as to not give hints to the class about their developing relationship. He then continued to watch Shu Xian's illustration, the student focusing on her being a student as well.

Shu Xian then went back to the first square. She made an arrow going up and down, and below it which said, "before learning." She then did the same to the circle and the statement below said, "during learning." Then lastly, the same for the last square, which said "after learning."

As soon as she was done, she turned her body to look at Pan An, extending her arm to give him the chalk. With their fingertips brushing against each other for a brief moment, both of them looked at each other sweetly, the professor already getting the chalk from her.

"Thank you for the wonderful illustration, Shu Xian. You indeed are smart."

"Thank you—" Shu Xian said, discreetly giving the professor a wink before she turned to the class in order to return to her seat. "—Professor Pan An."

Anyone who's not dumb enough could see how both of them are secretly communicating with each other!

With Ruo Xi being one of those people who noticed their chemistry, it was obvious that their interaction is indeed a big slap to her face, ruining all of her plans to distract Pan An!

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