Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 196 - Maybe It's Because

"You're a fool—I have to admit… but it would be more foolish if you didn't know why I gave this to you."

Surprising her, Pan An had pushed her towards the wall behind her, making it impossible for her to escape. With his forehead pressed against hers, his hand on Shu Xian's waist made her gasp.

"I have three minutes left… for me to show you not only through words that I reciprocate what you fear and that you have nothing to worry about."

As if knowing what Pan An was about to do, Shu Xian immediately rested her hands on his shoulder, closing her eyes as the professor kissed her.

The moment their lips brushed against each other sent shockwaves throughout their body, making their heated moment all the more exciting.

Shu Xian at first was utterly afraid that both of them will get caught because they're both in the university and they're doing something between a teacher and a student that shouldn't be.

However, a girl obedient like Shu Xian felt naughty this time.

This time… she wanted it.

This time… she allowed it.

This time… she loved it.

Shu Xian's lips parted slightly and seductively, allowing Pan An's entry to further deepen their kiss. With his hand running through her hair, Shu Xian did so as well, further pulling him closer towards her, both of them now feeling each other's body heat.

"And you say—" Pan An broke away for a moment, both of them panting in want as they stared straight into each other's eyes with burning passion. "—that you're a fool for fearing that I might not reciprocate?"

Shu Xian gasped when she felt something hot and hard against her despite their clothing, a teasing grin appearing on the professor's face with how shameless he's becoming.

"How dare you say that… when you already have your answer right here?"

Shu Xian didn't know how to react. But even before she could utter a single word, the moment she parted her lips as if to speak, Pan An's mouth crashed hungrily on hers.

Anyone who would be in this situation will not appreciate this gesture. One could even swat away his hands on her if need be.

However for Shu Xian, she found herself allowing Pan An even though her heart was beating crazily like a drum inside her chest for the anxiety this situation is giving her.

Although, even though she had this thought, she still allowed this situation to happen because as scary as this circumstance is…

It can get pretty exciting.

Shu Xian gasped when she felt Pan An's hard shaft against her, the girl hitching a breath when they broke away from the kiss. Pan An started kissing her neck, making her close her eyes in pleasure with the way his lips moved.

"P-Pan An… three minutes are over."

"The bell—" Pan An spoke against her skin, his breath tickling her and sending shivers down her spine. "—did not ring yet."


Pan An's left hand on her waist tightened. With Shu Xian's legs feeling a little bit weak and wobbly like jelly, Pan An stopped in the middle of his actions, now looking straight into Shu Xian's eyes.

As both of their breaths quickened as if catching more air because of their passionate kiss, a smirk appeared on the professor's face, what he said next making Shu Xian smile back at him.

"And doesn't that… answer your worries?"

Before Shu Xian could even answer, the bell rang once more, making him sigh as he looked at her with a disappointed look in his eyes.

"I'll go on first like we discussed. Go back in a few minutes or so. Alright?"

Shu Xian nodded. With Pan An planting a quick kiss on her forehead, he then quickly left the room, closing the door so as to make sure that Shu Xian won't be seen inside.

The moment Shu Xian realized that she was left alone, she couldn't help but grin ear to ear, her hand instinctively touching her chest as she felt her heart racing.

With her now letting out a laugh as if she wasn't crying just a moment ago, she now felt reassured with how Pan An showed her through his actions that there is nothing to worry about.


The students in the classroom started to murmur. They were not used to Pan An not early in class. By the time the first bell rang, he is usually found inside the classroom and by the time the second bell sounded, classes would formally start.

However, with the second bell already heard, the students wondered why he still hadn't appeared!

"Do you think there was an emergency meeting?"

"I doubt it."

"Yeah, I think there is none since the other teachers of the College of Teacher Education went to their first classes."

"Oh? Then where is our professor?"

"Maybe Professor Pan An is very busy."

"There may be an emergency. We know Professor Pan An is always punctual. If ever he's not here, then there might be a problem."

"Hmm… you do have a point."

"By the way… did you notice that there is like a beautiful woman behind the classroom?"

"Yeah, yeah! I can't take my eyes off of her!"

"She doesn't seem like a student."

"True… she wears formally so maybe someone who's doing a class observation?"

"Any chance that this may be that our professor is not yet here because he has to settle the things needed to be settled and it may involve the beautiful woman behind the room?"

"We could deduce that as a possibility."

With the students gossiping like this, Shi Lian tapped her fingers on the table. With Zhang Ren nervous as well as none of them were back, both of them wondered what could be happening.

"Should one of us go and check them up?" Zhang Ren asked, Shi Lian, shaking her head to say no.

"We can't… with this woman there behind us, if either of us disappear, it might make things suspicious!"

"Then…" Zhang Ren sighed, not knowing what to do. "What now?"

"We still wait… even though this is driving us nuts and is testing our patience!"

Ruo Xi could actually hear the murmurs of Zhang Ren and Shi Lian. However, she couldn't actually comprehend it properly, shrugging it off as she only thought that they may be students who are talking about the homework that they missed.

With her smile not leaving her face as she knew that the people of the classroom were looking at her secretly, at the back of Ruo Xi's mind, however, she started to feel uneasy.

Her index finger kept tapping on the desk, obviously impatient. With the thought of Pan An chasing a girl, she couldn't help but think what connection might they have to make him act that way!

She knew that only she could make Pan An do what she wanted. She knew that she's the only woman that Pan An loved whole-heartedly, giving her the whole world!

With the sight of him not even paying attention to her and with him quickly chasing her, she couldn't help but feel slightly uneasy with the sudden change of the man whom she thought she had complete control of.

Once that girl comes back to class, she would have to make sure to get to know her more and find more clues about her just so she could know her background and who she's up against!

Sooner or later, the sound of the front door opening and closing snapped everyone out of their attention.

With the professor combing his hand through his hair, some people noticed that he had disheveled hair, making them wonder why since this is the first subject in the morning.

"Good morning, class. I apologize for being late for a minute," he exclaimed, leaning forward on his desk as he rested both of his hands on it. "I had to escort a student at the nurse's office since she was not feeling well this morning."

With that said, the students nodded and the others found it weird that someone would suddenly feel sick this morning. It was something rare to see and hear in college—but common to hear in elementary and high school.

However, the students just shoved it aside, already focusing in class.

Zhang Ren looked at Shi Lian.

"Do you think that she's really in the infirmary?"

"No," Shi Lian whispered back, "I think it's just an alibi—it's appropriate this way, rather than both of them being seen entering the class together. It would make their disappearance more suspicious."

With that said, both of them looked straight at the board, already listening to the professor as he remembered that Ruo Xi is at the back of the room.

As he eyed her carefully, Ruo Xi noticed that he was looking at her, making her smile at him.

However, the professor internally scoffed, thinking to himself how absurd it must've been for him to suddenly feel pissed at her after not seeing her for how many years!

Maybe it's because he's slowly getting sure that Shu Xian is the one mending his broken heart?

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