Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 191 - Hello, Everyone

[This chapter is dedicated to Shelby_Venters for leaving very nice comments in my story for the month of June~! Thank you so much for the support! I hope to see more of your comments soon~!]


Shu Xian entered the classroom with a big smile on her face. With her enjoying her birthday yesterday, this Friday is indeed going to be a joyous day as the memory of what happened yesterday is still fresh in her thoughts.

She remembered herself having the sweet moment she had with Pan An last night. With them ending the day in a sweet kiss, she bit her lip as she absent-mindedly walked to her seat, Zhang Ren and Shi Lian watching her with a grin on her face.

"Wow… it seems to me you had more than the bracelet last night," Shi Lian commented, Shu Xian giggling as she sat beside her.

"Oh, stop it… don't comment about it like that," she replied, Zhang Ren propping a hand under his chin and commented next.

"We can't help it! Look at that big smile on your face!"

Shu Xian didn't say a single word. With the curl of her lips still up, she looked at the bracelet that she got from Pan An, sighing as she admired it.

"This is so beautiful… I mean, I love that you guys surprised me… but for a person like me who doesn't wear accessories too much… I really love how simple this is and how beautiful it is as it reminded me of how special I am because of the effort he put into it."

Zhang Ren and Shi Lian looked at each other. With both of them shrugging at the same time, the three of them just stayed silent as they waited for the bell to ring.

The three of them actually came to the university earlier, 20 minutes left before the classes would start.


Everyone, especially the boys, looked at the red-haired woman who was walking and following another professor in the university.

With her heels clicking against the floor, she obviously got the attention of the others, the boys widening their eyes and opening their mouth the moment they saw the beautiful woman.

"Hey, who is she?"

"I don't know—but she looks damn hot!"

"I like how her hair is red and curly~!"

"Oooh… as I girl, I even admire how sophisticated she looks!"

"Dare look at her for a very long time… and I'll kick your ass!"

"I-I won't, I'm sorry!"

"Hmph! What's so good about her? She's just mature and has a voluptuous body!"

"You say that because you're jealous."


With the murmurs of both boys and girls heard in the university hallways, the woman feigned ignorance.

Deep down, however, she liked what she was hearing as she enjoyed getting some attention from both boys and girls with how good looking she is.

It boosts her self-confidence and pride, making her love herself more for being this beautiful and sexy. Because of this, she couldn't help but think…

That sooner or later, she might get her target who's found in this university with pretty high chances.


Pan An was sitting on his seat, facing his desk. With him smiling as he swiveled his chair, he couldn't get off from his mind how he and Shu Xian were sweet towards each other last night.

It may only be a kiss, yes… but it made the professor think that both of them are sooner or later going to assure their feelings.

Heck, if they were this passionate towards each other and like it, then it could only mean that they are indeed developing feelings towards each other.

Both of them would only have to take the next step once they feel like it, but Pan An, as a man, would want to do it slowly and carefully so as to not shock the girl since it will be her first time being romantically involved with someone.

He always thought that it would be impossible to forget Ruo Xi with how pent up his feelings are towards her and with how he gets angry every time people talk bad about her.

But now, he started not to worry. He couldn't believe it himself, but slowly, he is starting to forget Ruo Xi because of the company he's getting from Shu Xian.

Pan An started to worry, however, from time to time, that maybe he may be using Shu Xian. Both of them agreed to assess their feelings together but nevertheless, Pan An will slowly but surely know that his attraction towards Shu Xian would be something more.

"Good morning, everyone."

The department head called for everyone's attention, every professor now looking at him. With a big smile on his face, he further spoke as if he was making an exciting announcement, the other faculty members now curious with what they're hearing.

"I'm sorry for not telling you ahead of time, but our university has hired another amazing professor who will be working with us soon! Not only is she smart, but she is beyond beautiful that no words can describe! A beauty with brains, if you will!"

With this said, the professors looked at each other then back at the headmaster, Pan An, slightly absent-minded as the thought of Shu Xian still lingered in his mind.

"Now, she is already here and will be introduced to everyone! She will not formally start today, but will only be introduced as she will still be oriented about the regulations of the school. She may have been employed late, but I assure you that she will quickly follow as I vouched for her!"

The other professors already felt expectant and curious of who this new faculty member is. With the headmaster now moving aside to reveal the person behind him who's waiting by the door, the name that slipped out of his mouth snapped Pan An out of his thoughts, not believing what he heard.

"Ruo Xi, you may now enter and introduce yourself to your fellow co-workers."

'What?' Pan An widened his eyes in disbelief. 'Ruo Xi?'

As if his world was now playing in slow motion. The woman's right foot stepped inside the faculty room first, followed by her left. With her hand flipping her hair to her back as she walked inside, the other male professors almost dropped their jaws in surprise, seeing how tantalizing the new professor is.

Her red curly hair bounced on her shoulders. With the red blouse tucked inside her black pencil skirt, it embraced her body snuggly—emphasizing the curves of her body. With her heels adding more to her height, she looked more of a model rather than a professor!

She batted her eyelashes as she blinked her eyes. With the smile on her face that showed her perfect teeth, even the female professors felt their heart racing for seeing such a goddess come inside their office!

Pan An's body froze. With his eyes watching her every step, the woman stole a glance of him, their eyes meeting only for but a brief moment.

The professor's heart raced in his chest. He didn't know why… but something in the way that Ruo Xi shortly looked at him made him feel that there's something off about her…

Something that he didn't know about her.

Could it be that she's the Ruo Xi that he knew… or someone rather different who just looks like her—having the same name?

No… Pan An knew that this isn't this simple. It's indeed her, but why would he be in denial?

"Hello, everyone," she greeted, her voice sending shivers down Pan An's spine. "My name's Ruo Xi, and I'm excited to meet you all and further talk with everyone~!"



This is going to be sure already—I'm sorry. Starting today onwards, I will be updating only 1 chapter (but long) of "Fancy Me, Professor!" due to a very busy schedule of me working in school and also juggling with other two ongoing stories. 

Of course, I will also adjust my update frequency and schedule in my other stories because it's hectic as well to write in "The Soul Eater's Possession" and "Accidental Harem: Let's Kiss Again!" every day. 

If you want, you can also check out those two stories as well as I need support on those, too! ^^ I'd be really glad if you want to check those stories out! :D

Please don't demand with your torches and pitchforks because of this announcement! :'( 

Since I'm a teacher, I will be working 7:30 AM to 4:30 in the afternoon and will come home in the evening. I will also be checking papers, preparing lessons, and doing activities, too, aside from inserting writing in my free time. 

Do understand that it is not my intention to make you guys hope. :'( As much as I want to make you guys happy, I have to watch out for my health, too! 

Thank you so much for understanding and for reading until this far. ^^ Once I have extra time, probably after the academic year 2021-2022, I'll be writing more! :D

God bless and take care wherever you guys are around the world~! Mwah!

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