"One of Jared's target locations was the Royal Medical Hospital." 

As soon as Aria heard Valerie, she stood up in shock. Not only her, even Ivy and Joshua were in disbelief to think that Jared had dared to target the hospital Aria and Ian worked at. But other than Joshua, neither Aria nor Ivy realized the actual reason behind it. They just gaped at Ivy's phone while they continued to listen to Valerie.

"Ivy, I want you to help me alert the public. We might be in grave danger and the immediate precaution we can take is to wear masks at all times whenever we are outside. We don't know how strong and effective the virus is. It is better that we are careful."

Valerie almost begged Ivy to help her this time. She had already erred in her judgment before by not arresting the young girl the moment Ian had alerted her about it. "I do not want people to die due to my foolish mistake."

Nobody understood the meaning behind her words and neither did they probe further into it. They were more worried about the danger everyone would face and how it would impact their lives from now on.

"Valerie, I will take care of this matter. But you will have to inform the President about it for he will have to address the nation. People will believe his words more than ours." Ivy stated and glanced at Aria who was frowning in dismay with her fists clenched.

"I will. I still have other matters to attend to. I will speak to you later." Valerie ended the call while Ivy let out a sigh, unable to believe how the situation had turned out to be. Even though she had expected this outcome considering the monster they were dealing with, she had still hoped to tackle him and foil his plan before it became too late. 

But to their fear, he had eventually succeeded to get what he wanted. All they could do now was accept the bitter truth and take precautions for the danger that was now lurking around, ready to kill them if they neglected their health.

"Damn that bastard." Joshua cursed under his breath. He was already furious when Maggie had decided to go with Maggie to save the people, putting her life at risk. But all her sacrifice had gone down the drain and he could do nothing but curse him. All he wished was to kill Jared for what they had endured due to him and his goddamn godfather.

"Will you be going to the hospital now, Aria?" Joshua queried, taking a look at the still frozen girl. His anger evaporated and concern filled him for she and Ian would be a hell lot busy if they could not control the situation in time.

Aria snapped out of her thoughts as soon as she heard Joshua asking her a question and she nodded at him. She had to go. It was time for what they had planned, what Maggie had asked her to. Although she wanted to assist Ian in taking care of the patients after this disastrous event, she still had another responsibility to fulfill. Her friend was waiting for her. But Joshua did not have to know about it.

Joshua's expression turned grim and his lips formed a straight line. Noah had cautioned him to not allow Aria or Ivy out of the mansion. Although Jared was far away from them with Noah and he keep an eye on him, that did not eradicate the danger that might be lurking around them.

But he could not stop them now that they had work to do, important work. He could only give up and allow the sisters to leave while he kept a watch on the CCTV cameras, following Jared's movements carefully.

Ivy had observed the change in her sister's expression when she was speaking to Joshua and she realized that something was up with her. She was planning something, something huge and definitely deadly.

"Ivy, may I have a word with you?" Aria tilted her head and her actions only added more to Ivy's suspicions. She followed her sister to her room, with a frown marring her forehead.

"Tell me, Aria. What are you hiding from me?" She jumped to the topic as soon as she closed to door.

"I will not be going to the hospital." Aria was surprised by her sister's questions. Given how observant she was, it would have been a shock if she had not asked her about it.

"Then?" Ivy's frown deepened and she gave her a confused look. She did not understand what was happening here and why Aria had even called her here.

"I am going to save Maggie."

"What?" Ivy gave her a stunned look while Aria pulled out two guns from a backpack in her cupboard. She also did not forget to take some cartridges with her.

"What are you doing, Aria? Why are you going to save Maggie? What about Noah? Did he ask you to help him? Does Joshua know about it?" Ivy watched her sister change into an all black attire and tie up her hair into a high pony. 

"It was Maggie who asked me to. And no, neither Joshua nor Noah knows about it. I have no idea why but she wants me to save her instead of Noah." Aria sighed and pressed her forehead.

"But why? Wouldn't it be better if Noah saved her? Why is she asking you to do it?" 

Though Ivy did not doubt Aria's skills after finding the truth about her, she was still worried about her. Jared was not a normal man and with him around, they could not be certain as to what would happen.

"I have no idea, Ivy. Listen, we do not have time for this. I need your help. Do you want to join me on this?"

Aria pulled up her hoodie and stared at Ivy who still stood with her eyes wide. She was yet to receive any signal from Maggie as they had discussed. But Aria could not wait until then for the matter about the virus made her extremely cautious. She wanted to save Maggie before Jared got away with her.

"Definitely. I will not allow you to go alone. What do you want me to do?" Ivy remarked right away. She already did not have the intention of sending her sister into the battlefield alone. Now that Aria had asked for her help herself, she did not hesitate to do whatever she wanted of her.

"I want you to accompany me in this. I do not know anybody else better than you." Aria's cryptic reply made Ivy blink at her dazedly.

"I do not understand, Aria. How will I be of your help? I am still a novice at operating guns and I do not think I will be able to help you defeat Jared."

"Who told anything about defeating Jared?"

"Then?" Ivy still was perplexed and waited for her sister to reveal her plan.

"We are going to save Maggie and necessity arises, I will do all the killing. I want you to drive me to where Maggie is.. I do not know any better than you and with your skills, I am sure we can evade Jared's men if we were to encounter them mid-way."

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