"If what you are saying is right, then we might be in serious trouble, Aria," Ian stated as he stared at the wall, anger emanating from him once again. His face turned dark at once, making Aria and Stuart, who were standing near him to take a step back in caution. 

Aria had never seen this side of him, and for the first time since he had known Ian, she felt him be a completely different person. It was not the Ian she knew. It was somebody else, somebody who could make people cower in fear and run for their lives.

Ivy too did not miss the changes in Ian, and she recalled the time when she had seen similar changes in Noah and Joshua when Tim had intruded her apartment. The darkness and his bloodthirst were evident on Ian's face, and she had an intuition about what would happen soon. The man was just about to go berserk, and they had to stop him before it became too late.

"Ian, let us wait for the reports." Stuart tried to appease him but the man was too infuriated to listen to him. Even Ivy did not know what to say in the situation they were in. All she could do was stare at Aria, pleading with her to pacify Ian before he lost his composure completely in his anger..

"Ian," Aria held Ian's fingers, mustering all the courage in her. She was familiar with what Ian was feeling, for that was how she had felt before she had killed Kevin. She knew the feeling of the bloodthirst and the desire to kill all the people who had put them in the predicament they were in. But the situation was not at all in their favor, and now was not the time to be reckless and irrational.

"Stuart is right. We need to come up with a plan to tackle the problem we are facing instead of losing our composure. Please calm down and Dr. Davis," Aria glanced at Ivy, who gestured for her to continue. "We prefer the cool and suave Ian instead of a furious and cold one."

This appeased Ian a little, and his anger faded lightly. He closed his eyes to calm his raging heart when he heard Ivy continue.

"I can ask Joshua to come here. He will entertain you until you are not angry at the policeman anymore. But I cannot guarantee you that Joshua will not divert all your fury towards himself, given how he is damn skilled at irking anyone and everyone."

This time, Ian could not control himself, and he burst out laughing. Even Stuart too started laughing on hearing Ivy's words.

"Finally, charming Ian is the best. I think we need to have Joshua on back up so that he can stop Ian from going bonkers in situations like these," Aria uttered.

"Hey, what do you take my boyfriend for? He is not a stand-up comedian, alright? Don't make him one. I prefer him the way he is." Ivy placed her hands on her hips and glared at Aria, only to find her sticking out her tongue at her playfully.

"What can I do if he is an entertainer?"

"Thanks, Aria and Ivy. I am fine now. And Stuart, thank you too." Ian intervened before the sisters started with their playful banter. 

"Since the calm monster is back, we now need to see what the police is upto and why they are hellbent on pushing the blame on me." Aria plopped on the chair and let out a deep sigh, frustrated by all that was happening to them. In just one day, a lot of things had happened and none of them made any sense.

"Will you guys be implicated in this?" Ivy queried, worried for her sister and Ian. Since they were the last ones to visit the ward, there were high chances that the two held suspicious until proven innocent.

"That won't happen. Don't worry. I will retrieve the CCTV footage and see if anyone has actually slipped inside the ward after us. We cannot trust the prison guards now that they are playing games with us. If they are hellbent on making us the scapegoats, I am hellbent on proving them wrong. I will make sure to slap their faces with evidence to prove them wrong."

"Ian, did I ever say that you are so sexy when you get all worked up and become serious? It sure is attractive to see you this way."

"Exactly. You have no idea, Ivy. He is the most handsome doctor I have ever seen, and once his work mode switches on, he becomes even more charming." Aria added, her eyes gleaming in admiration.

"Girls, you do realize that your boyfriends are my best friends. Right? I might divulge all that you have told about me today. I wonder what would happen to you two then." Ian mused and walked around the table to take his seat behind his computer.

"What will happen? While Aria will be wolfed down by her man, Joshua will only threaten to eat me up once he recovers." Ivy shrugged lightly, not caring about the pairs of eyes that had immediately turned towards her. Her brazen words took everyone by shock, especially Stuart, who was new to this kind of bickering.

"Then I will make sure to inform your men about all that you have said today. Let me see if you will be able to survive the apocalypse." Ian said with a chuckle, only to receive a glare from Ivy in return.

"Wait until the day you find a girlfriend, Ian. I will make sure she will torture you well." Ivy too did not hold down and pouted in annoyance, not noticing how Ian's face had changed at her words. His smile slipped and he put on a poker face, hiding his current feelings from his friends.

"What are you doing, Ian?" Aria too missed the changes in him and walked around the table to see what he was up to.

"I am checking the CCTV footage."

"Great. Let's see what we can find out from them." Aria leaned forward while Ian played the video from the moment he and Aria had left the ward. But as the guards had stated, nobody had entered the ward after them. And it was only after a few minutes when the guards entered. And barely a minute after, they exited it only to enter again with a nurse following them.

"How did Linda die then? This clearly shows that we were the last one to enter the ward, and this alone will be enough to hold us suspicious." Aria muttered while Ian looked on.

"We can only wait for the post mortem report. Until then, we are bound and helpless."

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