"It was Jonathan Carter who destroyed my life." Linda spat, her face scrunching up in hatred. It was as though she was ready to battle him out if Jonathan were to be standing in front of him. Her entire being screamed of her resentment towards the old man for what he had done to her.

Aria and Ian's calm and cold composure cracked as soon as they heard Noah's grandfather's name. But their shock barely lasted a moment, and they got back to their calm state immediately. It was evident that Linda was lying. Why would someone as amazing as Jonathan resort to such evil and criminal means and destroy people's lives? It was impossible to even imagine it let alone accept it.

Even though it had been only a few times when Aria had met the eldest Carter, from these meetings alone she had found out how simple and down to earth the old man was. Nothing about him showed him to be involved in such matters and even if someone were to show her evidence against, she was certain not to believe them.

"You are lying." Ian gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in anger. If Linda had not been a woman, he was sure that his fist would have met her face. It was one thing that she blamed Jonathan Carter for her miseries. But it was another to blame the old man in front of him when Ian had nothing but admiration towards him.

"Do you think I am in a situation where I can lie? I am practically at the end of my life. People either want me dead or in prison where I can keep my mouth shut and say nothing. I have secrets with me, valuable secrets that could destroy not only my life as well as the people about whom I have secrets. Why do I have to care about them when I am on my death bed?"

Linda was filled with so much anger that neither Aria nor Ian knew what to speak for a second. "If I am going down, I will take them down with me. Since they were the cause of my destruction, I will be theirs." She exclaimed with resolve.

"Would you mind telling me what Jonathan Carter did to you for you to accuse him?" Aria folded her hands, returning to her intimidating self. She had no idea what Linda was playing at and why she was targeting Noah's grandfather. But whatever it was, she did not trust the woman even for a moment. Her ill intentions were as clear as bay, and she would be a fool to even believe one word of hers.

"Jonathan Carter," Linda scoffed in disgust as soon as she took his name. "Although he did not do anything to me personally, wasn't he the person behind all these crimes? Isn't he the mastermind behind Jared and his men?"

"You are wrong." Ian stopped her before she could continue. He had had enough of her nonsense. To him, it was incomprehensible to even put Grandpa Carter with Jared and Charles, let alone believe him to the man behind all their plans. "Jonathan Carter is an upright man. He would never resolve to such lowly methods."

"That is what even I had thought until I saw Jared and Charles with that old pig." As soon as Linda addressed Noah's grandfather as a pig, Aria had the sudden urge to slap her face hard. But Ian held her hand, stopping her from losing control in time. He himself was not in a better state, and he too was just short of losing his calm. But they were on a mission, and they had to find out what Linda wanted of them, what plan she was conniving and with whom.

"Did you see Jonathan with Charles and Jared?" Ian inquired in disbelief. Though he was still skeptical about the girl's words, he could not completely ignore them either. There were high chances that eldest Carter did meet with Jared or Charles given how they were all into business. But that did not mean he was actually the man who planned the mass destruction in the country.

"Yes, I did. Otherwise, why would I be loathing him with all my life." Linda's eyes narrowed as she shot daggers at Ian. Even though she was charmed by the handsome man before her, her hatred towards the three men got the best of her, clouding her rationality and other senses.

"Where did you meet him?" Ian probed further, wanting to find what exactly had happened for Linda to accuse Jonathan.

"At a conference, I presume." Linda's brows narrowed as she thought about it, and the moment her words left her lips, both Aria and Ian caught onto her lie. Her face clearly showed the uncertainty in her words. 

"I see." Ian stifled a smile while he nodded at Aria. "When did the conference take place, and where?"

"A year ago."

"Okay. Where did it take place?"

This got Linda thinking for a few seconds. "In Australia."

Ian was now sure that the girl was spouting lies blatantly, not knowing the truth at all. Her words completely contradicted reality. Jonathan had stopped attending any conferences since the time he had passed on his business and all his work to his son and grandson almost four years ago. Even if he were to participate in any conference, either Noah or his son, Samuel accompanied him. 

It was highly possible that Jonathan did meet Charles and Jared. But it would not have happened without Noah or Samuel's knowledge. Moreover, as far as Ian remembered, he did not recall the elder Carter ever attending a conference in the last year, let alone a conference in another country. The man had stayed at his warm home, enjoying his blissful life doing what he loved to do, gardening.

"I must commend you for your bravery. You sure are courageous to be spouting lies right in front of us when you already know that we are familiar with Noah and his grandfather." As soon as Ian spoke, Linda's eyes grew wide. She could not conceal her guilt and shock. But soon, she put on a poker face, reverting to her previous self.

"Why do you think I am lying? I knew you would not trust me and why would you when I am nothing but a criminal? You are more well-versed with Jonathan Carter than me. But it was worth a shot." Linda shrugged lightly, her gaze unwavering. "But I am not lying. If you are unwilling to believe me, I can not do anything. I do not have proof with me and I cannot force you to trust me. The only thing I can suggest is to speak to Jonathan himself. I am sure you will find the truth from him."

Linda yawned, her eyelids turning heavy slowly. She pulled the blanket until her chin and looked at Aria and Ian for a moment before she closed her eyes.. It did not take long for her to succumb to the effect of drugs, leaving Ian and Aria to deal with the mess she had thrown them into.

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